#i'm obsessed with first's expression in the second to last gif lmao
khaotunq · 2 years
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Seduction 101, according to Ayan: Step 8/?: Follow him around to ask extraordinarily important, definitely not irritating, questions. (Optional: immediately offer kisses)
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vanillawurld · 3 months
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✧.* Request- @cvmtitss
"Hey, my first time requesting you! I was wondering if you could do a joost w a fem reader where she's famous as well and she has a concert but doesn't think joost can make it due to him being busy or she thinks he has a tour and he comes back early without telling her. And so while she's performing the music, either suddenly changes or turns off and then she turns around and sees joost like proposing overall it js seems rlly cute and fluffy ❤️"
✧.* Pair - Joost Klein x Fem! Musician! Reader
✧.* Tags & Warnings - fluff
✧.* Summary - Joost proposes to the love of his life while she is performing on stage in front of thousands of fans.
✧.* Extra- The reader's performance will be inspired by Kali Uchis' stage performance at Lollapalooza in Brazil (2023) because i'm obsessed with that fucking performance LMAO but if you guys don't like it, ofc change it up for your own imagination. Also highlighted parts are dutch.
✧.* Word Count - 1,442
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It was one of the last tours that (Y/N) was doing and she decided to add the cherry on top in Brazil. She had everything ready to go. Her crew, her outfits, the stage, but she was missing one important thing. Her man. Joost was always there to support (Y/N) at her concerts. Whether it was on stage performing with her or watching her with heart eyes behind the scenes. This time, he was on his own tour in Europe, which was what (Y/N) thought.
It was a couple hours before the show was about to start and (Y/N) was starting to get ready while being on the phone with Joost. l “I’m really sad you aren’t here with me, my love,” she expressed.
She heard Joost softly chuckle on the other line. “I know, honey. I wish I was there with you. I love watching you sing and dance, but this is your last show and I finish mine next week. We’ll see each other soon, very soon, gorgeous.”
(Y/N) was content to hear that. She couldn’t wait to see her lover. “I know, im so excited to see you again. Anyways, I got to go. My stylist just arrived,” She blew him a kiss and ended the call with ‘I love you’ one of the few phrases she knows in dutch.
Mine while, in a small town in Brazil, Joost made a plan to get to where (Y/N) was performing and get on his knee to pop that one particular question he’s been waiting to ask her. He landed there a couple days before (Y/N) was set to perform. He presented his plan to his crew and they immediately were on board to help him. His social media crew helped give the allusion to the media that Joost was still in Europe. He had it all planned out carefully and it was all going smoothly. The only thing getting in his way was time. He had to wait a good couple of hours to sneak into her set.
Joost managed to get (Y/N)’s manager’s number and immediately called him. A couple rings pass by until he heard the sound of the other line getting picked up. “Hello?” he heard the voice of (Y/N)’s manager say.
“Hey, what’s up man, it’s Joost. Can I facetime you real quick?” Joost asked.
“Yeah man,” the manager said. They quickly switched to facetime to talk “face to face” (virtually).
“You will never guess where I am at,” Joost said in a jokingly manner. He turned the camera to a small flag of Brazil and giggled.
“Are you serious? That’s awesome, dude, welcome. Does (Y/N) know you’re here?” the manager asked. Joost turned his camera back on his face and shook his head, saying no.
“No, and we need to keep it that way because…” Joost picked up a small black box and opened it. It revealed beautiful gold ring with the most alluring diamond on top to show the camera.
The manager let out a happy laugh, “That’s fucking awesome, man. Are you going to ask her after her show?”
“No, I’m going to ask her during her show, on stage. And that’s why I called to ask you if you can sneak me on set and not tell her. I want this to be special to her,” Joost replied.
“100% we’ll let you on stage and hide you. (Y/N) is going to love every second of whatever you plan to do. Uh, yeah, alright i’ll alert everyone about the plan and let you know when she arrives at the stadium” the manager said. Joost gave him a quick thank you and goodbye before hanging up the call. He did a small fist pump and smiled. Now the only thing to do was wait.
