#i'm not like afraid of the dentist i had to get my mouth like completely fixed a few years ago so it's completely chill
boy-above · 2 years
hello everyone i have a dentist appointment tomorrow, pls send good vibes to see if they can make my mouth stop fucken hurting
#i'm not like afraid of the dentist i had to get my mouth like completely fixed a few years ago so it's completely chill#three root canals nine cavities one extraction#that's what happens when you're depressed and don't brush your teeth for years kiddos#but now my mouth is fixed n stuff#this appointment is cause#essentially a problem i have is that my mouth is super disproportionate#my mouth is too small to hold all my teeth#and my tongue is way oversized#that leads to chronic teeth clenching/grinding which i can't even control bc it happens in my sleep#and im constantly biting my tongue and the side of my mouth#so like my tongue perpetually has deep bite marks in it#and the sides of my mouth are littered with sores#to my knowledge there's nothing they can actually do about that#i'm used to that stuff#what i'm going in for tomorrow though is#the back tooth in the top right side of my mouth is digging into the back of my mouth#there's not enough space for it there so it just digs into the flesh and the wound never heals since it doesn't get a break#i want them to pull that tooth#and i think the wisdom tooth under that guy also wants to come out#but obviously can't since there's already a fucken tooth there#i'm hoping once that tooth is pulled (if they'll be good boys and pull it for me) it'll give the wisdom tooth room to come in#cause that's exactly what happened on the opposite side of my mouth#got the back molar pulled and the wisdom tooth came in very nicely and didn't have to be removed or anything#ANYWAY THOUGH#tomorrow they're just gonna look at it im assuming since this is a new dentist#my old one stopped taking medicaid rip 😭#so that kinda sucks cause my mouth Hurts and they're not gonna like. do anything about it it yet#i had to wait like a month for an appointment slot to even be available 😬#anyway that concludes marshal mouth woes#marshal meows
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purplesurveys · 5 months
When did you last see someone you know in public? I saw Pau at UPTC last weekend which was a nice surprise.
Do you enjoy going to the dentist? Does anyone, like, *actively* enjoy being at the dentist? Haha but I mean have no qualms with dentist appointments; I'll say that much. I find the procedures quite soothing anyway. Even if it's to pull out a tooth or something, I'm fine with, since they're just there to help out.
When did you last eat something you didn’t like? I tried the chili cheese flavor from Potato Corner for the first time, but I ended up not really liking it that much since it was way too spicy.
Do you think you’d survive if zombies took over the world? Well, probably not. I'd lack the street smarts.
When did you last hang out with a bunch of friends at one time? Sometime last year, can't remember when exactly. I saw my college friends.
What kind of music is your least favorite? Country.
Are you and your best friend complete opposites? Mmm I wouldn't say completely. We have some stark contrasts here and there but we also have a few similar beliefs/hobbies/interests.
Would people around you say you’re regularly a mean person? I don't think so. They might tell you I'm cranky or moody, because I am; but probably (and I hope lol) not mean.
Do you like the colour yellow at all? Some shades are pleasing to the eye but overall I wouldn't pick yellow as a first color for, like, anything.
If you were to write a novel, what would it be about? I'll just stick to writing a memoir.
How many times have you logged in to Bzoink? (it has a counter) I've never had a Bzoink account, although I used to be a lurker. RIP :(
Are you currently pretending to be someone’s friend? No, that's an awful thing to do.
Are you an impatient person? Definitely can be.
Are you afraid to watch movies that have sex scenes with your friends? No.
Who sings the last song you listened to? Hayley Williams.
Why do you think some actors don't want to see their movies/shows? They're highly self-critical and are never pleased with their performance. At least that's how I know it to be from pro wrestlers.
Do you think fortune tellers are the devil’s messengers (haha)? Not necessarily, but what I think of them is that they are scammers.
Would you rather use napkins or paper towels? Idk, napkins I guess. I don't really have a preference.
