#i'm putting that very lightly about sparky
thetimelordbatgirl · 6 months
Hi going on anon for the sake of safety and so on- I've been digging into the stuff around Sparkly/edgarallancrow2030 because some people have been accusing a friend of being that person- and I needed some clarification on some things if you potentially had it.
Do you know around what age that person is now? From the writing before it seemed they were a woman, is this assessment accurate?
Sorry for this randomly coming out of nowhere but I'm trying to find any and all information I can on this person and front to know for certain what's up.
Its fine, I can understand wanting to figure out if Sparky is around you or not, given the amount of times I had to deal with being unsure if a new follower was Sparky stalking me again or not. In terms of what your asking about Sparky:
*I sadly cannot tell you what Sparky's age is because I do not know how old he is either. Sparky either didn't put his age on all the blogs he made or if he did, they varied in ages. One claimed he was 23 for example, but as you can see with his current twitter, he's claiming to be 30 now. I just know at this point, he falls into the adult age range. *The whole being a woman claim you are likely getting from the first ever blog Sparky had, aka trans-gliter-girl-sparky (aka where Sparky's nickname came from cause its either that or refer to Sparky with whatever blog he has going right now and that's impossible to keep track off so), as he claimed to be a trans-woman on that blog, but later on in different blogs, dropped that via claiming at first to be going by differing pronouns and then finally, just went by he/him on blogs and on his current twitter, so Sparky's gender is he/him confirmed.
And in terms of stuff I can give you that can help a little more in identifying Sparky:
*Sparky's name is Ian (sources being his blogs and such). *Sparky claims to be in America (sources again being his blogs and also when someone I know went on an alt and talked to him, he assumed it was me and told me to come to the states and give....*gag*...daddy a kiss). *Sparky also claimed to be in terms of ancestry: Irish, Iberian and Mexican (source being one of his blogs). *Sparky used to mention a grandma a-lot at least (source basically all his blogs). *Sparky is a pro-shipper whose very much into incest and age-gap ships (...Do I need to cite a source when you likely saw his tweet saying incest is hot and based??? Because that was all he had in his following in all his tumblr blogs as well and was into age-gap ships like Percy Jackson X Luke Castellan and basically confirmed liking these ships in his bios each time). *Sparky is a self-admitted pedo who did erotic role-plays with minors and for all we know could still be doing that but trying to hide it better now (source sparky himself). *Sparky is into anime and animation fandoms- I can't exactly name a-lot of the anime ones beyond Pokemon, Yu-Gi-Oh and Fullmetal Alchemist (based on headers and icons used on his blogs)- but in terms of animation, shows like South Park and The Owl House. *Sparky also likes DC based on icons and usernames and following and posts in the past and actually started hating/stalking me over me hating the MCU so likes the MCU as well. *Is a self admitted bootlicker for cooperation's like Disney and is also a monarchist (mainly cause I hate the monarchy...yeah Sparky admitted in the past that whatever I hate or like, he will do the opposite).
That's all from top of my head and also screenshots I could find. Hopefully this was a help to you, and I do hope for you that you don't have Sparky near you because...yeah Sparky is um...a fucking mess. If you want anymore info, I recommend checking out @antipeegirlarchive as their last post has info and screenshots about Sparky.
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fountainpenguin · 8 months
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"And honestly, I think you're fine! I mean, you're beautiful... about 84% of the time!" (x)
New Dog's Life chapter today! ~ 3rd Life series fan-season
Chapter 21 - “Heat (Martyn, BigB)”
❤️ Read on AO3
💛 Start from Chapter 1
💚 More Pixels Imperfect fics
A frustrated Martyn is left alone to babysit the Fox Dragon’s eggs. He texts Grian, Scott, Cleo, Mumbo, and Ren, then gets in three fights within an hour.
Meanwhile, BigB checks if Impulse's new farm designs are ethical for the villagers involved and Bdubs walks in on a dynamic that catches him off guard. Huzzah for server hub politics!
(First 1,000 words under the cut)
InTheLittleWood - Phantom
Status: Bored
Acting captain of New Star Station's phantom hybrid flock
💙  🧡  💚
"Iron… water… charcoal… salt… Ugh." Martyn leans all his weight against the lab table, blowing his lips. "Wow, this would be so much easier if I had an admin panel- none of this back-and-forth rabble. Why don't I ever look these things up when I'm on-server?"