Seconds gradually turned to minutes, at least that’s what Joost felt. The more he had to wait, the more he was desperate. It felt like the universe was doing that on purpose to test him. It was killing him. He couldn’t wait to see his lover. His beauty. His woman. His everything.
When the time finally hit, Joost practically dashed out his hotel room and jogged towards the elevator. Him and his crew he took got taxis and they were finally on their way to the stadium. The drive was filled with laughter, smiles, and conversations. Joost knew how to light up a room, so him preparing to do one of the best things ever made everything 10 times better. Even the driver was joining in on the good time.
Joost finally made it to the stadium. His heart realized what was about to happen and started beating faster. There was a lot of fans and reporters there that he had to ignore. Joost always loved to talk to his fans but, at that very moment he couldn’t blow his cover. He needed this to be a surprise.
The backstage crew immediately went into action when Joost stepped foot in the stadium backstage. They did everything in their power to hide Joost and distract (Y/N). Joost would watch his girl from a far and fall in love even more. Her beauty always made him fall to his knees.
It was finally time for (Y/N) to perform. She went on stage with her backup dancers and got into position. They covered (Y/N)’s frame with giant white feathers, like if she was an elegant swan. She was able to hear her adoring fans and got butterflies in her stomach. She heard her fans already cheering even though they couldn’t see anything on stage due to it being pitch black. She loved every moment of it all. It was finally time to wrap this all up.
She heard the introduction music and narrator speak. She turned to her back up dancers and smiled, “You guys ready?” she asked. They all nodded and asked if she was ready, not knowing that question had a double meaning. She said yes with a big smile on her face.
“Ladies and gentlemen, it is my pleasure to present the one and only, the elegant, the heart stealer. Everyone here, please welcome, (Y/N)!”
The dancers pulled back the feathers, revealing (Y/N) and everyone cheered. She was finally performing. Meanwhile, Joost was backstage watching the beautiful performance. He got the little box ready and was preparing himself. He watched as (Y/N) sang, danced, performed with her life. He always loved that about her, she always knew how to put up a performance.
Joost saw the fans go wild and it was just the very first song. They all sang along like it was karaoke and dances to the beats. He watched his favorite girl with heart eyes and before he knew it, the song was about to come to an end. It was finally time to do what he always wanted to do. He told the crew to signal the DJ to prepare to lower the music.
As (Y/N) was about to finish her song, the music lowered and cut off all together. She thought it was a mistake so she improvised and continued singing the song. She didn’t want to disappoint her fans. That was until she heard her fans scream even louder. She got confused and was wondering why everyone was going crazy until she saw some fans in the crowd point behind her.
(Y/N) turned around and saw her man, on one knee with a box containing a beautiful gold ring with a gorgeous diamond showing. (Y/N) couldn’t believe her eyes. She covered her mouth in shock and started tearing up. It took her a couple of seconds before she said yes. She watched as Joost put the ring on her finger with a huge smile on his face. Joost got up and hug her tight.
In that moment, it’s like everything and everyone disappeared. All that mattered was Joost and his lover. “I can’t believe you did all of that, and for me?!” she said to him.
“Of course I did it all for you, my love. You’re the only woman I love and you are my everything,” he replied. Joost gave (Y/N) a kiss on her lips and pulled away to look at her, “I'm going to stay on stage with you and watch because you look like a goddess when you’re performing.”
Joost took the microphone from (Y/N) and turned to the audience, “Brasil! Prepare for this woman to have a new last name! (Y/N) Klein!” The audience erupted in massive roar-like cheers. The soon-to-be newlyweds gave each other one last kiss before a new song played, signaling (Y/N) to continue the show.
