#i'm not going to tag the ship directly since that errs too close to putting hate in the tag
flashstep-connoisseur · 7 months
The absolute State of Samarie/Marina content on this site is driving me nuts because everyone goes "teehee toxic yuri because Samarie's a stalker" while completely ignoring that Marina just fucking HATES Samarie's guts which is why it's actually toxic yuri god damn it
In every scenario where a non-player character Marina meets Samarie in Rher's Church of Alll-Mer Playplace, she tears into her so hard that Samarie moonscorches on the spot, and even if you're playing as Marina and get to Samarie on Day 1 Morning, the dialogue options that get her to calm down are full of barely-represssd rage. People focus on Samarie killing Marina's awful dad and kinda forget that Marina already had extremely complicated feelings about him that were exacerbated by, you know, seeing him DIE and robbing her of the chance to get the closure that she made the mistake of going back to Prehevil for, and the culprit's this girl who fucking dares to say that she knows her, that she's dug into her deepest most closely held secrets. And the worst part is that Samarie claims to love Marina for all her faults that she ripped out of her mind, all the secret, hidden, ugly emotions and hangups that Marina still violently hates herself for! That's the worst part to Marina!
So yeah seeing pretty much all of the Samarina art and fic being lovey-dovey and full of fluff is starting to get on my nerves because it's doing a disservice to what could be a way more interesting character dynamic. Where's the content of Marina regretting her decision to bring Samarie back to the train and pinning Samarie against the wall of a locked cabin with a knife to her throat, then finally snapping so hard when she sees Samarie is INTO that she has violent, bloody hatesex with her to try and make her regret ever getting obsessed with Marina in the first place to the point of almost killing her until Samarie says that she'd love to die that way and Marina is so disgusted she gets up and leaves without another word? Where is it???
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vellaphoria · 2 months
writing ask questions: 2, 5, 7, 28, 30, and 32 :)
Thank you for the ask! :D (questions are from this post) A few of these have already been answered, so I'm going to link those and then answer the rest <3 2 and 30: here 7: here 5. What's a tag you never want to use for your works even when it applies?
For the most part, it's not really a problem I run into? I'm a big believer in tagging fics accurately, so I tend to err on the side of tagging rather than not tagging. I'd say that the exception to this is avoiding tags that'll put my work where antis are more likely to see it. They're only a minor annoyance since I just block and move on, but it's still not how I want to spend my time. An example of this would be my fic Implication, which should technically be tagged for tim/bernard and also for bernard in general. What I ended up doing was tagging both of those aspects as additional tags rather than ship/character tags (and also not using dick and tim's character tags), so that anyone who came across Implication would have to have specifically been looking for dicktim as a relationship tag to have a realistic chance of finding it. Then, for good measure, I restricted the fic to archive users only lol 28. Any writing advice that works for you and you feel like sharing?
Practice, practice, practice. I had to write so much before I even came close to feeling good about my work. But the more you do it, the easier it becomes, and the closer it gets to what you want it to be. The other advice would be the aphorism perfect is the enemy of good. Sometimes I'll get so wrapped up in trying to make a piece of writing exactly right, and as a result I won't finish it or I'll get too frustrated to keep working on it. My solution to this is to try and just write what comes to mind; I'm going to have to go back and rewrite at least two or three times before I'm happy with it anyway, so it's much more efficient for me to have it done first and work on making it perfect after. 32. Do you have a word/expression that you always use in your writing?
I get the impression that that's the sort of thing that readers pick up on and authors don't. Like, I couldn't tell you what things I use consistently because they're normalized in my head to the point where I don't really notice them. Conversely, for other authors, once I've read them enough, I can usually pick up on the words and expressions they use pretty often. This isn't quite directly related to the question, but one thing that I do on purpose is name dropping my other fics in the text of the fic I'm writing. Usually only with 1 - 3 word titles. It's really easy to throw in something like cut and run or afterimage and still have things make sense. Mostly I do this to amuse myself XD
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