#i'm overdoing it with the hashtags somebody help me!!!
aineirisha · 4 years
What I confessed while daydreaming
It all started that night, that dreadful night. It all started with their threatening voices of fake silk. It all started with their eyes on you ready to devour you, ready to take away what was rightfully yours. 
It all started with ignorance. 
Myths and legends and things that are not human.
It all started...
Or perhaps it started centuries ago, you couldn't tell. You never really knew...
Things that are not human...
Stories that don't belong to humans...
And yet... 
You were...
...frightened by their energy, by the way they looked at you.
You couldn't trust them. No matter how they tried to convince you, you wouldn't trust them, your instincts told you not to. All your senses screaming at you, 
But you couldn't move. You didn't understand. 
Why were you so scared? Why weren't your legs responding? Why couldn't you stop quivering? Why were those men...?
"Do not worry Hime-sama, we will not hurt you"
"We are just here to please you"
"Let us please you, Hime-sama"
"We are just going to play a little game, shall we Hime-sama?"
But they did not carry toys with them. No dolls or balls, no wooden horses.
What were four men trying to play with a seven year old girl?
Why are these men trying to play...
... With me?
You raised your eyes to meet theirs and fear took over. Thirst for power dripping from their gaze, running through their veins. 
You shed no tear, you voiced no scream, you made no expression. 
The moment their hands were over you, your chakra unfolded, piercing their bodies, breaking their bones, and exploding their organs. 
A lot of blood was shed that night, not one single drop was yours.
It all started that night with that dreadful feeling. 
The power of destruction. The drunkness that comes with it. 
 It started with you, with all that you never really knew... 
Urging you to flee...
Working at that restaurant had turned out to be an excellent choice. It gave you enough money to sustain yourself and the opportunity to meet the daily life in the village. Every day you got the chance to practice all that you couldn't practice on the training grounds. Your power was about sensations and emotions. To recognize those emotions you had to be around living things, preferably humans, and what better place than a restaurant. 
Dozens of different chakras came into the restaurant daily. Each time they became easier to identify and distinguish. Bit by bit colors started to appear and, if you concentrated enough, you could even perceive each one of the 7 pools of chakra. 
It was very challenging at first. Allowing yourself to be affected by other people's energy was a burden really heavy to handle. Lots of emotions were mixed in that closed space. And it could hurt, to feel other people's feelings as if they were your own. It was overwhelming.
Some time ago you had found your peace extending your own chakra around you far enough so that other's energy couldn't reach your core, you strengthened your vibrations to a point they were stronger than everybody else's, preventing your energy and emotions from being polluted with those around you and prevailing over them. And now that you needed to move forward, that you wanted to learn about control, you had to make your peace aside to prioritize knowledge. Ironic. 
It was an exhausting exercise, way more exhausting than shinobi training. But it was rewarding, what for so many years you did by pure intuition, now you were doing consciously. 
Besides, it wasn't all dark and gloomy. Your power gave you the possibility to have things your way if the situation turned out to be more than you could handle. That usually meant, as a result, a feeling of tranquility, a feeling of certainty that it was all gonna be ok.  The power was way easier to bear when people's energy was bright, so it was kind of for selfish reasons but the results were convenient for everyone. If needed, making other people feel at ease was the easiest thing to do; it didn't hurt, it protected your core from other's pain or low-frequency emotions -usually negative- and it always ended up working in your favor.  All you had to do was extend your chakra and sync your vibrations to the ones of the human in question. Truth was, you didn't have to do it on purpose anymore, your vibrations were so strong everyone else just synced to them almost by accident. 
Lots of clients came to the place when you started working there for that exact reason. Unconsciously, everyone kept coming back to feel that lightness, that warmth.  
Nevertheless and despite everything, manipulating emotions wasn't your favorite thing to do even if it was for a good purpose. Life felt more real when you let others be honest. 
That and... maybe if you didn't fear your wounds that much you could... 
Maybe if you could let go of the past... 
Maybe if you weren't so scared of your own darkness...  
