#i'm not even including Spamton images in the post because obviously you all know what he looks like but also
maxwell-grant · 2 years
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A Spam-Email Supervillain? Click Below To Learn More About The Missing Link Of [Hyperlink Blocked]
I was doing some digging around characters from Monica’s Gang (gave it a basic rundown here when discussing it’s biggest villain, Capitão Feio / Captain Fray) and I found a character I completely forgot existed.
Doctor Spam is one of the main villains of Monica’s Gang, usually the go-to character for any storyline that uses computers or technology. He’s not used quite as often as the others thanks to his niche but still a character they bring back a reasonable amount. He is the evil alter-ego of a man Professor Spada, the gang’s kind-hearted computing teacher who was based on creator Mauricio de Souza’s son (Mauricio Spada, who passed away in 2016). 
Debuting in 2005, Doctor Spam first emerges when Professor Spada is called to install a computer in Monica’s room, and she accidentally hits him with her plush bunny (named Samson). Because Samson is a weapon of mass destruction in her hands, the good professor Spada gets knocked away and zapped, transforming into his alter-ego Doctor Spam and trapping the gang inside the computer, only reverting to his “good self” when hit with an anti-spam program. Later appearences would state that he transforms when struck by lightning, or under stress, transforming into his alter-ego intent on taking over the world via mind-control, who usually spends a lot of time waging digital warfare against children and hitting them with lightning bolts.
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Doctor Spam has a bunch of different powers revolving around computers and viruses and games, so varied that he’s basically omnipotent so long as you don’t have an anti-virus system or find a way to disable his power source. Among said powers includes the ability to transport people into the computer world he rules, infect computers attached to a network, freely create a “score” currency that transforms those who eat them, flood you with damaging forms of spam email and ads and messages, mind control people with specialized roots, etc.
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At some point he also decided dressing in white labcoat was for weenies so he tried to switch out for a black outfit. He can also turn himself into a giant robot form called MegaSpam, with purple-black hair and a pointier nose.
And doing further research also showed me he got another redesign circa 2014 when he showed up for the Chico Bento manga and okay now you’re just fucking with me
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this redesign was also part of a story where we get to learn a bit about how Doctor Spam has always been engineering Professor Spada’s transformations by altering his brain chemistry via electricity, and that Spada’s well-intentioned attempts to create a supercomputer capable of helping prevent grasshopper plagues eventually were utilized by Doctor Spam in order to engineer a plague of electronic grasshoppers that would systematically wipe out all vegetation and trapping people in coccoons to reprogram their minds and have them build his perfect world, a plan he explains with a handy dandy “Spamographic” and a drawing of the great cyber city he wants to create called S.P.A.M.I.A
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I’m sure none of this [ring-ring-ring]s any bells whatsoever, but man, maybe Doctor Spam was never gonna really take off into big pop culture stardom, even disregarding the popularity of Monica’s Gang overseas. I mean, a spam email-based villain? With that wacko hair and goggles and nose and grin and big showoff personality? And he’s both friend and enemy at once? With him being a hard-working young man with big dreams and ambitions that get tragically dashed, and he winds up becoming this deranged cartoon of himself who schemes for power, and rampages when he has it, and needs to be stopped and saved from himself by the same group of kids he's trying to destroy? 
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Eh, too much of a long shot, I'd say.
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