Do you go to the pool in the summer time very often? No cause it's such a hassle to clean up and rid your body of all the chlorine lol (or if at the beach, all the sand). I just prefer to have the aircon on and stay indoors, away from the sun as much as possible.
Have you ever had a serious issue involving your eyes? Apart from the time a distant relative purposely hurled a glass bottle purposely targeting my eye because idk he is an unhinged little fuck, there's just my eyesight which is progressively getting worse.
Have you ever watched South Park? Who’s your favorite character? I've never seen an episode.
Do you have sensitive teeth? I have one lower tooth which has a tendency to get sensitive.
Do you enjoy or hate snow days? Why is this your choice? Uhm no but we have typhoon days which I guess is the closest thing? I selfishly liked them because it meant suspended classes.
Do you turn pale when you get sick? I don't think so, because I've never been told that.
Does it bother you to get shots in the mouth? Does it hurt? I've only gotten those when I needed to get wisdom tooth extractions, and in those cases I was just mostly grateful because it meant my pain was going to come to an end lol.
When did you last talk seriously with one of your parents? Few months ago when I was still crying and confiding to my dad about work.
What is the day of the week currently? Tuesday.
Is anything exciting coming up in the next three months? Jin coming back, BTS' 11th anniversary, and our family trip to Vietnam...all happening within the same week hahaha.
Do you ever borrow money from someone? No.
Do you know anyone who tells every single thing you say? I don't think so.
When did you last kiss someone on the cheek? Who was it? I only do that to my dogs these days hahahahahaha.
Why do you think people like Lady Gaga so much? She was unafraid to be different and to stir conversations, especially in her earlier years.
Do you have a lot of enemies, or not so much? I'm an adult.
Can you count backwards from 100 without a mistake? I'm sure I can.
Do you have any friends you’ve had since birth? Nah.
Do you care if your friends talk badly about you? If they want to do so they can say it to my face, otherwise I wouldn't consider them a friend.
Would you rather drink out of a straw or just the cup alone? Straw.
Does anyone ever say they miss you often? Nope.
Would you rather become a wizard or a vampire, if you had the choice? I don't care.
Is there anyone out there who has made you feel miserable? I can think of two off the top of my head.
Do you have a problem answering personal questions? Not for the most part as I am generally an open book. The only people I'd feel hesitant towards would be my immediate family haha.
What color is the vacuum-cleaner in your house? Maroon and grey.
Have you already moved out of your parents’ house? Nope.
Are your parents divorced, married or separated? Married.
Have you ever thought you might just have obsessive compulsive disorder? Yes.
Do you think it’s rude to text someone else while on a date? Idk and idc about dating etiquette, but in general texting here and there for me is fine. It's only rude when the cellphone use becomes excessive because then it's like why'd we even go out?
What is the funniest movie you’ve ever seen? White fuckin Chicks.
What are your views on our current president? He's a little shit.
Is it awkward to see your best friend’s parents out in public? No. I'd run to them and give them a hug if that's the case. They're already considered family.
Who is the person you talk to the most in your house? Sister.
Is there a television show out there that you never miss? I watch Raw weekly, but that's pretty much it.
What movie have you seen too many times to be healthy? Two for the Road and Room.
What are the last two digits of your phone number? Nope.
Does it creep you out to see people with mullets? No.
What is your biggest responsibility in your household? I'd say the task I take the most seriously is keeping the dogs' health in check and taking them to the vet. Shots and checkups aren't cheap, and that's a responsibility I'm more than happy to cover.
How cold did it get where you live, last winter? Back in Jan-Feb in our winterless country we reached temps of 24-25C, which was a delight.
Do you ever wish you could go back in time to redo something? No.
Ever accidentally pull out a filling from your tooth? Nope.
Do you ever wonder what your exes are doing? Not really.
Have you ever been caught in a huge lie with your parents? Sure.