When it came to your power you were always careful. Perceiving chakra and observing its behavior was a safe zone and you found the way to work from there. It was like experimenting. Sometimes you'd try with certain words or phrases, other times facial expressions, and you awaited the reaction. It was particularly interesting when you found an energy that changed with the presence of another person, whether it was a loved one or a hated one. 
The afternoon was perfect. The sun was up, shining bright and warm, only cooled by the blowing of the wind. The sky was blue and eventual clouds floated miles above your head. The day went by at work without much to worry about. Megumi-san was kind of a weirdo and you two got along perfectly. She was teasing and playful. You were always joking and laughing. 
You took a deep breath and looked up to the sky. Some birds were flying by. You smiled. The sound of your steps on the ground made everything feel real. 
The buildings were all painted with messy patterns that seemed to have no order or purpose. Maybe there was going to be some kind of festival or something... 
No, the paintings were too messy to look good. That couldn't be for decoration. 
What happened here?
And then you bumped into him. Green goggles on his forehead, blonde spikey hair, evil giggles, with a bucket and a painting brush on his hand. 
 You had felt his energy a block ago. 
Was he trying to get revenge?
Was he just playing games? 
It felt like both. A dark type of amusement. A mischief. He knew he was doing wrong and he was enjoying it. 
As you approached him, the feeling of mischievousness increased. 
Intrigued by the kid, you walked towards him and stood by his side. With your hands in your pockets, you contemplated his painting. 
"Is that a hat?" you asked, tilting your head trying to get the shape of the drawing.
He turned around to see you with a defensive attitude, used to people scolding him for everything. 
"Maa maa, nee-chan, it's not a hat, it's a snake, see? It has an eye" he said while pointing at the spot on the lower edge.
"But why does it have a...That?" you were certain that you had never in your life seen a snake with a bulge, that looked more like a camel with no legs. 
Or a hat...
"It's fat cause it ate the entire bowl of ramen, dattebayo," the blonde said while nodding, a huge smile on his face. He seemed really proud of his creation. 
You laughed noisily, completely amused by the kid's imagination. 
A neighbor came out of the building, shouting.
"WHAT DO YOU THINK YOU'RE DOING, LITTLE BEAST?!!" He threatened as he started walking towards the child furiously.
The blonde stared back at him for an instant and panicked. 
"RUUUN!!" He shouted at you as he sprinted to get as far away from there as possible. 
You did as told not giving it a thought. That man seemed terrifying. 
When you two finally stopped, you were safe, many streets away. You paused to catch your breath. He was already searching for his next victim with a malicious grin. 
He was punishing the people, you realized, and by doing so he was getting himself into so much trouble. 
Punishing them for what?
"Hey kid" you called him. "I know of a fence that is in desperate need of some painting" your house wasn't that far away. 
He followed you ready to attack, wielding the brush like a kunai. 
Your fence was wide enough to keep him entertained for a while. 
You took the lead, dipped your fingers in the bucket, and started doodling on the wood. His mesmerized gaze fell on you like a stray of sunshine. Finally, he had a partner in crime, and it wasn't Choji or Shikamaru, it was an adult. 
He didn't feel like the enemy anymore. 
You two started playing. Your clothes were probably going into the trash after this, the paint wouldn't wash off. 
"Too bad we don't have other colors," you sighed, enjoying your time with the kid. He had a nice laugh and three marks on each of his cheeks that made him look adorable. It had been a long time since you last played with a child.
"Maa, maa; when I become the Hokage I will have all the colors I want and people won't tell me what to do" he smiled satisfied. "You can come paint with me"
The Hokage?
"Why are you painting fences?... and walls?" 
That's not exactly something the Hokage would do... or maybe but not like this.
"I want everyone to acknowledge me," he said decisively.  
His energy amazed you. It felt like he was... broken?... but more than broken, cracked. It was like cracked glass refusing to shatter. His determination and wishes holding him together, helping him stand (like a tape or a band-aid). There was no nostalgia in him. Only the hopes that things would be better in the future. No, it wasn't hope... it was... 
You smiled to yourself with a lump in your throat and resisted the urge to hug him.  
What could have happened for a child to be so fractured?
