#i'm mostly just confused that people want to watch someone else watch something as opposed to just...a review?
malinthebodyguard · 5 months
I've never understood reaction videos as a YouTube genre
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barnesbabee · 3 years
ᴄʜᴀᴘᴛᴇʀ ꜰᴏᴜʀ- ᴡᴏɴᴅᴇʀʟᴀɴᴅ
WONDERLAND MASTERLIST ⇜ ᴘʀᴇᴠɪᴏᴜꜱ - ꜰᴏᴜʀ-  ɴᴇxᴛ ⟿
White Rabbit - Choi Jongho Absolem (Blue Catterpilar) - Kang Yeosang Cheshire Cat - Kim Hongjoong Mad Hatter - Choi San Haigha (March Hare) - Jung Wooyoung Tweedle Dee - Song Mingi Tweedle Dum - Jeong Yunho Bloody Red King - Park Seonghwa
[Send me a DM, an ask or comment to be added to the tag list] Big thanks to my dear friend @smallfrye for making the banner <3
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“She, my friends, is going to trick the King.”
The room echoed with gasps from the crowd.
"Aaaabsolem," the Hatter sang "are you trying to take my place as the mad one? That is not very nice!"
"I'm dead serious. The King has obviously taken a liking to her, she came back to us with a dress and with her head still attached to her body. The King took her for a stroll in the garden! She's the only one that can get close to him. Get close to him, and kill him."
You tilted your head and furrowed your eyebrows as you looked at him in disbelief. Was he serious?
"Sir, or whatever it is I'm supposed to call a caterpillar, I'm not about to kill someone."
"Tell me, what are you going to do?"
You gulped. You didn't know what to do. You didn't know where you were, you weren't even sure you were alive. But from not knowing what to do to committing murder, it went a long, long way.
"I can help you get close to him. That is as far as I'll go. I don't know the laws of this place or the morals anyone has, but where I'm from you can't just kill someone."
The hatter walked closer to you and caressed your cheek.
"My dear, the only law in Wonderland is that you can't disrespect the King's wishes."
"And does the King wish to die?"
The Hatter laughed loudly.
"I supposed not... Sucks to be him I guess! Off you go!" The Hatter said, grabbing your old dress and pushing you into a room to get dressed back into the horrid black and red, heart-decorated dress.
Once you came back all of their faces scrunched in disgust. The King really had ruined red for everyone...
"Alright beautiful, hmm here's the deal," Cheshire told you, twirling and swirling around in the air before settling right beside you "I have so kindly volunteered to take you to the castle. You're not entering thought, you will lay right outside under one of the trees, and you will pretend to be passed out, as our dear Tweedles inform the King that they saw a pretty lady with a black and red dress passed out not far from the castle. The card Knights will bring you in and you will tell the King you were scared when he started yelling. Apologize. You have to apologize, make sure he knows that you think you're in the wrong, because if he starts thinking that you blame him for something he'll lose his mind... And you'll lose your head!"
His tongue grazed along his sharp teeth and he chuckled lowly.
"And that's where Hatter comes in. After a few days, you tell him that he should get a new crown, a bigger one, and you suggest him to commission one from your good friend Hatter. And when Hatter tries to get the measurements, he'll kill the king. Make sure you find the witch in the castle, the King keeps her locked in a cage where she can't perform her magic."
You looked around the room, meeting everyone's expectant (and slightly insane) eyes.
"Fine, but you have to promise that while I'm away you find a way out of here, to send me back home."
The Wonderlanders looked around, with uncertainty in their eyes. They agreed to the promise they knew they would never be able to accomplish. They didn't even know where to start! But if lying was a step closer to their freedom, then so be it.
After going over the plan once more, Cheshire escorted you to the palace. The trip was mostly quiet, aside from his incessant humming and occasional curious questions about your origins. Cheshire kind of scared you... Although he was quite small compared to everyone else you had met, something about him made him very eerie. Maybe it was the way he smiled so widely, maybe it was his sharp teeth or the way his fearless eyes stared at everyone with a seemingly ghoulish look, but the fact was that he scared you beyond belief.