Do you ever listen to the radio anymore? Only when the Bluetooth decides to be a brat and the car can't locate my phone.
Does it bother you to have personal conversations with people? No, I like insightful talks.
Ever ride in a limo? When did you last do so? I don't think I have.
Do any of your body parts hurt at this moment in time? My tummy kind of does since I wore super tight jeans all day hahah.
Are you sober at the time being? Yes.
Do any of your friends constantly do things to annoy you? No.
When did you last eat a Starburst? What color was it? I can't even remember. I don't encounter them ever.
Have you ever lied to someone & said they could sing when they couldn’t? No, because everyone I know who's willing to sing in public are actually great singers lol.
Do you ever call backstabbers out on what they do? If I'm comfortable enough with them, sure.
How many people in the world do you trust? Three.
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fanficwriter284 · 2 years
Wisdom Teeth Removal
Chucky rubbed the side of his face in pain. Leaning over the sink spitting out the blood coming out of his mouth.
"Ok, Chucky open your mouth and let me see."
Tiffany inspected his mouth looking at the deep bite.
"Chucky you gotta get that wisdom tooth removed. It's to the point where you're biting chunks off"
"AH! Come on TIFF! Is that really necessary!!??
"Yes, It's ready to come out!"
She called the dentist's office and made an appointment for Chucky. Who was still rubbing his cheek and went to the fridge to put some ice on it.
"Come on get in the car we're going to the dentist!
"NOOOOO! You can't make me!!"
"Oh really?" She grabbed him by the ear and dragged him to the car.
She drove him down to the dentist and had to listen to his complaints for the whole drive there. Once they arrived she pretty much had to force him out of the car. They walked into the office and had a seat. Tiffany noticed Chucky's leg bouncing up and down. She placed a caring hand on his thigh and gave it a good squeeze.
"Mr. Ray? Mr. Kodak will see you now."
Chucky tensed up not wanting to go with the lady.
"Don't worry Chucky I'll be fine."
Tiffany walked in with her husband and watched him as he sat down in the large chair where they clean your teeth. It's not that Chucky is afraid of the dentist. Which he wasn't. What did fear was being put under and not knowing if he was gonna wake up or not. Plus he hated being touched by strangers on top of that.
"Hello, Mr. Ray. I'm Dr. Kodak and I'll be the one running this operation today sound good?"
Chucky just nodded his head.
"Now mama I'm gonna need you to wait in the waiting room. If you don't mind."
"OH! Sorry! My Bad!"
She saw Chucky's arm tense up and his bright blue eyes followed her.
She mouthed the words "It'll be ok!" To him and left the room.
The doctor injected Chucky in the arm with some annestisha and told him to count backward from 10.
"And's he is out. Let's begin shall we?"
After The Operation
They brought Chucky out in a wheelchair and he looked completely zoned out. It looked like he had seen some things. He had some sponge foam in his mouth to soak up the blood and a band-aid on where the needle with inserted. They rolled him to their car and tried to help him up.
"Ok, two feet! 1 2 3! Almost there! Almost!"
"Chucky! Sweetface! It's ok! Come on! One foot in front of the other. There we go!"
They finally get him into the car and Tiffany and her husband drive off.
"Sweetface? You ok?"
He said nothing and just looked out the window.
"There's a flying TURTLE!!!! THAT TURTLE IS FLYING!"
"SHHHHH!!!! I think we are being followed by a goose."
They arrived home and the real struggle was trying to get Chucky out of the car. Just the touch of Tiffany made him jump.
"Why are you touching me?"
"So I can get you out of the car and into our house."
"Our HOUSE? But I don't even know you!!!"
At this point, Tiffany just lost it. She was on the ground dying of laughter. She kissed him on the cheek.
"Why are you kissing me!" The poor man was completely delusional.
With some persistence, she finally managed to get him out of the car safely. She sat him on the couch trying to steady him. Till he got a look of himself in the mirror.