The fox eggs, being eggs, don't respond. Martyn had to peel his eyes from them to focus his attention on the lab table, though he keeps his tail resting on the ground, lightly wrapped around the nearest one. If someone flutters down on the flock roost platform, he'll hear them. And if someone creeps on tiptoes across the landing, the vibration will rattle up his spine. He's a great caretaker. This is going just swell.
And it's not a bad gig, actually, stuck up here on the clock tower... so long as you don't mind the squawking and banter of parrot hybrids in the southern park whose voices carry back all this way. Let them sing you the song of their people; we're all sparky-frustrated up here in Between. Gods, that stupid moon.
Grian: i maen its no surprise if its rough. wild phantom idle ambiance uses live young w/o eggs or nests. the hybrids were the same back in my world Grian: well undead young but ykwim Grian: like its your bat side and not your vulture side is what im saying Grian: or whatever else you are InTheLittleWood: k InTheLittleWood: thanks g Grian: yeah sure InTheLittleWood: wait how do undead hybrid babies work? Grian: ? were you born alive? InTheLittleWood: ?? I thought I was? I was adopted as an egg tho, I didn't hatch in Linda's nest. Never thought to ask "Hey Mum and Dad, was I born alive?"
He pats the nearby eggs as Grian starts to type. Should he put his crocs back on? Is it rude to put your smelly feet up on a spawn egg? They can't sense that, right? Nah… They're not even born yet. The very beginnings of a soul might be in there (Maybe? He's not sure how it works), but they only hatch once an account links up to them. This clutch only has a few dozen eggs.
Martyn rests his hands on his stomach, counting down the ticking seconds. Thousands and thousands of eggs hatch every day, more or less in the order they were laid by one of the 98 dragons across Between. Sometimes siblings and camera twins are born the same species. Sometimes another dragon dropped a few of her own in a nest at the same time, so there's a split.
On rare occasion, two souls bundle in a single egg- That's where you get identical twins like Grian and Two. How much longer before these foxes start spawning? It can't be long now.
Gods, imagine if every single one hatches two souls… That'll be at least 60, 70, 80 fox hybrids scampering around up here. I should probably take them down to ground level. The base of the tower is a big empty room, offering nothing but the stairs and the doorway out.
Grian: i think mumbo said the phantom dragon carries the eggs in her throat pouch Grian: its what the alligator dragon does and she lives in the swamp near mumbo's spawner with joels mom InTheLittleWood: Suddenly I think I owe my parents some cards and gifts. I knew adopting phantoms was rare but I didnt realize grabbing an egg probably means crawling inside Linda's mouth and escaping before she bites you, geez 😳 InTheLittleWood: unless they just got my egg right after it was laid Grian: when the spawnlings hatch they eat the souls shes been carrying in there Grian: lol Grian: i mean mumbo got paid the big $ to do egg stealing runs, its why he had the last allay aggs Grian: eggs
Martyn lifts his brows, staring at his comm screen. If you measure by years instead of levels, he's older than Mumbo. Mumbo definitely didn't grab his egg, but how weird would that be? You marry the man who kidnapped you as a baby… That's just weird.
Granted, he does hail from a well-off family. The term "well-off" is ambiguous when you're off-server, but the gist is that his parents actually do have diamonds whereas most of Between's natural resources have been picked over out in the wild.
Growing up, he always just assumed his parents ended up with a phantom egg because that's what they bid for when the adventurers - usually, but not always wandering traders - went out on adoption runs to the dragon nests. His mum's an otter hybrid and his dad's a raven: a rare predator and a rare scavenger most people don't even know are native in the game.
Otter code was prepped for Minecraft Dungeons, but never made it beyond early concepts. Nonetheless, they exist. They're called a Tweenborn mob- something meant to exist, but never truly crossed into one of the main dimensions. Ravens actually did make it into the Dungeons spin-off, but only went public as cosmetic pets. You don't fight them, but they hang around anyway.
