#i'm not chastising anyone im just tired of seeing the same process over and over again
thottybrucewayne · 1 year
So like...I wasn't sure how to address this, so I decided to wait until I could articulate my thoughts as clearly and carefully as possible.
I think that lesbians, esp in online spaces, need to be more accommodating to lesbians that don't fit into gender boxes. It really shouldn't take all of this explaining to understand that.
And before anyone starts, this isn't me saying that lesbians have to go out and marry a man or whatever. It's about just acknowledging the fact that the language we use to describe ourselves and how we treat people within the community that don't neatly fit into that language needs work. Bad.
It's not enough to slap "nb" or" "gnc" on a post and feel as tho it's inclusive enough. Idk if you know this, but we recognize when we're being tolerated instead of accepted.
We know that yall just think of us as undercover women or just having fun with pronouns. I think there needs to be a real conversation about how some of yall think of lesbians and bi people who exist outside of your comfort zone with gender as lesser. Someone asking about where multigender or genderfluid lesbians or bi people fit into our spaces shouldn't be handwaved away because it's inconvenient to think about.
The fact that yall even look at questions about multigender lesbians and bi people in our spaces as some sort of gotcha to "prove lesbians can be into men." is a problem in itself. Multigender lesbians and multigender bi people aren't some fantasy hypothetical cooked up in a lab to disrupt the lesbian community or whatever.
There IS a genuine concern when it comes to how we can make the community more accommodating and it's frustrating that we can't even TALK about how without the discussion devolving into "stop trying to find ways to make lesbians technically attracted to men!" As if listening to and talking to the multigender lesbians and bi people who ARE in our community and BEEN in our community will force lesbians to date them??????? The statement "Lesbians can be attracted to multigendered people" shouldn't stir up a "lesbians want nothing to do with men" debate because that's NOT what we were talking about.
Multigender lesbians and bi people aren't the enemy. They in our spaces already! They're a part of us already! They have every right to speak on their treatment within the community and what we, AS A UNIT can do to improve.
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