"Is that me? Is that what I look like?"
"Yes Sweetface that is what you look like."
"Damn. I look beautiful. I look beautiful."
"Wait is my name Sweetface?"
"N-No. Your name is Chucky. I'm your wife Tiffany. And we have two kids. Glen and Glenda."
He took a moment to process what she just said. But it went in one ear and out the other.
"Yes and a wife"
"AND A WIFE!!!!!! WOW. Radical"
"Oh my god. Haha"
"Sweetface you want some ice cream?"
He nodded his head. When she came back she saw him slapping the side of his face.
"Chucky! WHat are you doing?"
Tiffany laughed to herself. What was she gonna do with him?
"Chucky your cheek is there and perfectly intact."
"NO, IT'S NOT! I'm telling you, Tiffany! My cheek is not there!"
She gave up knowing fighting with him wasn't gonna work. So she decided to change the subject.
"Here I got you some ice cream."
She had to spoon-feed this man. She wished she had recorded this then she realized that the security cams were recording.
"Here is an icepack for your cheek."
He took it out of her hand and placed it to his face and sighed in relief.
Just then the twins came home from school.
"MOM! DAD! We're HOME!"
"Hi kids! That's great! I'm so proud of you both!!"
"Uhhh. Mom, what's up with Dad?"
"Oh. We went to the dentist and they removed I think two of his wisdom teeth. And the drugs took him away. And now he's this" Tiffany motioned towards him.
"You're MY KIDS"
Chucky got up to look around but almost fell and in the process ended up hitting the edge of the door frame with his face.
The Next Day
The next day normal and semi-sane Chucky woke up but with a horrible headache and jaw ache. However, he was able to talk in sentences that make sense and could sorta walk properly.
"My face hurts so bad."
"It probably wouldn't have hurt as much if you didn't hit your head the other night."
"Yeah, you acted like a fricken weirdo!"
"Oh come on please!"
"It's true! Klutzy!"
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stvckoncarisi · 7 years
Hey! I'm getting my wisdom teeth surgically removed tomorrow (it's a whole thing because I have jaw problems and I'm fucking terrified) and I wondering your thoughts on how the boys (nick, sonny, rafi and mike) would take care of their gf when they get their wisdom teeth out? Please and thank you bby 💖💖💖
oh sweet anon, everything will be okay. i had to have mine out a few years ago in a similar situation and i was deeply afraid, just stay calm and relaxed. think of the boys if it helps. I REALLY HOPE THIS DOES YOU JUSTICE.
Sonny, sweet, sweet, sonny. He stuck around to listen to you talk about him on your medication, he found it extremely amusing. But when it would ware off he would change your ice packs, get you some water, fluff your pillows. He eventually had to go into work, but when he gets home he would turn on your favorite movie and play with your hair until you felt comfortable.
Rafael would be a great help, he would make sure you took your medicine consistently. he would change your ice packs every thirty minutes, replacing them with fresh frozen ones straight from the freezer. Rafi would check up on you even if he was directly beside you. he would ask if you needed anything, he would ask if you were feeling alright. This would also consist of A LOT of forehead kisses.
Nick was the one who drove you to the dentist, and the one who drove you home. He would occasionally laugh at whatever it was that came spilling out of your mouth on the way home. He took off the next three days and told Liv not to call unless it was a life or death emergency. He just wanted you to be taken care of. Nick would try not to burden you with questions because he knew that once the medicine wore off it would hurt to talk, so he would just simply stay close by you, arms length so you didn’t have to talk. He even made up a code, two taps for medicine, three taps for water, one tap for cuddles, four taps for new ice.
