#i'm pissed that my regular vet clinic would risk her life like that
memesiders · 6 years
So, I let the kittens out of their carrier one morning, and Fury's ass was hanging out. Like, her colon or whatever was hanging about an inch/inch and a half out of her butt. So I'm freaking the hell out, my mom calls our vet (because I get huge anxiety when talking to people I don't know very well on the phone. Like, my tongue feels like it's swelling and it's hard to breathe normal and it feels like there's something in my throat), of course they were closed, so I had to wait the next day (Fury was still eating/drinking/running around playing). Call the vet, they say "eh, it should be fine if she's acting normal." So I have to wait until yesterday (Friday) to take her to the vet (this happened like four or five days ago). We take her to the vet, walk in, and the receptionist says "yeah sorry the veterinarian is in emergency surgery & we can't see her today."
My mom shows the secretary Fury's behind and the secretary's like "oh that's bad! That's really bad. We can't fix this. That's definitely gonna need surgery! I didn't think it was that far out." I want to scream at this bitch because we literally said "it's sticking out about an inch or an inch and a half" like do you not know how long an inch is?! You don't have a ruler or common fucking sense?!
I didn't say that of course, but my mom was like "yeah I'm pretty sure she could die from this." And the secretary's like "well..... I can get you in on Wednesday." LIKE WHAT?!?! MY KITTEN COULD DIE AND YOU CAN'T EVEN KEEP HER TO HAVE THE VET AT LEAST LOOK AND GIVE US A QUOTE OF HOW MUCH OR HAVE HIM TRY TO PUT IT BACK IN?! My mom also asked her "is it okay to give her a bath?" and the woman was like "yeah it'll be fine!"
So my mom, who is pissed by now, schedules an appointment and we leave and go to a different town to pick up my Shadow of the Tomb Raider game. My mom calls her friends vet because they're supposed to be great and my mom's like "is there any way you can just look at her? We're terrified something's going to happen to her," and they're like "sorry no we only do it if you have the money up front." Meanwhile I'm bawling my eyes out thinking that we're gonna have to put Fury down and there's no way in hell I was gonna give up on her. So we go to GameStop and my mom goes in and I face my fear of calling/talking to strangers and I call one of the local veterinary clinics. The receptionist answers and I'm literally on the verge of tears going "I have a kitten with I think a prolapsed rectum (do not look that up if you're squeamish!!!!) and we don't get money until the 3rd is there any way you can do anything?!" And this poor woman is just like "yeah, the veterinarian doesn't get in till 6 but when she gets in I'll ask if there's anything you can do for her at home."
So my mom, Fury, and I wait until 6 in the Safeway parking lot and the vet calls before 6. I shove the phone to my mom because y'know, I already went out of my comfort zone once today. The vet tells us to soak the colon in a warm sugar/water mixture or something like that and my mom's like "uh... Can we just pop on over and you can give me the directions?" Because the whole thing was explained very complicatedly. The vet's like "yeah sure!" So we go on over there and my mom goes in and she's in there for a bit. The next thing I know she's at the car like "the vet wants to take a look at her."
So I'm breathing my first sigh of relief in like 2 or 3 hours. Also, she talked to the vet about bathing her, the vet said "absolutely not! That will infect it. The only way you should put water on that is with the warm sugar/water mix." So now I'm like "that fucking secretary told us it was okay. What if I hadn't called and we went home and bathed her. How horrible would it have gotten?! WTF?!" So yeah, I'm livid with that vet.
Anyways, we go in, the vet checks her, and she's like "I... Don't know if I'll be able to get it back in. It's pretty far out. I'll try but if I can't you'll have to take her to an emergency hospital to someone who specializes in rectal surgery." So she takes Fury in the back and my mom and I are praying that she can get it back in because the only way we could pay up front for a surgery is if we do a Go Fund Me or something. We can hear poor Fury meowing in the back and I have to fight the urge to go back there and comfort her lol. Next thing you know, the vet walks in and is like "yeeeeeah, she's not gonna let us touch anything while she's conscious so we're gonna have to put her under anaesthesia."
And tbh I had a feeling they'd have to do that because Fury owns her name; if she doesn't like something she will squirm, growl, and bite for it to stop. So they put her under and we wait in the waiting room, still praying she can fix it. It takes a bit but the vet comes out and is like "success!" I breathe another sigh of relief and we wait until she wakes up and gets medicine and a cone of shame to get her back. In the meantime, my mom and them set up a payment plan (at first it was a six month payment plan but we got to a three month payment plan. For everything- the examination, anaesthesia, medicine, fixing Fury's butt, and the sutures- came down to $161 which is mind blowing tbh.
Fury is finally brought out and I hold back laughter because the smallest cone they have is still too big for her, so much so that they had to use nylon and tie it around her to secure it properly and she gets her feet stuck in it. So we leave and the poor thing sleeps in my arms the entire way home. When we get in we put her in a different crate and she hates it. She somehow manages to get the cone off so we put it back on. She gets it back off again and we put it back on and tie it a different way and now it's fine. She starts crying as we put her siblings into their crate and I feel horrible because she loves cuddling with her siblings. They all sleep cuddled together and the poor thing can't have that comfort for a few days.
We have to watch her eating & drinking and make sure her bowel movements are good and that she's not straining, and if everything is good then she should be getting her stitches out in five days and her siblings are going in with her for a welfare check because we don't want to risk anything like this happening again. We still don't know how or why it happened exactly; apparently it can happen for different reasons. The vet was shocked to know Fury was still eating, drinking, and running around, but she's a tough cookie. I'm just thankful she's okay. (Update: She's probably gonna have to go get her stitches redone actually because she's having a hard time having bowel movements.)
Anyways, that's the story of how I found a new vet and got Fury's butt fixed. Here's some photos of before and after she got her butt fixed up
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