#i'm not popping the tf2 tag on this it's too long
blubushie · 7 months
So this an analysis of a song as it pertains to Jesse and Mundy and their relationship as of Chapter 13. Warning I get... massively in-depth about this. Blessing of braintrot. I did this instead of writing. 😅
The song is Oklahoma Smokeshow by Zach Bryan.
Go on and put on that dress that all the bad boys like I know your daddy ain't home so ride with me tonight You always wind up here in a puddle of tears
Just them tbh. Jess is staunchly against dresses (and skirts!) but for this one day she says fuck it and wears a skirt (to impress Mundy of all things). Meanwhile, Charles is recovering from his whole incident, so it's not like he's able to stop her. These verses can be seen as Mundy acknowledging that despite his plans for the night and how much he's going to devote himself to protecting Jess, they're still in Vegas, Jess is still probably gonna get pissed, and she's gonna be even more Jess. This can be seen as him saying "Ok, go ahead and doll up, there's nothing in our way tonight, we can have some fun and you can act a little crazy and I'll be there to pick up there inevitable pieces when shit hits the fan."
Them boys are out and they're angry and they're looking for blood In the back of a blue old pickup truck You got nowhere to go although you're all gussied up
Not really applicable unless you consider the Valley Vultures, but that's not that big of a deal and Jess also wasn't dressed up them.
There's so much whisky in his coke it'll make her nose bend
The first hint that Jesse gets that Mundy hasn't quite kicked his alcoholism is when he lets her have a sip of his Hemingway champagne and she tastes how strong it is. Mundy doesn't drink soft spirits--he doesn't do wine or spritzers or light cocktails, though he does like beer. Mundy drinks hard liquor--whisky, bourbon, brandy, absinthe. This man drinks bushshine. He drinks to get drunk and forget. Small vices kill your big dreams.
But she swears that his love is a damn Godsend She's known God since she was a child
Jess is Catholic, was raised Catholic, and is very much of the "everything happens as god's intention" variety. She's also of the "but sometimes shit just happens" variety. She's not sure what category Mundy falls in, but she's happy enough with him that she thinks it's the former.
She used to play in the yard and she would dream of one day Till the world came around and took her dreaming away Told her how to dress and act and smile
100% Jesse. The world that came and took her dreams--her aspirations of a baseball career--were largely things she couldn't control (such as MLB not allowing female players). This, coupled with her mother insisting that Jess be a proper lady, is what led to her rebelling and joining the boy's baseball team and going stealth. Even when she was discovered it was mostly alright, but Donovan persisted and that's where things fell apart.
She's an Oklahoma smokeshow
Ok neither of them are from Oklahoma but let's be honest, they're both smokeshows. For Jess: Mundy especially thinks this when he finally sees Jess gussied up. For Mundy: Jess is just always thinking this all the time.
He's an asshole from back home
For Mundy: "Back home" as in rural Outback NSW. And let's be honest, he is a little bit of an arsehole. For Jess: This lyric actually fits better for her than him. For Mundy, when he says he's from Tilpa, he has to explain where exactly Tilpa is each and every time. Curse of coming from the outskirts of a town with a population of 15 on the banks of the Darling. But for Jess, "back home" is simply saying "New York." She doesn't even need to say the name of the city itself because there's no confusion between the city and the state. Also Jess is an arsehole at times. Most the time, even.
She'll never make it out alive From that small town bar scene Where small vices kill your big dreams
Whatever dreams either of them had--Mundy of being someone his parents could be proud to say was their son, Jess and her baseball career--are squashed the moment these two stepped foot on the paths that eventually led them to Teufort. And they're both trapped in this small town, where small vices--corruption, greed, lust, cruelty, callousness, arrogance, cowardice--have killed their big dreams. And it's Teufort--there's a fair chance that neither of them are ever leaving TF Industries alive. This job's for life.
He'd take you home but he's too drunk to drive
This has two meanings. One, you can look at it from the perspective of chapter 13, where Mundy is quite literally too drunk to make a return drive to New Mexico and so the pair stay in Las Vegas for the night and fuckstart a relationship. Or two, you can look at it from a perspective of Mundy wanting Jess to be happy and how his vices get in the way of that. You can bet that if Jess ever expressed her secret desire to just go home to her mum and leave Teufort behind that Mundy would make the drive to bring her home in a heartbeat--if he could keep the muzzle on his alcoholism for that long.