Most people thought his parents were modded and would do a double-take if they ever mentioned the Otter Dragon or Raven Dragon, who rarely get the mental pings to build nests and lay eggs. Growing up, they used to introduce Martyn as "their phantom kid" and urge him to show the wings and his baby fangs.
Was I a trophy kid? he wonders now. He wouldn't put it past them. Love his parents he may, but they did chase a lot of status symbols. Being rich enough to afford what must've been a wizard-level egg retrieval - potentially from the depths of Linda's gular pouch - may have been too good to resist.
Martyn stares a little more, rubbing his thumb across the edge of his communicator. I haven't seen my parents since before my EVO days. Maybe he should go. He can fly fast and be back in a snap. Would Scott allow that?
I guess it doesn't hurt to ask.
[Full chapter on AO3 - Link at top]
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xxisxxisxxis · 4 years
Gateway Drug | Part Eighty-Five [PT. 2]
Part Eighty-Five [PT. 1]
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"Who the fuck does he think he is?!" I bark, and Duff waits patiently for me to calm down. "I put blood, sweat, and tears, into this marriage and he just files for divorce a day after he dies?!" I've been on a tangent for nearly twenty minutes now. 
"Well...you were gonna file anyway, right?" He asks when I turn my back to him and I stop, closing my eyes. 
"...You were gonna file, right?" 
I hesitate and he sighs out. 
"I'm gonna go." He says next, grabbing his jacket. 
"What? No, Duff--"
"--You clearly have a lot to think about, Viv, alright? And it's good, you need to just fucking stop and think for a little bit because you clearly haven't been--neither of us have been thinking--so you just take a few days and think about stuff and--"
"--I don't need to think about anything, Duff, I didn't mean it like that." 
"Well, how'd you mean it, Viv? If you weren't gonna file for divorce and get out of the relationship, and then get mad when he does, that tells me that you want to be with him. And I understand that and I'm not mad about it, I just don't want you dragging me along while trying to decide whether you really wanna leave him or not." 
"I'm not dragging you along."
"I'm giving you time to think about what you want, alright? Call me when you're ready to talk." He turns to go but I grab his hand.
"Will you just stop and listen to me?" I ask him calmly, wrapping my arms around his waist. 
"Vivian." He weakly lets out. 
"I love you," I tell him. 
"I'm not saying you don't love me, I just think you aren't 'in-love' with me and that's where we're getting fucked sideways and that's why I just need to go and let you sort this out." 
He says. 
"I have it sorted out." I argue. 
"Viv, we both know…." He won't finish. 
"No, we don't." I state, my fingertips grazing under his shirt, running against his lower back. "Please just stay." I beg him and he exhales. "Please?" I stand on my toes, my lips brushing against his. 
He lets out a defeated sigh and leans down, our lips meeting, his hands in my hair before we start pulling each other's clothes off. 
Sex = The problem is solved.
A few hours later, he's passed out, snoring softly and I get up, looking at him over my shoulder, grabbing the sheet from Steven's bed, who was gone to see Axl and Tansy since they got back from New York.
The day of Nikki's homecoming, Tansy and Axl filed for a marriage license, when they were told Tansy was already married to Chester Straught, who we knew as, "Sparkie." Tansy didn't even know she was married (because she was blacked out when it happened) but they told her she'd have to go back to New York and have it annulled. 
As you can imagine, Axl had a fit at the fact Tansy had been married since 1984. 
So it wasn't just Nikki who had a solid chance at meeting their maker on December 22, 1987.
I pull the sheet over me before heading to the living room and picking the envelope of papers Nikki gave to me, looking them over. 
He's leaving me everything except the dog and his personal savings account. 
I don't want any of it, though, if he's not going to be there with me. 
He's been with me since I was seventeen years old, nearly seven years, and he expects me to just go on without him. 
He might as well have died if this is how things are going to end between us. 
Tears well in my eyes, the heart breaking revelation coming to my mind. 
I sniffle, a tear hitting the papers. 
I feel Duff wrap his arms around me, hugging me. 
"I'll be okay, Vivian." He tells me softly, and I choke out a little cry, grabbing his arms, holding them.
"It's so unfair." I say through my tears. "Because I really love you, I just can't…" 
"No, I know exactly how you feel." He assures me in the same tone, sounding like he's keeping himself from shedding a few tears, too. 
