#i'm not even putting this in a 'my writing' tag fbsfnadnsdk
henrikvanderswoon · 4 years
MURDER AT TURQUOISE INN: A Nancy Drew Story Written by 10-year-old Yours Truly Readthrough
Alright, guys, you asked for it! It’s pouring down rain outside, I’ve grabbed some tea, I have my entire Nancy Drew game music track playlist going, and I’m ready to crack this s nutcase wide open.
Absolute ridiculousness below: 
The fact that this story is titled “Murder at Turquoise Inn” is already sending me, and it has nothing to do with the fact that I spelled it terquoice on the cover page.
I also started this story out with a letter to Ned. God bless. 
Dear Ned, Beth Robertson was murdered! 
As if Ned (or anyone else) even knows who the fuck Beth Robertson is, Nancy. 
I named the owner of the inn Tina Mulberry, and I think that was very sexy of me. 
“I turned to do something, and when I came back, she was dead on the floor! I could tell because her heart wasn’t beating and she wasn’t breathing!”
I mean… that’ll do it, Tina. That’ll do it. 
Oh, but she can’t prove anything now because she ran to get help and when she returned the body was fucking MISSING.
Bess throws a conniption fit every time someone says “Beth.”
“Oh, hello, Nancy,” she greeted.
“Hello,” Nancy greeted back. 
That is some…some god-tier writing right there. 
I really had no concept of space and time in fifth grade.
It was a huge room. Bigger than the cafeteria in Ned’s college.
Oh, was it? 
A message from the author: Hey kiddos, if you’re snooping around in someone’s closet and you come across a completely conspicuous button just chilling on the wall, don’t press it.
The three girls came out of the closet.
Well, there you have it, folks. Nancy, Bess, and George are gay. Everyone’s gay. Even your cat is gay.
Tina has a niece named Lily who calls her Mrs. Mulberry. Also, Tina consistently neglects her work duties in favor of writing a screenplay at the front desk computer and I have no idea why. 
The murderer is walking around leaving stupid messages with the drawing of a knife on them trying to curse everyone and I’m so confused. Where the hell was I going with this? 
The lines in this thing are really just peak writing:
George took off after him at a safe distance to avoid being seen. But BAD LUCK FOR HER, the man jumped into a car and drove off.
 Someone sabotaged the girls’ rental car while they were away from the hotel, and this couple they literally just met are like: “I just remembered, we have an extra car that we don’t use. You could use that.” Who the fuck–?
Uh, oh. They got back to the hotel and found their own curse lying in Bess’ suitcase:
This sounds like a ten-year-old wrote it… wAiT A MiNutE–
Literally nothing in this story explains what the curse would even do to them. I love myself.
The culprit: *leaves threatening messages warning people not to speak about the murder or they’ll be cursed*
“Oh, hello,” Jackson greeted.
“Hi,” Nancy said. “Say! Have you heard about the murder?”
“I’m going to the store to, um, get some stuff. Like food.”
“But there’s foot here.”
“I just want to BUY things, okay? You’re so NOSEY!”
Jackson stormed off, leaving Nancy astonished. That put him on her suspect list FOR SURE.
This is a literary gem.
The way the dialogue sounds in this thing…I mean you can just tell the only written media I had been consuming at that time was the 1930′s books. 
“I think,” Nancy replied. “That tomorrow we should go to the place where I followed Jackson.”
Giving me Scooby-Doo vibes too. 
The number of times Bess says something like, “Why, Nancy!” or “This is horrid!” really makes me want to turn this into a drinking game. Take a shot every time Bess speaks like Dorothy from the Wizard of Oz. 
“Oh, fiddlesticks,” Bess exclaimed. 
No comment. 
Also, Nancy’s unadulterated sass my fifth-grade self gave her is both the worst and the best thing I’ve ever seen: 
“But what if the house isn’t empty?” Bess asked. 
“Bess, please. Ever heard of the word: S-N-E-A-K?”
I want to harpoon myself. 
