#i'm on break from my shit job reading this and it's just rocking my core
vyragosa · 11 months
hi, vyra
it's 6am, kinda, and I just woke up from a dream I had - the details are escaping me as I write, but there were a few key things that stayed with me.
in short, I dreamt you wrote a soul crushingly, evisceratingly beautiful play about something (I'm not sure what), clearly influenced by HnK (and, surprisingly, Pinocchio?) - one thing I remember is the costumes clearly taking from your style, and the second half of the play dabbling more and more into horror - but in its own way it was also beautiful. after the premiere, I couldn't stay and celebrate, I could only stare into nothingness as my mind digested what I've just experienced. i had to leave because of how noisy the celebration was getting.
i know most of this means nothing (and I am not good with words, so trying to accurately describe something so fleeting as even a part of a dream is futile) but it gripped my heart like nothing else. Even though I'll forget it in time, as it tends to be with dreams, I wanted to tell you about it.
you probably don't remember me, but i was so surprised when i woke up that i rushed to your ask box immediately!
so, uh...thank you? hope you have a good day ahead.
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kravitzkrusher · 8 months
Idk i don't do well with the whole "the pandemic affected everyone and the entire world suffered" because yes. Sure. Everyone for the most part stayed inside for a couple weeks. But the pandemic DECIMATED the lifestyles of so many people in some ways that just straight up didn't happen to others.
The millions of people who died or lost family members to COVID.
The cost of food and housing became too much for most families and now over 60% of American kids live in poverty and are also food insecure.
Kids who went to middle/high school during the pandemic and had to be stuck inside with their parents 24/7 while abuse rates skyrocketed. On top of literally getting their asses beat every day, they missed their prom/homecoming/graduation/first date/first school sports game ALL OF THAT NORMAL BASIC TEENAGE LIFE was gone. And they're in their 20s now without any of those core memories.
The younger kids whose parents didn't teach them the basics because they were too busy. The kids who can't read in the 6th grade. The kids who were raised by Andrew Tate and Sexxy Red because once again, their parents are too busy and for whatever reason couldn't be bothered.
The wives who left their husbands in DROVES making this one of the biggest mass exodus of marriage.
The Only Fans girlies who made a couple good paychecks before their job got oversaturated with celebrities and now their nudes are online forever for like $2.
The immunocompromised who never got their lives back.
The people who bought NFTs and lost all their money.
The people who worked with anti maskers and anti vaxxers and had to work in unsafe environments, risking their lives
The people who got long COVID and are permanently disabled with no resources to help them
The essential workers doctors/grocery/dentist/delivery that never took a break from work and never stayed home and never "experienced the bitter lonely solitude of the pandemic that everyone went through". because they HAD to be close asf to people every single day and work their asses off so we literally DIDN'T ALL DIE off in 2020.
The people who got kicked out of their homes, Mary!! The people who became homeless!! Because they lost their jobs and couldn't pay rent! And the landlords didn't care!
I could go on. But the fact of the matter is the pandemic did NOT affect us all the same.
We all struggled yes but in completely different ways. Some more than others. I was lucky enough to be a grown single adult at the time, so kids or spouse was stressing me out, but I very much lost my home and was forced to sleep on an antivaxxers couch for six months until I could afford housing again. I very much did have an abuser reach out to me trying to use the deathfear of this pandemic to get me back in their clutches. I have had people wave life saving money in front of my face, trying to lure me to do all kinds of horrible degrading shit. Everyone didn't go through that. It would be dumb of me to assume other people struggled the way I did.
Yes, this pandemic traumatized everyone but please. Ellen Degenerate was not suffering. Elon Musk was not suffering. Dwayne the Rock Johnson was not suffering. I'm not saying some people did not go through shit but by June 2020 some of y'all were still in your house, still making money, still taking care of business, and still healthy. And that is SO FUCKING MUCH to take for granted especially in the year 2024 after successfully living through a world bending nightmare.
The pandemic did affect everyone. But not everyone suffered.
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