"I'm so sorry, Duff." I tell him, shaking my head a little. "You've been so good to me, and have made me so happy and have helped me through so much shit...thank you for being my peace for so long, even before we got together...I'm just so sorry." 
"I'm not." He tries to say it lightly to cheer me up. "I'm not mad, I'm not hurt…I don't regret anything." He adds. "I've loved you for years, Viv. If you think I'm gonna look back and be bitter we're breaking up, it's bullshit." He states. "I'm just glad you ever even look in my direction, but a whole thing happening…" he starts with a chuckle and I laugh, wiping my eyes. "...I'm gonna be thanking you for that until the day I die, so just do whatever you need to do. I'll be fine, Viv. I promise." 
It doesn't help me feel any better for, what I feel like is, completely screwing him over--and I just try to calm down, closing my eyes as we keep holding each other. 
Something that took three years to build, broken down in less than five minutes, and buried completely when he married Mandy five months later. 
I wish I could say I didn't carry guilt as his health declined over the next several years. I knew he wasn't solely drinking himself to death because of me staying with Nikki--but he'd let me know, very subtly, I was a part of it.
"...And he's not gonna wanna talk about the divorce so don't bring it up first thing, ease into it." Doc briefs me in the parking lot of the rehab facility. "Don't ask him if he's found Jesus yet, I did that the other day--bullshitting--and he tore me a new one so steer clear of the 'admitting there's a force greater than yourself' step in the program." He adds. 
"Okay." I reply as he opens the door. 
We get checked in and visitor passes…
"Are you wearing a pushup bra?" Doc asks me randomly as we walk in the direction of the visitation center and I furrow my brows. 
"Your boobs look bigger." He comments. 
"Stop looking at my boobs." 
"I wasn't, they're just not hard to miss." He states. 
I roll my eyes and keep walking down the hall. 
When we get to an open area with a big skylight and tables, I see Nikki sitting down and fidgeting with his watch.
He looks up and sees us. 
He already looks so much healthier--he looks exhausted, though.
The faintest hint, I mean the faintest, smile tugs at the corners of his lips for half a second, his eyes glued to me. 
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xxisxxisxxis · 4 years
Gateway Drug | Part Seventy-Five
Words: 4k
Warning(s): explicit language, domestic abuse, violence, drug abuse
Tag List: @unknownoblivion  @edwardtriggerhandzz  @lemmyjelly  @haileynicoleseavey17  @cierrasixx19  @oskea93  @mgkobsessed  @sharon6713  @itsametaphorbriansblog  @miriampraez  @allie-mcginn @xpoisonousrosesx  @rebeccaphillips14  @nicholeh7 @lilmou5ie  @tamedhearts  @divaanya  @6ixx6ixx  @ratedrkohardychick91  @floregrohlssard  @oldschoolimagineblog  @thanks2pete  @abaldboi  @liith-ium  @caos18blog  @ytwahsog  @scarecrowmax  @random-internet-user-4471  @solohqrry  @sparxx27  @kaitieskidmore1  @cruecifymesixx    @meetthesixxter   @sublimeprincesswasteland  @arianareirg  @girlnight-terror
@fancywasmyname1  @teller258316  @ggorehorror  @blowinmeupwithherlove  @xrosegoldwolfx  @mylifeisjustafeverdream  @redlipscrystalskies14 @str4nge-haze @reigns420 @sixxseconds2love @leatherandheels @dogmom2014 @allyouneedislove-mp3 @n0-self-c0ntro1
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"Hey, Nikki, c'mon!" The sound of Fred shouting on the other side of the bathroom door pulls me to my feet, making me swing the door open and catch myself on the side of the doorway before I can face plant. 
His expression is neutral, but I see it in his eyes...he knows they're losing me. "Three more nights to go," he reminds me, "make it count." 
I wipe my mouth, following him down the hallway, catching a glimpse of Vivian talking to Izzy while Steven's got his arms around her hips, pulling her to sit in his lap and she does, patting at his arms while he rests his cheek against her back and closes his eyes to rest a second as her conversation with Izzy doesn't skip a beat. 
Maybe she's sleeping with all of them. 
Not like it matters at this point. 
We're over anyway and I'll probably be dead before either of us can even file. 