"Hmm, we're here darling." Cheshire sang in his creepy, mellow voice.
You looked at him briefly and watched him disappear into thin air without so much as a goodbye.
You laid under the big tree. The stump was purple and its blue leaves formed a big heart (unsurprisingly), and the soft foliage slowly fell beside you as you tried your best to seem passed out. Soon enough you heard the familiar heavy footsteps and rustling of armor, and you assumed the card Knights were near.
"Miss?" A raspy, deep voice called, as the owner poked you with his sharp spear.
You slowly opened your eyes and pretended to be confused with your surroundings.
"Miss it appears you have passed out. The King requires your immediate presence in the castle."
The faceless card Knight commanded two other Knights to pick you up, and so they did, carrying you to the castle not so gently. Once you were past the big, heavy gates you could see the King anxiously (or furiously, you couldn't quite tell) pacing around the big garden decorating the front of the castle.
"Here she is, my King."
The cards released you roughly, nearly pushing you onto the ground.
"Careful! Idiots!" The King yelled and scurried to help you.
He looked into your fearful eyes, and although he could not recognize emotions to save a life, he could tell something wasn't right.
"Should we go for a stroll? I must talk to you..."
You accepted the King's request by taking the hand he extended to you.
"I-I'm sorry for running away, I shouldn't have done that."
You looked down at the grass as you apologized, too afraid to look him in the eye.
"Do I scare you?"
You stopped dead in your tracks and glanced briefly at the King. His eyes were not evil but showed curiosity and hurt instead.
There was a conflict in you, between wanting to be honest and wanting to keep your head. You flinched suddenly as the King's cold hands held yours.
"Please be honest, if the reply must be yes I promise there will be no consequences..."
You gulped.
"Well... Yes, you do scare me a little."
The King looked at the ground, with an adorably confused expression and scrunched nose.
"I guess I could have guessed that... But please, what scared you? What can I do to... not scare you?"
You were baffled that the tyrant King of this land was willing to change for someone like you.
"You must calm down Seonghwa, the way you yelled at someone because of the roses really scared me... Especially the way you asked to get them killed."
The King looked genuinely confused.
"But darling, don't they look so much better in red? Besides, what am I supposed to do to the incompetent peasants?"
"Well, maybe you could reward the people who do well, so the people who don't do well will work harder!"
The King had a disgusted face as you suggested that.
"My darling they are hardly people..."
You looked at him apprehensively.
"Fine, I'll consider your proposal, but only if you join me for dinner. I want to get to know you better."
"I accept your invitation, I have some questions myself."
The King took your hand and lead you inside the palace and up the slippery marble stairs. Everything in the castle was adorned with gold, and every wall had a painting of the King. Both of your shoes clicked against the floor in a movie-like way as you made your way into the big dining hall, that had all types of expensive-looking food.
"Where should I sit?"
The King stood behind a chair right on the other end of the table.
"Here, of course, opposed to me."
You cocked your head and looked at him as if he was stupid.
"Seonghwa how are we supposed to talk if we're so far away?"
"Hm..." The King thought for a second, tapping his chin with his index finger "Well I suppose you could sit next to me."
You smiled and took a seat next to the one where the King sat. It was pretty obvious from the extravagant, unique chair that it was there where he usually sat to have his meals.
"Well, I don't mean to sound rude but I don't even know your name. What should I call you?"
You watched a frogman served the King a couple of slices of whatever animal was roasted and served in a silver platter in front of you. You hadn't even realized he didn't know your name.
"Y/N, my name is Y/N."
"Oh! What a peculiar name! Tell me, Y/N, what is it that you want to ask me?"