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˖◛. *. ⋆ Vanilla Speaks
Hey peoples i hope you liked this im so in love with this man </3 i like writing to muscian readers cuz then I can add what artist I wanna be like (ariana grande, kali uchis, lana del rey, etc etc)
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iamoncewas · 5 years
KH3 ending interpretation
Thought I'd put this here, since like many others, the ending made me extremely angry at first. Now I know better. Or, I think I do anyways. But the man who thinks he knows something, knows nothing... lmao.
Sora says he knows what to do to find Kairi. Mickey objects, and warns him that using the power of waking improperly again might cause him to be lost forever.
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Everything Sora says here seems to imply he's chosen Kairi over Riku, even after experiencing Riku's act of self sacrifice (twice). Even Riku seems to think so, his expression seems quite sad.
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But despite whatever Riku is feeling, he convinces Mickey to let Sora go. He is demonstrating another quality of true love here: trust.
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Then Sora opens and enters a keyhole, and he does find Kairi's heart. Where exactly, I'm not sure. My going theory is that her heart took refuge within Riku as a result of Aqua's enchantment on her necklace, like it took refuge within Sora in KH1. Her powers as a princess of heart are largely unexplored so this is a tough one. Anyways...
The 2 Destiny Islands scenes are clearly seperate, as you can tell by the position of the sun.
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However, it's not technically 2 different times but 2 different places, even though both scenes seem to take place on the island.
Wherever Sora found Kairi's heart, he brought it to the same datascape of Destiny Islands that Riku went to in DDD. The one that Ansem the Wise hid inside Sora's heart, where Riku saw Xion, Ventus, and Roxas. Kairi's heart is inside Sora's heart, and she's safe. When he said they would both be back, he was telling the truth. Her body seems to have been destroyed, but the gang has access to replicas now so... no big deal I guess.
I think Kairi would be perfectly content to just stay in Sora's heart though. All she ever wanted was to be close to him. He can protect her that way, and she can protect him. She is always close and she would never be alone again. Basically everything Sora was talking about before he left.
A tear rolls down Kairi's face, but she is smiling, showing that she's crying from happiness. Then Sora starts disappearing, and again, neither of them are particularly upset by this. They hold hands and calmly look into each others eyes as Sora vanishes. This is because Sora disappearing is merely him leaving to go home, exiting the dive into his heart.
I have a feeling that right before this they had a very heartfelt conversion about their dear friend Riku.
This also means Sora can still dual-wield.
Now this is something I wasn't sure about since Oathkeeper wasn't in KH3, but now they're adding it in the DLC so it ties in well.
Kairi seems to look at her hand for a split second before the credits start to roll, and she appears to be holding something.
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I think it's her Wayfinder.
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We last saw it in Blank Points, she gave it to Sora before he and Riku went to do their Mark of Mastery exam. And it looks like Sora gave it back to her here. Since it symbolizes Sora's promise to Kairi to always come back to her, this is significant.
No more promises. Those are for making other people happy.
So then when everyone on the beach stops what they're doing and look out over the ocean, they're seeing Sora coming home. This is why Donald runs toward the water excitedly, and why Naminé smiles. Riku and Sora said they would thank her together.
It's also why the last person shown, from that scene, is Riku. His expression is hard to read, as usual, but he seems mildly surprised perhaps? A small lift of the eyebrows.
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He is seeing Sora coming home, alone (physically anyways), and realizes Sora is coming back to be by his side. Because that's his destiny.
Right after this is when something happens that brings Sora and Riku to the secret ending scenario.
This will go similarly to the Verum Rex commercial from Toy Box. Watch the commercial, replace Yozora with Riku, his two party members with Donald and Goofy, and the female character with Sora. Yozora even rides through a tunnel of ice, just like how you can ride Blizzard spells with Flowmotion. Instead of Gigas, they will most likely be attacked by Liches.
I might just be obsessed, but I find this unnamed female character looks more like Sora than Kairi. There is also a shot I find interesting, of her crossing her arms across her chest, as if her heart were in pain.
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Sora looks at his hand in the secret ending to show us that, even though he's in Shibuya, there's no timer there. But that's not the only reason...
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