MIKEY MY SWEET MIKEY, this man is completely dedicated to have you up and running in three days. He sets up a time system, similar to barba just less stressful. Mike wants you to have fun while you are recovering so he rents a crap ton of scary, comedy, and romance movies. Comedy probably wasn’t his best choice because it was EXTREMELY painful to laugh but hearing his laugh made you feel better. Romance was lowkey mikes favorite genre, for a moment you thought he was in tears. Which he probably was. Scary neither of you made it through the first twenty minutes of either. Who knew a movie like Lights Out could be so horrific.
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nothesc · 7 years
Noelia!! I'm SO happy for your newest fic!!! Can't wait for more chapters!! I wanted send you a prompt. It happens to be that my dentist is the cutest and he's so handsome. So on my way home at the train I was thinking...Sana's little nephew dentist Yousef. Sana has to take her there and the little girl is so excited cause she loves her dentist. Sana thinks how strange it is cause kids are usually afraid of visits at the dentist. But then she meets Yousef. Don't worry I know you're busy😊
Hi!!! First of all thank you so much!! I’m so glad you’re liking it!!
And thank you for the prompt!! 
I don’t know if this is what you had in mind but I really hope you like it. It’s been awhile since I’ve written a one-shot so I’m sorry if it’s not really good.
Also I have like 0 knowledge of odontology so I’m sorry if there are mistakes.
well, I really hope you like it :D 
If there’ssomething Sana doesn’t like…
Well,there are lots of things Sana doesn’t like. She doesn’t like prejudices, shedoesn’t like hate, she doesn’t like betrayal, she doesn’t like rudeness, shedoesn’t like cruelty and she doesn’t like unfairness.
But, ifthere’s something Sana really doesn’t like, that’s going to the dentist.
It’s notthat she’s afraid of it. Well, maybe she is a little bit. But it’s not justthat.
It’ssitting in a waiting room for hours, surrounded by people that are just as nervousas she is. Kids running around because they’re too scared to stay still andparents not caring if their children are disturbing the rest of the patients ornot. Only having old and worn-out magazines to be entertained. Always listeningto the same trying-to-be-relaxing music that of course, doesn’t relax her atall.
And let’snot even talk about once she gets in. Just the thought of sitting in thatchair, her mouth opened for longer than it’s humanly possible, the sanitizersmell, the doctor trying to make conversation with you when it’s obvious thatyou can’t answer, makes Sana shiver.
So whenSana’s sister-in-law, Jamilla, asks her to take Nadia to the dentist sheinstantly feels bad about her little niece. She knows that it’s reallyimportant that kids go to the dentist, especially if, like Nadia, they’restarting to lose their baby teeth. But still, she remembers how much she hatedit when she was a kid.
Nadiadoesn’t seem to have that problem, though.
OnWednesday afternoon, when Sana picks her up from her house, Nadia is smilingbroadly at her aunt. And not only that, she’s jumping as they walk down thestreet headed to the dentist office. Sana looks at her niece frowning, thatgirl is thrilled about going to the dentist and that doesn’t make sense at all.
“Why are you so happy about going to the dentist, little girl?” Sana asks her niece as they bothenter the building. The doctor’s office is in the second floor so they decidedto just take the stairs instead of the elevator.
“Becauseit’s fun!” Nadia says running up the stairs and stopping at the dentist’sdoor.
Sanafollows her and rings the doorbell. A few seconds later a blonde nurse opensthe door and lets them in.
“Hi, we have an appointment. Nadia Bakkoush.” Sana tells the nurse.
“The doctor will see you soon, you can wait in that room over there.” The nurse, who by the tag on hershirt is called Astrid, says as she crosses Nadia’s name from a piece of papershe has in her desk.
So thereshe is. Sitting in the waiting room, surrounded by nervous people and scaredkids. Reading old worn out magazines and listening to definitely not sorelaxing music.
Sanalooks at her niece and sees her bouncing on the chair a smile on her face.
“Seriously, Nadia, why do you like coming to the dentist so much? Aren’tyou scared?” Sanaasks earning a disapproving look from a mother that has been trying to calm herkid down for the last ten minutes. Now that he’s heard Sana talking about thedoctor being scary he’s crying again.
