#i'm no artist so don't judge this too harshly lol i just wanted to get him out of my brain
daz4i · 2 years
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my new boy william, created with my beloved @dangerousfantasist
a velvet room attendant who makes use of igor’s weakening state and reality becoming fragile during the third semester, kicking igor and lavenza out to take over akiren’s velvet room because he’s tired of being told what to do, and he wants independence and power of his own
(yes i am aware this is tiny and blurry. do you know how hard it is to find a good pic of the velvet room without igor in it. i’m not gonna draw a background but i just had to let Him out into the world whatever it takes)
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shunshuntaiga · 3 years
First lines meme!
List the first lines of the last ten stories you published. Look to see any patterns you notice yourself, and see if anyone else notices any!
Then tag some friends!
Tagged by the lovely @sidleyparkhermit
1. "If you're going to rob the dead, the least you can do is bury them after." - Just Rest Now, The Wheel of Time.
My first foray into fanfic and boy did I live up to my title as king of rare pairs lol a not quite verbatim quote from the wot show, with Thom Merrilin's first appearance. I liked exploring the well overdone concept that funerals make people long for the closeness of others. Whether it's romantic or no.
2. "I promise I'm fine. We can keep walking." Rand protested, his irritation plain on his face. - Knife Play. The Wheel of Time
I really like starting with talking, don't I? I guess because it's easier to get right into the meat and potatoes of the story that way. Plus I'm big on dialog. I like the play that comes with a good bit of conversation or banter.
3. The barn was small and dingy, illuminated only by the light of a tiny cast iron lantern that their host had provided them, only served to make it look even smaller and dirtier. - A warmth so unlike home. The Wheel of Time.
Jesus christ, looking back that's a mouthful. To be fair I think I wrote and posted this at 3am? So I won't judge myself too harshly.
4. The thin veil of a curtain shimmered in the warm breeze from the window, a patch of blue sky just visible from behind its gently swaying lengths. - Breaking the Wheel, the wheel of time.
Much better than the last wall of text lol This one I did kind of at request, but also because I thought it would be fun.
5. In Thom's expert opinion, most good days begin in bed. - Dream of Me. The Wheel of Time.
It was very fun writing from Thom's perspective! I think because generally speaking, I am more of a Thom like character than I am a Mat. At least from my limited knowledge lol
6. When Thom awoke, the light of dawn was just starting to peek through the slatted windows of the inn's room, and the pink glow washed over the tiny space giving it an almost ethereal look. - A soft morning. The Wheel of Time.
Hmmmm... I like starting with a mouthful of exposition is what I'm discovering XD I can't help it! I'm a sucker for setting the scene!! I'm a story board artist at heart, and it shows lol
7. His boots splashed down into the gutter, the fierce downpour causing him to slip as his shoes caught on the rotting leaves and debris of the crowded city. - Adrenaline. The Wheel of Time.
.....I have no excuse for this one lmao. I wanted to write a stupid smutty thing for valentine's day because once again I am single and lonely lol
Aaaaaaand that's all my published fics! I've got some unpublished that I'm working on (I promise it's not all wot lol) but it's not ready for the world yet. Really the one thing I see going over them, is that I love descriptions. Despite the fact that I claim to hate descriptions when reading. I love telling people how the light bounces in a room, or how the wet grass feels... it's just pleasant to write and I hope, pleasant to read.
Unfortunately I don't think I have any writter friends who haven't already been tagged, so you know the drill on my page. If you feel like doing it, consider yourself tagged!
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