She looks like she's about to look at me but I make sure to cut away from looking at her to avoid being caught, grabbing my bass from the tech as Tommy starts in on the drums, the screams of our fans echoing backstage as Mick, Vince and I head under the stage, my fingers lightly brushing against her crucifix around my neck for a split second. 
I'd stolen it when I found it in Duff's bathroom...when people asked me, "dude, how'd you take that news? You kicked his ass, right? You showed that cheating bitch, right?" 
The Night Before
"Hey, Nikki, man, can you help us with this?" Slash asks me once I get my room's door open, and I raise my brows. 
"With what?" I reply, confused. 
He motions down the hall, and I peek my head out to see Steven and Duff trying to push a desk out of Steven's room.
"We're fucking with hotel. We need help getting the desk, chair, lamp, and night stand from Steven's room into the elevator before someone needs to use it." He explains. 
"So they can have a more comfortable ride." Stevie pipes with a grin. 
I've been locked in my room all day and I won't get to see these guys until the end of next month starting in a few days, so…
"Hell, yeah." I agree, stepping out of the hall. 
"Where's your clothes man?" I ask Duff when I get to him and Steven, helping them push the desk along the carpet, to the elevator. 
He's in his boxers and a pair of his cowboy boots, and he replies, "me and this girl got in an argument and she stole my clothes."
I can't help but laugh. 
Poor Duff, he's probably never dealt with crazy, vindictive, mind-screwing women before. 
We get the desk and chair into the elevator before the doors try to shut, signaling someone needing to use it, and I'm snatching Steven out of there before it goes down. 
Whoever the fuck uses it will probably shit a brick once they realize it's gonna be impossible to get inside without crawling over the desk. 
After that, we get the elevator back pretty quick and finish the job before pressing every button in the elevator to make a stop at every floor, just to make people in need of it wait longer. 
"What're you guys doing?" I hear Viv's voice and turn to see her standing in the hallway with her room door open. 
"None of your fucking business." I snap at her, just as the elevator dings and the doors open to reveal all the fucking furniture, Izzy, and a groupie. 
They're sitting on the desk as if it's no big deal, and Izzy hops off of it and helps his lady friend down, the two of them looking at me and the guys. 
"Good one." Izzy tells us, nodding to the elevator and I chuckle as he passes by, lightly patting at my shoulder, saying, "goodnight, man." 
"Children." I hear Vivian mumble, shutting her door behind her. 
"She's not feeling good today." Duff tells me, trying to get me to drop it before I even pick it up. 
I don't listen, stomping to her door and banging on it. 
She opens it, and I sneer down at her. 
"We're having fun, what the fuck makes you think you can come out and shit on it when nobody even wants you on this fucking tour to begin with?!" I bark at her. 
"Nikki, all I said--"
"--I know what you fucking said because you've been saying it the past six fucking years. We get it. I get it. So just fucking drop it and mind your own goddamn business!" 
She shuts the door in my face, making me kick the door, before taking a breath, and turning to see Steven, Slash, and Duff, trying not to be too uncomfortable. 
"You guys got any booze?" I ask, knowing they do. 
"Yeah, man." Slash nods, motioning me to Duff's room. 
He hands me a bottle of Jack and I start downing it with no hesitation, wrinkling my nose at it's peculiar taste--more peculiar than usual.
"It's half Jack, half Vodka." Slash explains and I wrinkle my nose, my throat on fire as I cough. 
"What the fuck?" I ask, my head swimming, and he shrugs. 
"We got bored and figured we'd try it." 
"Don't let Viv know. She'll pour it out." I mumble, wiping my mouth, sitting on the foot of Duff's bed as he and Steven join us. 
"I know you two have a lot going on but go a little easier on her, man." Slash says to me, next.
"Yeah, you guys are our friends so seeing you fight is weird." Steven adds. 
"Like watching parents try to kill each other in front of their kids." Duff states and I sigh. 
"I know you guys are friends with her but you don't see what she's really like." I insist. "She's fucking nuts." 
"Trust us, we know." Steven scoffs. 
"She's a sweet girl, she's just going through a lot." Duff interjects, grabbing the bottle of jack/vodka from me, taking a sip for himself. 