Sanalooks at her apologetically and turns once again to Nadia.
“Doctor Yousef is really nice and funny and he always gives me candy.”
“Doctor Yousef?” Sana is not sure what is more confusing, the fact that Nadia calls herdoctor by his first name, the fact that a dentist gives candy to kids –isn’tthat supposed to be bad for your teeth?- or again, the fact that Nadia likescoming here.
Her trainof thoughts is interrupted by the blonde nurse, Astrid, entering the waitingroom.
“Nadia Bakkoush? Doctor Acar will see you now.”
DoctorAcar, that sounds more like a doctor.
Nadiaand Sana follow the nurse down a long hallway. One, two, three. The third doorto the left must be Doctor Acar’s office ‘cause that’s where Astrid stops. Sheopens the door and lets Sana and Nadia in before closing it behind them.
Sanalooks around the room trying to find the doctor but her niece and she are theonly people in that room. Not for long though.
Not evena minute since they’ve been there the door is opened and a young man, probablyonly a few years older than Sana, enters the room.
“Doctor Yousef!” Nadia yells as she runs towards him.
Thedoctor, Yousef, crouches to the floor and opens his arms to receive the littlegirl’s hug.
“How’s my favorite patient doing?” he asks her as he pulls away from the hug
“Look!!”Nadia smiles widely at him showing the gap of her missing tooth.
“Oh my god! Are you sure you’re Nadia Bakkoush? The Nadia Bakkoush Iknow is a little girl with baby teeth and you look like a grown up woman.”
“It’s me, doctor Yousef, I promise!” Nadia says laughing loudly. “Tellhim, aunt Sana!”
Youseflooks up and slowly stands up. Now Sana finally gets to see him properly andwell, let’s say that it’s not a bad view, not a bad view at all. He’s tall,dark curly hair, brown eyes that would make anyone get lost in them and oh…lookat that, he’s smiling at her with his perfect dentist teeth. Yeah, Sanadefinitely understands now why her niece loves coming here so much.
He knowsis impolite to stare for as long as he’s staring at her right now but he can’thelp himself. In front of him there’s a young girl, probably slightly youngerthan he is. She’s looking at him with what probably are the most beautiful eyeshe’s ever seen. She’s wearing a red hijab that matches her skin tone perfectly.His eyes wandered to her mouth, she sticks out her tongue just a little bit, itseems like it’s some kind of nervous habit, a nervous habit Yousef is instantlyenjoying. He sees her blink several times and shake her head. He imitates herand takes a step forward.
 “Hi. I’m Yousef…uh…Doctor…Acar…sorry.” Why is he so nervous? She’s just a patient’srelative. He’s used to deal with them. But he’s definitely not used to dealwith such a beautiful girl.
“Sana…Bakkoush. I’m Nadia’s aunt.” Sana curses herself for stuttering but she’sstill affected by that man. She was expecting an old scary doctor not anAbercrombie model.
And he’ssweet with kids. Perfect. Just perfect. If Sana thought that she could managenot to melt around this doctor, she was wrong. Not only he looks like he couldbe in the cover of one of those magazines she was reading in the waiting roombut he’s such a sweetheart with Nadia. After their awkward greeting, he tookthe little girl in his arms and sat her on the big chair. He then motivated herto keep her mouth opened while he inspected her. ‘How long did you manage tolast the last time you were here?’ he had asked Nadia. ’14 minutes’ she hadanswered. ‘Are you ready to break your record then?’. And that had been enoughfor the girl to be excited about overcoming her mark. He had started countingthe minutes to motivate the little girl. And well, Sana’s heart melted becausehe didn’t need to do that. He could’ve just told her that she needs to keepstill and that’s all. Instead of that, he had turned a very uncomfortablemoment into a game. That was really smart. And sweet.