And yet he seemed so brave, so strong. 
For a moment you forgot about his malicious shenanigans. His vibrations were so strong they were competing with yours. 
"You missed painting here" you teased him, passing your dirty fingers over his recent doodle. 
He pouted. "You need a little color too, nee-chan" his brush painted over your lines. "Now it's a clown" he giggled.
You burst in laughter. He looked at you surprised by your reaction. You hadn't scolded him or criticized him once. You were definitely a weirdo. 
He started laughing too. 
The game began, whoever covered most of the fence would win. He was already winning.
"That's not fair!! You have a brush!!" you complained. He stuck out his tongue to mock you in response.
"Naruto!!" you heard Iruka shout at the kid. "What do you think you are doing??!!!" he quickly grabbed the child's hand. 
You signaled Iruka to stop, your hands over your neck telling him to cut it. Naruto didn't know that was your house. As far as he was concerned you were manging a mischief together. 
Iruka looked at you startled and let go of Naruto's hand. 
"Iruka-sensei hi" you waved at him. It was time for your lesson. 
"You know each other?" Naruto was suddenly very confused. He stared at you and Iruka back and forth.
"Yeah, he's my sensei" you smiled. 
"You are a student?!" he was shocked.
You nodded. 
"But you look old"
"Hey! I'm not that old!" you put your fists on your waist, pouting.
Naruto thought about it. Maybe you weren't that much of an adult, not of the same kind as Iruka at least, or as the villagers. Old people don't do funny things and they don't paint fences. 
"Naruto go clean yourself" Iruka took the bucket and the brush away from him and sent him home. 
"YN-san I apologize for Naruto, he's just... I'll make it up for you" he said.
"Don't worry" You giggled "I bumped into him while he was using the village as his canvas and a man came out to beat the crap out of him so I thought it would be better if I just..."
 Teamed up with him. Take him out of there. Be friendly. 
"I'm sorry," he repeated while looking at your dirty fence.
"Don't be. It has potential. This right here looks like an eagle, and if I fix these, they could be mountains, and these right here..."
He just looked at you and smiled. You were kind and tender. Not ruled by people’s ideas of how things had to be done. You always... behaved unexpectedly. It was as if you could see beyond things. Whether it was a landscape behind the doodles or a friend behind a missbehaved boy, you never settled with appearences. 
 There is always more than meets the eye. There are always things we don’t really know.
But you wanted to know...
"Is he the student you always talk about?" Of course Iruka had told you about him. Sometimes you didn't even train and all you did was talk about your lives. Whenever any of you had a bad day you would always put support first. It was pretty comforting to have someone to talk to. Iruka's energy was one of the warmest, sweetest, most compassionate you've ever met, you admired that. It made you feel safe. 
"Yeah" he scratched his head.
"Oh, I get it now" you laughed as you got into your house. 
CH 4  CH 6
A/N: Ok, guys so first of all sorry for my grammar, spelling, syntaxis, and everything that has to do with writing structure. English is not my first language and boi this is harder than I thought (I'm better at writing in Spanish I promise)
Second: reader has been through a lot and I mean A LOT. She's been through so much I have enough material to write an entire ff about it like hell maybe even two who knows, so I'm struggling with how to tell you all that information. Maybe you won't get to know everything, just the important things. Bottom line she's had a rough time. (I'm actually a little bit scared to write that part cause it's pretty angsty, like right now she chooses peace and nice feelings but back then she didn't and turned her life into hell but I don't feel my writing is good enough to do justice to all that so... hope I get better) that doesn't mean there won't be angst i mean, there's no way to avoid angst when it comes to kakashi, so wish me luck.
And third: I suck at drawing so I can't show you what her power, energy and vibrations and all look like. I hope I was clear enough to give you a general idea (I'll probably get deeper into it later) but if I wasn't please let me know and I'll explain it better, it would be soooo helpful to know what you understood. 
And last but not least: THANKS FOR READING. let me know if you want to be added to the taglist :3 <3
@femboyneji @spnningtop @strawberrycakesstuff @cosplayartponypoli @ren-hatake
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