#i'm probably missing pooints but i'm not really that awake right now akwjeflakwjef
wigglebox · 3 years
Good morning good morning. 
This is like, my third attempt at writing this because Tumblr keeps fucking me over lol. Happy Friday the 13th. 
When the drama in late-June happened I mostly ignored it, choosing instead to focus excitement on the prequel and what it would mean by having Robbie Thompson there and just having new content added to this SCU [SPN cinematic universe lol]. 
However it’s a month and a half later and this New York Times article got me a little miffed. It reads as an attempt to save face, a hollow attempt at PR redemption, and, as usual with PR, gaslighting and tone-deafness up the ass. 
Going to start with this paragraph first:
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This is why I’m so annoyed and frustrated. Either Jarpad is the most tactless and clueless guy when it comes to his own words and statements, in which Jesus Christ why are you having him do press by himself — OR he’s the smartest guy out there which would also make him the biggest asshole. 
[should state now for the record I don’t hate this man, I’m just frustrated and exasperated at this point]
This bullshit “uwu it’s hard to convey tone over social media’ and ‘uwu i just wanted to let people know I wasn’t keeping secrets from them’ attempt to gloss over what happened is, in my opinion, such blatant gaslighting that I couldn’t believe I was actually reading that. 
Let’s take a look at these two tweets [screenshots taken from here]:
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That’s not someone who’s struggling for the right words, that’s someone who got angry and fired off tweets before his brain could catch up and tell him it wasn’t a good idea. And this time it’s not some Delta worker or a random person at a restaurant, it’s his former co-workers. 
Like this tweet to Robbie especially is not someone who is concerned about tone. If anything, he’s thinking exactly about tone because he’s choosing specific words and even hashtagging them:
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And yeah sure he deleted that Robbie tweet but we remembered it, and we also remembered how there wasn’t any public apology for it. 
Speaking of apologies, his apologies after were PR-based and stupid, first telling us not to attack anyone, so basically standing by his words, and then the real PR apology that felt really manufactured. 
Another thing that irritates me is that if he read the damn article he would have seen it was a script commitment. According to him, Jensen told him the next morning that nothing had even been shot yet, when, duh it’s a script commitment. Jarpad should know what those are — he’s the EP for his own fucking show.
Gutted, coward, etc etc — that’s not someone who’s thinking about how to keep things civil — and indeed — if he was trying to do that he would have messaged these people privately before taking to twitter. This was a cry baby hissy fit, nothing less. 
Moving on from that fun trip to Gaslight Land — 
This part of the article also pissed me off:
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Like — does he listen to himself or anything? That’s what you made. You are a white male in a law enforcement position on this show. Sure there are more family elements to it but it’s still a cop show. It’s not a procedural cop show but a cop show nonetheless.
And I dislike the origin story he keeps peddling in these PR interviews about the show. Seeing an article in 2018 of a border guard who questioned himself after seeing children in prison does not lead to a cop show reboot from a pop culture classic. Where’s the connection, other than “cop guy feels bad”. 
It’s just such a tone-deaf thing to say, really, that you weren’t interested in making a tall, white, straight law enforcement character kicking minorities in the face. I haven’t watched it in detail, so IDK if he does ever roundhouse a person of color in the face, but you still made a show about a white man who’s a Texas Ranger. A group, I may add, that’s had some controversial history (like all of law enforcement really but still). 
You could have actually done something with a border crossing guard having a crisis of faith. Maybe make the guard a third-generation Mexican immigrant, or really the son or daughter of any immigrant from Central/South America who’s wrestling with identity or something. Something other than a stale reboot of a pop culture show from back in the day that has nothing to do with the origin story you keep repeating in all these interviews. 
I’m not going to go into every line about the article, those two bits just really stood out to me the most.
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