WhenNadia started to get tired, Sana had joined him in the countdown, making thegirl excited again. Yousef thought that the fact that Sana was the mostbeautiful girl he had ever seen was more than enough to make him melt aroundher. But no, she had to start being cute with her niece and count with him. Shejust had to do that.
NowYousef can’t concentrate ‘cause his eyes keep searching hers. She’s standing afew steps away from them. Happily counting down the minutes her niece has to bein that position, clearly amused by the game. He’s probably been staring for solong because she looks from Nadia to him and their eyes lock. Slowly, her lipscurve into a big smile, a showing-teeth smile and that’s it, Yousef iscompletely gone. That is probably the most perfect smile he’s ever seen, and heknows what he’s talking about, he’s a dentist after all. He finds himselfsmiling back at her before tearing his eyes away from her so he can focus onhis task again.
“Well, Nadia you should be proud of yourself! You broke your own record.”
Nadiastands up and smiles at her doctor, she really is proud of herself for lastingso long.
“Can I have my lollipop now?” she asks, she’s not going to lie, this is herfavorite part of her dentist’s visits.
“Aren’t lollipops bad for your teeth?”  Sanadoesn’t want to be rude but she really doesn’t see the point on a dentistgiving candy to kids.
“They are, if you don’t brush your teeth after that. But Nadia and Ihave a deal here, haven’t we?” Yousef says smiling. It’s completely normal that she’s asking thatquestion. But he’s learnt that a good way to motivate kids to brush their teethis precisely by giving them an excuse to do it.
“I have to brush my teeth three times a day or doctor Yousef won’t giveme candy. He has a machine that tells him how many times I’ve brushed my teeth.” Nadia widens her eyes as she tellsher aunt about this mysterious machine.
“That sounds like a really interesting machine, indeed” Sana says raising her eyebrows atYousef as her way to admit that that is smart.
Youseflaughs and gives the lollipop to Nadia who jumps excited as she takes it fromhim. He then looks at Sana and takes a step towards her.
“It’s been nice to meet you.”
“Thanks and same.” As much as she tries to hold the smile she ends up grinning widely athim.
“You have beautiful teeth.” Yousef blurts out.
“What?”Sana frowns, half confused half amused. She sees him widen his eyes and bitehis lips. It’s clear that that is not what he wanted to say.
“I’m sorry…that came out wrong. You have a beautiful smile, that’s whatI wanted to say. Sorry.” He says so fast that it’s difficult for Sana to understand him. But shedoes. And she can’t help but blush.
Shebites her lip thinking about her next words.
“Thanks, I was thinking about having a dental whitening actually. MaybeI can make an appointment with you…” She says as casually as she can hoping that hedoesn’t see right through her but at the same time hoping that he does.
“Oh, I don’t think that’s necessary. Your teeth look perfect.”
Sanashakes her head slightly. It seems like she’ll have to be a little more directabout her intentions.  
“Actually, I was just looking for an excuse to see you again.”
“Oh, oh, oh…wow, oh…” Yousef stutters before taking a deep breath and finally make a completesentence “Oh that’s…that’s good, I mean…I think I have a free hour tomorrow at1pm and then my shift will be over so maybe we can go out to have something toeat? Although that will kind of ruin your whitening so it doesn’t really makesense” This last sentence he says it more to himself than for her tohear it.
“Like I said, the whitening is just an excuse. Maybe I can come by at 2,once you’re finished?” It seems like if she wants to have a date withthis guy she’ll have to be even blunter about it.
Yousef sighsand chuckles. He’s acting like a dork and she still wants to go out with him.He closes his eyes and shakes his head slightly before finally looking at her,a lot calmer this time.
“I’ll love that.” He says sincerely.
“I’ll see you tomorrow then, doctor Yousef.”
Well, this is it!!
I really hope you’ve liked it
Thank you so so much for reading! ♥
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