#i'm laughing really hard at hope being in a fishtank resenting literally everyone else
taz-writes · 5 years
6 for the AU ask game?
6. AU where your ocs are all various types of animals at a pet store/petting zoo
I MEAN THEY COULD’VE JUST SAID FURSONAS Anyway I’m laughing really hard at this prompt, it’s great, and I know a lot of the answers which is delightful. 
Sayara’s a bird. She’s a red-tailed hawk, specifically, but if we’re choosing pet animals then I’m gonna go for one of those little blue chirpy dudes. My brain keeps saying chickadees but I know that’s wrong, but they’re not cockatiels, uh, uh..... PARAKEETS. I think they’re parakeets. Small, loud, annoying, but way smarter than you think. 
Fianora’s a golden retriever puppy. Either that or she’s actually a chickadee. 
Aelia might be a hamster or some other kind of rodent? I’m having trouble coming up with one for her. She’s not a small person, but she’s scrappy and fast and agile, but she doesn’t have cat energy. She’s not edgy enough to be a wolf, maybe a fox..?
Violet and Lavender are grumpy black cats together. I could also see Violet being some kind of snake, but I want to bring out her soft side. 
Kyrina’s a chihuahua. Like, okay, technically her associated animal symbols are dragons, but the mental image of Ky as a tiny yappy dog is too funny to pass up. It’s true, too, she’s small and she’s literally always ready to throw down. 
Dusk would be a lizard, maybe a chameleon. I’m not really sure why, it just seems appropriate. 
Amalie’s some kind of rare breed of snake. 
Hope is a fish. But in a petting zoo she could also be a deer, maybe, or an owl. Hope would make a good barn owl. 
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