#i'm purposefully dancing around specifics because SPOILERS
How ""outdated"" (in terms of story/canon events) is each stars below part as of now?/genq /lh
SO THERE'S BEEN A TOOOOOOOOON OF REWRITING FOR STARS BELOW IN GENERAL but i'll give a light overview of just HOW changed skme things are
Perennial Crisis is outdated mainly designs-wise. Arthur for example is no longer just Dog Guy and he's now a genuine, bipedal, crocodile-werewolf-guy. the events are preeetty solid still, though Madeline is quite different now. 6/10
Ulterior Spectacle is all kinds of fuck. literally EVERYTHING is outdated as hell and Wrong. 0/10
Patchwork Guardian is different now because Benjamin got a complete character overhaul. the events are still sorta the same though, with Insinera burning down the city during a battle. 7/10
Cognition Factory is still accurate, with- again- designs being vastly updated. 7/10
Arbitrary Sermon is outdated because it lacks direct Charlotte involvement and we removed a certain. Erm. horrible Alatori iteration. other than that, accurate! 6/10.
Hungry is 10/10 accurate because it's more of a character study than anything
Sleeping with the Fishes is also 10/10 because that was made with the rewrites in mind
Macguffin in the Limelight's a weird one, same boat as Hungry, but with some variations with WHEN it all happens. 8/10
TLDR it's all a big fuck of a mess and i CANNOT WAIT to be able to actually explain things without hiding behind spoilers and rewrites and stuff. at the moment, they're all like teeny tiny windows into the true story imo
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