I've been here, I've been up all night Thinking 'bout a life with you and I One you'll never know cuz you're a small town smokeshow
This applies to both of them. Both Jesse and Mundy are of the belief that things would never work out between them because of their differences. Jesse loves where she grew up, and Mundy can't handle cities. Mundy loves the bush, and it's fair to say that Jesse wouldn't survive out there without constant supervision.
Both of them stay up at night imagining what their lives would be like if they could just find some middle ground that both find acceptable, but Mundy doesn't do well outside of Australia for too long, and Jess seems to have similar luck outside of the States (looking at the Italy incident) in addition to seeing Australia as some mystical land full of dangerous things (she's not far off, but Mundy doesn't appreciate it).
These two both know that they're likely incompatible, and they've both resigned themselves to their affections only being one-sided, but they still stay up at night thinking about a life with each other despite knowing full well that even if they did get what they wanted, in the end they're likely doomed to be star-crossed lovers.
Go on and put on that dress that all the bad boys like I know your daddy ain't home so ride with me tonight You always wind up here in a puddle of tears
These verses are repeated but there's a hint of resignation in the singer's voice that I think fits Mundy's mood well in the first two scenes of chapter 13. He knows full well what tonight is going to consist of, knows that Jess will be gussied up, knows that he's going to have to suffer through people staring at her and that he'll be angry at that because they don't know her like he does.
He's worried about something happening to her, about her getting too drunk, about the car, about people flirting with her, worst he's worried about the idea of her leaving with someone who isn't him. There's a level of possessiveness here. But he's resigned, and he's deciding that whatever happens, it's alright. He'll be there to pick up the pieces if she needs it. If she needs him.
Those boys are out and they're angry and they're looking for blood In the back of a blue old pickup truck You got nowhere to go although you're all gussied up
This whole song fits well with events of Jesse's birthday, but I think these verses, the last in the song, fit better with the aftermath. This is Mundy acknowledging that once BLU learns of what happened in Vegas they'll be out for his blood--Charles and Liem in particular, with Liem owning that blue ute--but it's also Mundy acknowledging that he'll do Vegas a million and one times until it inevitably catches up with him. You're all gussied up, so let's go somewhere. Even if it kills me.
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blu-s0da · 2 years
Okay, I think my description thing is getting too long so I'm just going to make a pinned post and add to it as I go lol.
Hi, I'm s0da. As far as it goes, just using my screen name instead of pronouns is best.
This is a fandom blog! I don't really reblog super-serious stuff. It's literally all fandom or misc art I like.
As a warning, though, I don't tag trigger warnings, and I'm a pretty big fan of gore art and stuff. I also enjoy bright color/eyestrain work, but I don't really seek it out so there probably won't be much on here.
Currently, I reblog/post stuff from the following fandoms:
- Team Fortress Two
- Stardew Valley
- Talking Tom and Friends (you probably wont see much of this, there is literally no fandom content </3)
- Megamind
Everything I reblog or post relating to these is tagged!
(more under the cut, at full text size!)
I haven't posted about these things, but I have sort of(?) been getting back into Eddsworld after a four year dip, and have been actively obsessing over Tomska again /hj. I don't really like the fandom around Eddsworld, so I probably won't post/reblog about it. But if I do, I will add it to the fandoms list! (Note: I've recently become aware of the EW Beyond team's bullshit. Fuck those guys. Still love Tomska though that guy's cool).
Anyway, time to talk about tags:
Text tag -> #blu-s0da's-bullshit
Art tag -> #blu-s0da-art -> #'reffed stuff (art that's using a singular reference/trying to recreate the reference in my style)
Writing tag -> #writing stuff (will also include my text tag, so you can also find it that way)
Non-fandom/original art/works by me or other -> #misc
I think that's it for tags, for now.
I'm not gonna list a DNI, I block unconditionally. And for the most part, I don't really believe DNIs work. I mean, I hardly think people will look at this, so I'm not going to put in anymore effort than I want to lol.
Asks are open! I think anons are on. If they aren't then oops.
Feel free to rant to me about Stardew Valley or TF2, I love hearing what people think of the characters/series.
You can send me requests/ideas to write/draw stuff but uh. If I don't do it then I just don't do it lmao💀
Also, I think(?) My DMs are open. If they aren't then oops. Pop me a message if you want to play Stardew Valley co-op with me I'm very lonely </3 (only half-joking like seriously I don't have anyone to play co-op with💀)
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