There’s an elaborate maze of tunnels running underground that connects the hotel to this sketchy house miles away. The characters consistently find themselves back there several times throughout the story and literally nothing about it makes any sense at all, nor is it ever explained.  
“Man, that passageway confuses me,” said George.
Thank you, George, it confuses all of us. 
I’m actually embarrassed about how many times I refer to the group of characters as a “threesome” or a “foursome” in this thing. It’s really just the worst.
The culprit purposefully leaves behind their real initials multiple times in this story and has the audacity to be surprised when they get caught at the end? Iconique™. 
“I’m just a weird ol’ guy, Sweety-Cakes.” 
Ned, are you okay? Was I okay when I wrote this? 
Ned’s coming to visit, and he brings Burt and Dave with him and boy howdy did I forget about those two. 
“This mystery sounds dangerous,” Burt remarked. “Shouldn’t you leave this case to the men?” 
“I’d like to see you try,” Nancy fired back.
Yaaaassss, Queen. Get his ass. 
Also the murderer has now resorted to hitting people with a driverless vehicle and I’m honestly convinced ten-year-old me was on drugs. 
“Good! We were starting to get worried about you.” 
“Oh, don’t worry about me. I…wait…wait, actually, worry about me!” 
The line goes dead here because Lily’s car was uhhhh T-boned. 
My only regret in this story is that the Hardy Boy’s are not here. Although, in hindsight, they’re probably lucky they didn’t get subjected to this shitshow. 
Meanwhile, George thought maybe Bess had made a mistake and walk’s into the men’s bathroom. She walked in but found no one–well, except a bunch of screaming men. 
I don’t even know what to say. 
They went to see Lily in the hospital and Bess got hit by a driverless car in the fucking parking lot. WHAT KIND OF MADWOMAN WOULD WRITE THIS I CAN’T BREATHE.
That night, back at the hotel, Nancy gets lured out of the hotel and into the back forest behind it because someone’ s playing weird music and I’m just now realizing my child self had no idea what kind of theme to run with here (murder, hauntings, curses, GTA) so I just went with all of them at once.
“I could just destroy it,” Ned said as he studied the lock. “Stand back.” Backing up a few yards, he bolted for the cabin door and broke it down with a strong kick. “For Nancy!” he shouted. 
HeR Interactive’s Ned could never.
 So they find Nancy tied up in a cabin in the woods and, lo and behold there’s a trap door that LeADs InTo tHE UnDeRGroUnD TuNnEls. Who’da thunk?
And of course they find a journal written in code, and the code key just happens to have been left in the cabin. 
“I’ve written this journal in code so if anyone finds it, they will not discover my secret. Okay, now that I’ve said that, here is my secret.” 
This is the first line Nancy decodes. I’m…
Naturally, we find out that Beth Robertson was not dead, but just kidnapped (don’t even ask me how the fuck they got her body to appear dead…drugs?) and being held in the underground tunnels. 
Because this makes perfect sense. 
“You seem different. Your voice doesn’t sound the same and you’re a little shorter than you usually…” Tiffany trailed off. “You are Jackson, aren’t you?”
“No,�� Ned said. “Thanks for asking.” 
This is 100 times funnier without context so I’m not giving you any. 
I don’t know about you guys, but if I was arranging a meeting with a colleague and they showed up in a ski mask and a hooded cloak, I’d be a little suspicious.
“But you’ re supposed to be delivering Nancy Drew poisonous flowers from her ‘boyfriend.’”
Oh my god this bitch pulls a gun on Ned and together the rest of the group (you know, the ones who haven’t been hit by a car) fucking go APESHIT on this woman’s ass. I CAN’T BREATHE. 
And of course they find Beth tied up somewhere in the tunnels and get her to safety, and they learn that Bess and Lily are recovering well in the hospital and go to visit them and everything’s all bright and happy. 
THE LAST LINE OF THE STORY HAS ME SCREAMING, THOUGH. To the point where I’m just gonna sign off here and leave you all with it. 
“Man.” Lily looked sad. “I wish I hadn’t missed almost the whole thing.” 
Bess spoke up. “I, on the other hand, am glad.” 
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