"She was a sweet girl." I argue calmly. "Breakups just fucking make people unrecognizable. I don't see the chick I proposed to. I see a wicked bitch from hell that possessed her and just uses her body as a disguise." I add. 
None of them say anything, because they can't argue it. 
They see how we treat each other. 
It's a given I'll be an asshole, but when someone like Vivian starts spewing venom, it's because she's lost their fucking mind.
"I think I'm gonna be sick." I grumble, feeling my stomach wrench before I'm stumbling to the bathroom, vomit spewing past my lips into the toilet, my hand grasping the edge of the counter to keep myself from falling forward, the sound of the clink of metal against the floor as I accidentally knock one of Duff's necklaces to the bathroom tile. 
Once I'm done puking, I take deep breaths, closing my eyes for a moment before flushing the toilet. 
I reach for the necklace to put it back on the counter, before I get a good look at it. 
It's a small, sparkling cross a little too dainty for Duff...my stomach drops, my mind going back to the night I first met Vivian, when I first saw it around her neck and sneered everytime I looked at it. 
How she took it off before she and I fooled around for the first time, and everytime after that, until we got married…
My blood runs cold, another wave of nausea hitting me, bile rushing up in my throat before I can stop it, splattering onto the floor.
Maybe I would've been prepared had Vince told me what was going on. He'd found out after Sparkie got blacked out on smack and told him what he had discovered about saint Viv. 
It felt like a twenty-five pound weight had busted my balls. I didn't have time to think about it much in the moment.
"Gross." Steven wrinkles his nose a little as he peeks in to check on me. "I'll call the cleaning people." He adds, shutting the door, and I look at the necklace one last time before tucking it into my pocket. I'll confront her with it, later. 
I get out of the bathroom, Duff, Slash and Steven all looking at me.
"Dude, you alright?" Duff asks, smoking a cigarette, and I nod. 
"Yeah. I just feel like shit." I reply, trying to mask the fact I just found out he's been fucking my wife. "I'm gonna go lay down for a few minutes and see if I don't feel a little better." I tell them, stepping to the door. 
"Alright, man." Slash replies. 
"See ya." I mumble as Steven adds, "feel better, Sixx!" 
I get to my room, slamming the door, pacing, throwing my empty bottle of Jack at the wall and watching the glass shatter, my fingers raking through my hair. 
How the fuck could Vivian do this to me? How could Duff? My band gave his band a shot--a good one. I thought he and I were friends. You don't fuck your friend's chick. 
Okay, I fucked Roxy but that was different, I was high. 
Duff isn't into hard drugs and Viv's sober so neither of them have an excuse for it. 
A pit grows in my chest as I think a little more.
What if they were messing around back when she posed for Playboy? Maybe that's why he went with her…or maybe they've been at it since before Vanity let it out that me and her were together…that would explain why Viv hid him from me for so long.
My nostrils flare at the thought. 
Who the fuck does she think she is?! Cheating on me?! Does she realize how many girls would love to be married to me and here she is with my own fucking buddy. Heartless cunt. And he's an ungrateful bastard. I gave his fucking band a shot at getting what they've been hungry for and this is how he repays me? Nailing my wife on the very tour I invited him to play on? 
I take heavy breaths before stepping to the phone, dialing Tansy's room number. 
She's supposed to be back by now from her little break, and when I hear her answer, I sigh in relief. 
"Hey, Tans, whatcha up to?" I ask, grin on my face, knowing exactly what she's about to be up to, if she isn't already.
Tansy and I were like arsenic and cyanide. She was like Vanity--without the batshit craziness, or the sex. We'd hang out and just spend hours getting high together. I was one of her best friends, so it should've been my job to protect her, but if that were the case, I would've been encouraging her to throw her smack and coke out, instead of always wanting to hang out just so we could get high together like it was a bonding experience or something. Yeah, seeing each other at their fucking shittiest really bonds people to one another, right. 
It was a punch in the stomach when I found out about all the hell she'd gone through for years, that made her want to get lost in drugs, and eventually made her want to get lost past the confines of this life. 
A majority of her friends were protective "manly" men who would fist fight a pole if need be, well, Steven, at least. 
We were supposed to protect her. 