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Hello again! (I'm the one who asked about requests) might I suggest... autistic sides/side hopping in crunchy leaves for sound stim + happy flapping arms? It's so fun, I love the crunchy noise
Falling Leaves
Summary: Patton adored the fall.
Not for the cooler weather or the variety of pumpkin-spiced food items—though he liked those things too. No, Patton adored the fall for all the leaves that came with it, leaping and bouncing from crunch to crunch, boots hitting the pavement and bringing a smile to his face.
Logan learns to understand this.
Pairing: Platonic Logicality
A/N: Lucky for you, I adored this prompt and started writing it pretty much as soon as I saw it. It’s probably the most fun I’ve had writing a fic in quite a long time, even if it’s not particularly complex or emotional. So here! I hope you enjoy!
Patton hopped across the sidewalk outside their house, jumping from one leaf to the next and delighting at the sounds they produced. Some were wet and disappointing, smushing under his boots and leaving an absence in his chest but some—some—made that wonderful…
Patton echoed the word aloud as another leaf was flattened beneath his shoes, unable to stop the giggle that erupted from his chest. It felt childish but, at the same time, he couldn’t bring himself to care—people were always gonna judge him for one thing or another, might as well have fun with it.
“Crunch, crunch,” Patton echoed again, stepping on two different leaves in quick succession. Unfortunately, one did not make the lovely noise he had expected and he frowned for a moment, searching around for one that would.
“Patton, what are you doing out here?”
Glancing up from the ground, Patton saw Logan approaching him, groceries in hand from his trip to the shops. Patton gave him a big grin and watched Logan nod his head in acknowledgement—not really one for exaggerated expressions.
“I’m crunching the leaves!” Patton explained, eyes still distractedly scanning the ground for any that he might have missed, “They make this really cool sound when you step on ‘em and it’s-”
The rest of that sentence was simply Patton flapping his hands happily but he was sure Logan was familiar enough with that stim to understand exactly what he was trying to convey.
Logan simply hummed his reply, seemingly satisfied with the explanation, before turning to head into the house and leaving Patton to his crunching.
It was only a few minutes before Patton found himself mostly out of fresh leaves. Autumn had only really just begun and Patton had possibly jumped the gun in his leaf excursion but in his defence, he had been really excited. Now though, Patton headed inside, knowing that the cold seeping into his exposed arms and legs had demanded it far before he’d decided it was worth it to listen.
Logan wandered into the hall at the sound of the door closing, just catching Patton’s sigh as he rubbed at his arms, trying to warm up a bit. 
“Why did you return so quickly? You seemed to be enjoying yourself.”
He had a feeling Logan only really knew that because Patton had told him as such. The reasoning behind it was irrelevant anyway, he was just happily surprised that Logan even cared enough to ask.
“I’m out of leaves,” Patton stated plainly.
“Out of leaves? What do you mean? There’s an infinitesimal amount of leaves in Flo-”
“Lo, I don’t think that word means what you think it means.”
Logan blinked for a moment. “…Well, regardless, I think it’s near impossible for you to run out of leaves”
“I mean, around the area, at least. I’m sure there’s some elsewhere but we’re not elsewhere, are we?”
Patton tried not to be too overtly disappointed by his statement, knowing that though Logan may not be the most intuitive of the four of them, he was almost certainly scanning Patton for any irregularity in his body language.
“We could be…” Logan said thoughtfully.
A confused sound drew from Patton’s throat but no one was there to hear it as Logan had already ascended the stairs out of Patton’s line of sight.
Almost immediately, Patton picked up a stim toy from the kitchen table, fiddling with it absentmindedly and wondering if Logan had any real plans to return.
He had a tendency to do things like that, wandering off, poorly estimating the amount of time his task will take and returning several hours later as if he expected the person he left to still be there. Or sometimes he would want the person to follow but wouldn’t clearly instruct it, resulting in him turning around to say something and finding only empty space.
