#i'm not even surprised by spop's writing anymore
you know, adora being the one who always made the promises that she would stay with catra, that she would bring catra home etc. just feels wrong to me.
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adora never left catra. as much as this series shows that catra is the abandoner, it loves to tell the opposite and do some victim blaming with adora. that second scene basically tries to tell us that "adora left catra and now is trying to save her back" when the series itself shows that adora never even left catra to begin with. about the promise, it simply was made to make people believe even more about what i said previously: "adora is the abandoner" (just like the first scene).
now, what did catra promise? absolutely nothing. she never even apologized properly for being an abuser and war criminal, why would she promise anything like adora does? it would be so much more meaningful if catra made a promise that, for example, she would change after properly realizing what she did wrong and actually fulfilled that, with a proper development, but that didn't happen.
because of course adora has to apologize for everything and carry this relationship in her back. i mean, it's part of her character to apologize for everything, but what exactly did catra do for adora that wasn't at least toxic? yes, she stayed with adora for once at the end and then proceeded to lie in her own confession, victim blame adora, and insult her as an idiot (thing that adora had internalized).
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antiloreolympus · 3 years
May I ask why you dislike LO? I enjoy reading the series, and there are faults in the writing (as no series is perfect) and I have my own gripes with it, but overall I just really like the myth of Hades and Persephone.
I'll admit there were things that made me uncomfortable when I first started reading it (and they still kinda do) like Persephone being a teenager while Hades is, what - 40-60ish? The timeline (of the story taking place over the course of only a few weeks, when a Lot of stuff is going on), Hera the goddess of marriage having an affair, Demeter being an overbearing mother who financially takes advantage of her daughter, some of the flashbacks (like specifically the one where a much younger Kore meets a drunken Hades and falls on top of him while naked? And its played off as a meet cute)
But thats besides the point - I'm curious as to why you don't like LO and/or the creator of it I guess?
Also your posts are showing up in the lore Olympus tag - (and I know there's probably a seperate "anti-lo" tag but I also wouldn't be surprised if angry anons came into your inbox for spamming the tag of the webcomic they like with criticism, because apparently thats what people do on this hellsite instead of just blocking). And, of course your entitled to critique the series, but I'm sure some people are not going to be happy about that. (I say this as a person who enjoys critiquing media, like netflix's spop reboot, and have had angry anons come at me before, so stay safe out there).
Also, sorry this is so long.
Heyo! And I understand
I'll take this time to get into why I don't like each character as it's one of the reasons I don't like LO as a whole:
(Some I removed because there isn't much to say about them)
Main Characters:
• Hades - Man in his Late 30s to Early 40s actively pursuing a 'teenaged girl'.... He acknowledged that this was wrong at yet pursues her anyway? Plus, he's perfectly fine with slave labor and using his power/status to get his way. His character is also inconsistent when it comes to Minthe because one minute he can stand up for himself and the next he's terrified?
• Persephone - An overly sexualized teen who acts like a child. She also killed people but it was because of a 'feeling'. She still committed murder and yet it's framed as a "well, it's not her fault" but I'm also supposed to believe this 19-20 yr old would make a great and feared queen.
• Hera - Not only does she treat the lower class like garbage but she's also a hypocrite (the affair). Plus, she just randomly goes back on her word about Hades being a creep for no reason.
• Eros - Put a girl in some random dude's car and gave her "apology donuts" as a sorry gift 😒
• Minthe - She was coded with bpd which wouldn't be a bad thing if she wasn't so demonized by the story.
• Apollo - How come this dude is one of the most prevalent people in the story and we don't get a strong motive for him until season 2? Even then, we barely know anything else about him. I get the whole "well, he did this so I don't want a backstory for him" but at least give him a solid motive. One that comes from him directly.
• Thetis - One of the sweetest people gets turned into a homewrecker for no reason. Even then, people gloss over her being verbally manipulative to Minthe.
• Leto - Also verbally manipulative to her daughter. How comes RS decided to demonize the goddess of motherhood, too? There's really no justifiable reason for that.
• Hecate  - Also switched up about Hades and Persephone. Let's not forget her hitting Hades 3 times and him having to tell her to stop.
• Artemis - I get letting her brother in the house but Eros and Hermes? That's just inconsistency right there.
• Demeter - Got demonized for the 5973th time 😔🤚
• Aphrodite - Also rude to the lower class but it makes more sense as she's Aphrodite. Still rude af though.
• Hermes - Man got mad at Thanatos for "messing with his money" as if he didn't cover the whole thing up with Demeter      
• Hestia + Athena - Just hypocrites and the fact that they're supposed to be (aro)ace goddesses.
• Ares - He and Persephone also made out when she was 18 and I assume he was way, way older. Plus, him simping for Persephone in front of Aphrodite was an odd move.
• Hephaestus - This issue has more to do with RS's writing because how the hell did he hack Apollo's phone from Persephone's sim card alone and why is that just never explained?
• Daphne - Excusing nepotism as if Thanatos doesn't work in the same place as Persephone
Now, onto the story:
Its pacing is slow but also extremely fast for what it is. Everything (excluding flashbacks) has taken place over the course of 2-3 weeks. Persephone literally gets SA'd the day after the party. But then you have to think about how Persephone and Hades are probably going to get married like a month after their second meeting. We haven't even gotten to the trial yet and it feels like we never will with how slow everything is. LO honestly isn't made to be like a regular webtoon, it's made to be binged like a Netflix show or something. That would be fine but I can tell from interviews that it wasn't RS's intentions.
Also, RS herself? Yeah, don't really vibe with what she says a good portion of the time
I'll show some examples:
Not all of them are bad, just very weird
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Besides the wonky art, she does have potential but LO doesn't really show her skill. Hopefully, she does learn from this comic though.
About the hate, I honestly don't care that much anymore as it really doesn't change much. I respond but only because I find it funny/entertaining when someone tries to tells me what to do with my own freetime.
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