And I know, "Well, you didn't know." 
We would've known, had we paid more attention, and I wasn't paying attention because I was like a woodpecker with its head in a branch, except my head was in a pile of smack.
I hang my head over the toilet, vomit pouring from my lips as my head reels with dizziness, my veins aching as Tansy rests against the bathtub, slobber rolling down her chin from being in the same position I'm in only a few seconds ago. 
Our burnt spoons and sharp smelling foils are left to the floor as we're taken over by a monster bigger than ourselves, the sound of Slash, Steven, Duff, and Vivian's laughter from the hallway creeping past my door, slipping under the bathroom's door, pushing through the smoke and mirrors, nearly shattering my high before it even has its full start.
The next night results in the same outcome, only this time, I've decided to pick myself up with help from my favorite smoke, except the hit from the crackpipe comes with the expected.
Sweat beads down my back as I shake, curled up in the bathtub with the shower's curtain pulled, hearing the footsteps of my room's intruder. 
"Nikki?" A familiar voice calls softly, but the demon in my ear overpowers my want to go to her. 
I curl further into myself, squeezing my eyes closed, my shaking hand gripping at the cross around my neck that belongs to her. 
"If you're real just make it go away." I'm saying before I can stop myself. "Help me cut this shit, and give me my wife back." 
I knew I hit rock bottom when I prayed to a God I didn't even believe in…and I guess, in the end, my prayer was answered, but fuck if I didn't get in my own way.
I finally coax myself out of the tub after a few more minutes, seeing the light is off in my room under the door, before I open the bathroom door, my hair standing on end, my bare, ragged feet moving as quietly as I can move them as I pad onto the carpet, stepping to the bed where a figure is laid out, the shine of red hair across a pillow radiating from the bathroom light drifting into the room. Peaceful, sleeping features show no threat, but something wicked is beating in my head as I slowly approach her, my boney knuckle rubbing at her cheek, slowly, opting a tired, soft moan to leave her, her body shifting before stilling. 
I know it's bullshit. It's a facade. I know she's waiting for me to fall out so she can leech off of me. 
Fucking witch. 
If I pass out, she'll strike, and I won't make it out alive. 
Her nails are clawing blood from my arms as she gasps out, kicking her feet when my hands lock around her throat, my eyes glossing over as she tries to scream out. 
Her hand bangs, hard, against the wall the bed is against, her hands trying to fight me off as tears roll down her cheeks, her face beginning to turn a deeper shade of red. 
"Nikki, what the--Nikki, what the fuck?!" I hear Fred's voice, but I hear it as if I'm under water, my focus captivated completely as my eyes burn into Vivian's before I'm being snatched off of her and thrown into the floor. 
She's a coughing, gagging, gasping, crying mess. 
"What the fuck, Nikki?!" Fred yells at me and I look at Vivian. 
It's as if I'm coming back to myself, the reality of what I just tried to do…
What the fuck, Nikki? You already fucking shot her, and now this? If you don't get your shit together you won't have a fucking wife to patch things up with!
What am I saying? I already don't. She's fucking Duff. 
She's legally married to me, but emotionally she's already been single for months, now.
I didn't strangle her because I was pissed over Duff. I strangled her because in my fucked up paranoia I was convinced she was going to kill me, first. 
The truth was she wasn't. Duff, on the other hand, definitely considered it once he found out. But I don't blame him for it, now.
The next night, I feel my lip curl as I spot greasy, unkept hair, and scabbed, yellow skin. 
Sparkie's smoking a cigarette, his arm around Tansy. 
Its fucking pathetic. 
He's contributing to her demise--if not the reason it kickstarted in the first place--and she still looks at him like he's the only dude on the fucking planet and she can't get enough. 
My mind drifts to what would happen if by freak chance Vivian did decide to try something with him. 
It makes my skin crawl to think of Vivian in the same position as Tansy: doped up, exhausted to the point she can't fight back when she's pimped out by him, worn down…
The mere idea of it makes bile rise to the back of my throat. 
The fact Tansy's gone through it only adds to my nausea. 
I hold it in and step past them, glaring at Sparkie. 
"Stay away from my fucking wife." I threaten him and he flinches a little. 
I spot Axl shooting a death glare at him from the corner of my eye. 
