#i'm putting this one in the tags but i find it absolutely humorous when misa screams 'I win!' when light asks her to live with him
astersofthesky · 4 months
Is it just me or does "ghost" L looks more soft and serene and pretty in this or it's just Light romanticizing the heck out of L in his imagination.
This scene happened 10 days after L's burial, meaning they stayed there for 10 days straight. What if the reason he asked the task force and Misa to live in an apartment because during those 10 days, he kept seeing L's "ghost" wandering in the headquarters.
Literally like this, he'd see L sitting in on his chair. He'd see L on the bedroom they shared with. He'd see sugar cubes stacked on each other and sees L putting another piece in it's tower.
Probably explains the dead eyes, those soulless, empty eyes. He is being haunted, not because of guilt, but because he actually misses L's presence (but he's too prideful to admit it) so this feeling of missing him reflects on his eyes. Light looked like a walking dead man in here.
What's even crazy is that Light blatantly mourns for L that even Ryuk notices.
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Just look at his face. It was as if he's fed up at Light for just moping for days now. The way he asked, "Is your score finally settled with L?" appears he's hinting that "Are you done being depressed over your dead rival? Cause I'm starting to get bored af."
Which works in Light's favor because he now atleast a more concrete reason to dedicate himself to judging criminals because if he doesn't, Ryuk can just kill him. And he won't have his work thrown out the window just because he keeps on seeing L's ghost and feeling depressed at the sudden emptiness in his life.
Light, you are such a loser / pos
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