Just as Patton was about to head up to see if he was needed, Logan finally came back into view, several coats and scarves piled in his hands. Carefully, he passed one to Patton who opened it up to find his favourite winter coat—light blue with little white pawprints on it and fur around the hood. 
“Would you like to go for a walk with me?” Logan asked as Patton looked up at him questioningly, “We can find more leaves on the way.”
The grin Patton gave him was blinding. “I think I’d like that.”
He flapped his hands absently as Logan locked the door behind the two of them, anticipating all the fun stimming to come.
Stepping on leaves was such a seasonal thing, giving him only a small window to be able to enjoy it, and Patton was delighted at the chance to wring as much pleasure out of it as he could.
There was quiet as they walked, occasionally interspersed with excited giggles or a muttered “crunch” from Patton. Logan didn’t seem to be paying Patton too much mind but sometimes when Patton flapped particularly hard he caught Logan drumming his fingers against his thigh quickly—a stim of his own—so he knew he was being granted at least some of Logan’s attention.
Logan spoke up as they turned a corner, hearing Patton make an awed noise at the number of leaves he could see.
“What is… the appeal… of this exactly?” Logan’s voice was careful, not judging but mostly curious—exactly what Patton would have expected from him.
Patton hummed for a second as he thought, stepping on a nearby leaf.
“Well… part of it is trying to figure out which leaves are gonna make the sounds you want. I think that’s the bit that’d appeal to you, anyway. You gotta look at the leaf very carefully—” he interrupted himself with a short hop, smiling at the crunch that resulted—“so you know which one’s the right kind of leaf!”
“And what are the criteria for the… right kind of leaf?” Logan asked, eying the ground with a kind of suspicion that Patton had to try not to giggle at.
“I can’t tell you, Lo, that’d take all the fun out of it!”
Logan furrowed his brow for a moment, screwing up his mouth before taking a step forward onto one of the leaves in their path. Patton watched his shoulders drop at the way it was smushed into the concrete but rather than becoming discouraged Logan scanned the ground again, taking another step forward. 
This time, as Logan’s boot descended upon the leaf, Patton heard a—“Crunch.”—Patton’s word quietly mirroring the sound Logan had created.
He glanced briefly at Logan, seeing the corners of his mouth quirk up ever so slightly, his hand moving to tap quickly against his leg again. Thankfully, Logan didn’t return the look, eyes focused firmly on the ground where more leaves could be found.
With a quick scan of the walkway, Patton bounded forward a rather large distance, landing on another leaf and grinning as he was successful yet again.
He turned his grin on Logan, watching him step on every leaf before him until finally reaching one of the right ones.
“Crunch,” Logan replied softly and Patton beamed in response. 
Their walk, while fairly quiet before, was now filled with twice as many quiet crunches—both from the leaves underfoot and the mouths of the two walking. 
Patton was happy flapping twice as much too, ecstatic to be sharing in this experience with someone else for the first time since his childhood. He had been a bit worried that Logan wouldn’t enjoy it or would think it was too silly—as opposed to Patton, Logan had issues surrounding not being taken seriously—but he was so very glad to be proven wrong. 
And as they arrived back at the house, Logan saying goodbye with a nod and a small smile that hadn’t been present before, Patton made a mental note to ask Logan out for a walk again before fall was over.
Taglist: @mutechild @super-magical-wizard @shadowsfromthesun @teadays @sandersships @camcam774 @autism-goblin @deadlyhuggles6 @romanthestarstruckqueer @whispers-stuff-in-your-ear @rainboots-are-for-snobs @sanders-and-sides @spirits-in-my-thoughts @kee-and-co @autistic-virgil @stop-it-anxiety @figurative-falsehood @jadedfantasies231 @poisonedapples @sanders-screams @another-sandersidesblog @do-not-just-see-observe @mychemicalpanicattheemo @thomassandersenthusiast @localagendergrape @fandomsofrandom @idosanderssidespromptssometimes
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