He looks pissed as a hornet, his sharp jaw clenching and unclenching as Vince and Tommy walk past him to get ready to go on stage. 
I hear Skylar crying from the dressing room with Sharise--they came down a few nights ago. 
I look back to Axl, tension getting tighter and tighter in his body. 
All it takes is Sparkie clapping his hands one good, loud, time, just to see Tansy's jittering, withdrawal-beginning, body nearly jump out of it's own skin. 
This does it. 
Out of fucking nowhere Axl is tackling him like a linebacker, not giving the walking incarnate of an STD time to think before he's beating the shit--literal, shit--out of him, the putrid smell taking up space backstage, making me and the guys gag as Fred, Doc, and Izzy try to get the pissed redhead off the junkie.
I expect Tansy to be screaming or crying like usual when someone gives Sparkie what his punk-ass deserves, but she makes no protest to Axl. 
I immediately look away when Viv comes into the picture, a look of worry on her face as Axl yells: "Bitchy little princess, I'll give you a fucking reason to go fucking shoot up!" 
The smell of Sparkie's shit continues to permeate the area as Doc and Fred get him away from Axl. 
Tansy just stands still, her big, blue eyes blinking at Axl.
I meet Vivian's gaze, noticing the cake of makeup covering her neck, and a pit is dug into my stomach. 
"Dude, you good?" Tommy asks me, and I nod. 
"Yeah, just grossed out." I mumble, seeing Izzy leaning against the wall, dry heaving from the smell as Viv and Duff coax Axl down the hall to their dressing room.
Me, the guys, Emi and Donna all get into position, and I try to shake off all the shit that's happened, because we need to have a kickass show. 
As soon as mine and Mick's cue hits, and I'm face-to-face with thousands of people who all want a piece of me, I can't control uneasiness of my stomach, and when I take a moment to grab a drink of water, my throat ignites when I down a gulp of vodka, instead. 
What the fuck? 
I figure it's set aside for Mick, and try not to let it happen again. 
Only I do. 
Repeatedly throughout the show.
And that on top of smack, on top of the Jack Tommy and I chug during part of the show, leaves me sloppy as hell and stumbling off stage come curtain call. 
I see two Duff's stomping over to me, looking the most mean I've seen him ever look, Vivian on his heels. 
"Hey, man, wha--" 
I don't have time to finish my question. 
He knocks the shit out of me in the blink of an eye, and I stumble back, not able to react in time before he's shoving through Fred and Doc, giving another punch to my cheek, but I strike back this time, twice, before he just starts waylaying me relentlessly, Vivian screaming, stupid enough to try to get between us before Izzy's yanking her away. 
I feel my skin split under the pressure of one of Duff's rings, my vision spotty before he's thrown back by Fred and Axl. 
"You mother fucker!" He screams at me viciously as Doc comes to my side. "You stay the fuck away from her, you understand me?!" 
"Duff, it was an accident!" Vivian cries out hoarsely. 
"Look at your fucking neck! How is that a fucking accident?!" He's so pissed he's nearly in tears, too, and I feel my heart pound as I see where the makeup has been smeared off of Vivian's neck, revealing dark bruises in the shape of my fingers. 
"He was high!" Vivian insists.
"He was high when he shot you, he was high when he proposed to another woman, he's high everytime he treats you like shit, he was high when he fucking tried to kill you last night…" Duff rambles off, his face bright red. "...Stop excusing his bullshit with 'he was high', he's not high--that's just who the fuck he is, now!" He shouts, her feelings hurt from the looks of her expression. 
"Come on over here and see who the fuck I am, now!" I can't help but to spit out, even though I'm in no position to win a fight. 
"No, no!" Fred scolds as he and Doc are in front of me while Steven and Axl stay with Duff, trying to calm him down. 
First Axl and Sparkie, now me and Duff, all in one night. 
I bet Fred and Doc regret bringing them on tour, too, because I sure as shit do. 
If I felt like arguing anymore I'd ask Duff how my balls taste since that's where Vivian's mouth spent a good amount of time the past six years...if I wanted them to know that I know about them, I'd say it. 
If I knew it would make a difference, I would. 
But I know it won't, so I keep my mouth shut. 
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