#i'm pinning it during nano but I'll change it back when december comes ^^
WIP introduction : Par Amour de la Vengeance
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Titre : Par amour de la Vengeance
Genre : urban fantasy
Status : third version
Target wordcount : 100k (but only ~50k will be written by me since it's a project with my best friend 🥰)
Actual wordcount : 11 683 (as of 05/11/2023)
TW : blood, violence
Synopsis :
Revenge. That's what keeps us alive, what keeps us from being swallowed up. It helps us preserve our past. The past that made us suffer so much. We made mistakes, we have wounded others, we have lied, we have betrayed. And we are all of this at once: two women wounded, two women betrayed. Two errors of nature that should never have been allowed to exist. But here we are. Our hearts and our magic are the essence of our survival. Our hearts may be black, dry or atrophied, our magics perverted or hesitant, but they have preserved us from the ravages of time. Few understand our way of life. But it doesn't matter. Revenge guides our steps. And that's the only thing they need to know about us. We are the Ravens of the Shadows. The common folk knows it, and no one looks any further. And yet, we sometimes hesitate…
Please don't judge this (terrible) synopsis. It's from 2013 and I took it straight from our wattpad story (which hasn't been updated since 2017...). I'll rewrite it later because it explains nothing about what is actually going on, but later because right now my brain is fried and it's time for me to sleep XD
Settings : a government agency in charge of regulating the uses of magic and the relationships with the other dimensions/species ; a house that will never be a home again ; a shack in the middle of bumfuck nowhere, France
Lorelei Douxruisseau || [15 000+] || bisexual || Red Witch, High Priestess to the Goddess of Revenge || clinically insane ; if "danger? I laugh in the face of danger" was a person ; half-magic half-tree ; most powerful witch to ever walk the earth
→ Dalia Ravens || [80+, looks 40] || bisexual || Red Witch || Lorelei mortal persona ; functional human being ; competency kink ; actually has feelings
Némésis || goddess of revenge || teetering on the brink of insanity ; doesn't emote right ; cold and calculating
Arianna Shadows || [400] || straight || former black witch || currently trying to cleanse her magic ; in love with a dead man ; eaten by guilt
Prudence Ruthven || [37] || bisexual || black witch || head of the torture department ; coldblooded ; done with Dalia's shit but willing to tolerate it because she's hot ; mother of two
Jørgen Ruthven || [37] || bisexual || werewolf || stress is for the weak ; family-oriented ; paperwork is afraid of him ; father of two
Rélina Ravens || [15] || lesbian || water witch || Dalia's long-suffering daughter ; doesn't understand how potions work ; ran away from her posh school to run after her mother ; thinks Arianna is the worst™
Other characters include several temperamental familiars, dozens of well-meaning agents, ghosts from the past, a dead man walking, several goddesses and a flesh-eating old lady.
So this is my NaNo project for this year, but it's technically an old story since my best friend and I started writing it in 2011.
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