#i'm realising.. putting the tags at the start is a bit redundant because you still have to scroll through to copy the questions whoops
eli-han · 6 years
Tagged by @know-your-paradoxes !!
tagging: @scientistsalari-ren @furpapurp @aiakane @ultimateyakazoo @timeandplacetovent @oo-magicalcake-oo @shcherbatskayas anyone feel free to steal it though (putting them at the top so you don’t have to scroll through to check)
Name: Eli
Gender: Genderfluid / nonbinary, she/they usually I guess
Star sign: Sagittarius, Nov 30th
Height: 170 or 171cm I think so like 5′7′’?
Sexuality: Panromantic/sexual
What image do you have as wallpaper?: Ahh well my laptop my wallpaper is celesgiri that was drawn by my valentine!! and my phone the lock screen and the home screen are both a photo I took of a kitten mid-screech (idk why Motorola phones can’t have a different lock and home screen, major design flaw right there)
Have you ever had a crush on a teacher?: surprisingly no, I was probably too busy being horrified at the genuinely unhealthy obsessions my classmates had with my music and drama teachers for anything like that. (planning futures and families and considering going into teaching just to be with them) I didn’t really have any friends in highschool (I mean idk if I have any now even but!!!) so I used to want to be friends with my favorite teachers if that counts lmao
Where do you see yourself in 10 years?: I’d love to say as a freelance illustrator but realistically probably working in retail or something and doing art on the side like I am now, but hopefully I can be closer to the people I love by then!!
If you could be anywhere else right now, where?: It sounds cheesy but I wish I could be there to support my boyfriend in his performance today!!
What’s your favorite 90s show?: It took me a while to find one of these! A lot of the ones I thought of were 2000/2001 somehow. I’m gonna say cardcaptor sakura even though technically it’s a 2000 I think but that’s close and it was important to me as a child, other than that probably pokemon-
Last kiss: I kissed my cats head before I came back to uni
Have you ever been stood up?: I’ve not been out on a date before so no, but I used to have people I thought were friends who would organize stuff and then pull out at the last minute, even when I was already at the place we were going to meet. But like now I never get invited out full stop so-
Have you ever been to las vegas?: I’ve only been to the states to visit friends so I haven’t been anywhere like that but maybe some day! my parents are visiting next year and doing los angeles/las vegas/new orleans/grand canyon kind of things but I’m not invited rip
Favorite pair of shoes?: Man let me tell you, let me tell you recently I bought these really nice boots and I’ve never bought new shoes before (I’ve always had second hand) so I was really pumped about it but after a month they started to get really worn out especially at the heel part so wearing them for any extent of time now is painful and I get blisters but I’m super bummed out because they weren’t cheap and they barely lasted at all!! they’re so cute though
Favorite fruit?: Watermelon but you don’t really get them much here and when you do they’re the seedless ones which have no flavor at all. Honestly all fruit is good though I really like blueberries too but also strawberries and mangos though mangos take effort to prepare. I used to really like pineapple but it hurts my mouth so I don’t eat it anymore- 
Favorite book?: I used to really like reading when I was younger but I really struggle to focus on it nowadays. It’s kind of cheating but I really like art books like uh I have a Splatoon one (which I ordered from Japan and then a month later they announced they were translating it to english I am A FOOL) and it’s really cool to see the design process and stuff like that! I wouldn’t say it’s my favorite but it’s good!
Stupidest thing you’ve ever done?: I had to think about this one for a while and I think I’ve decided - In highschool when I was like 13 my art teacher told me not to take art class because I would fail, so I didn’t take art classes, which meant I couldn’t take them at all for the rest of my highschool life, and I ended up as a major in math, economics, psychology and a minor in biology (idk how these things translate... three A Levels and an AS). Luckily I managed to get to some life drawing classes and I used that as a portfolio to get onto a one-year foundation course between highschool and college and now I attend one of the country's most renowned art schools so suck it. It’s dumb to tell a kid they can’t do something just because they won’t get the highest grade especially if they love it. I’m glad that didn’t stop me but it does get me thinking sometimes how much further I could be along skill wise if I’d been supported at that point
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