#i'm really glad someone with social power and influence is addressing this
blacklezrage · 2 years
7 minute video on gun violence
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missielynne · 2 months
Just venting to you because you're so nice despite knowing that you and 99% of our fandom disagrees lol, but I didn't actually like last night's episode of Ghosts very much? I far preferred the premiere. The thing is, I get that the Ghosts are VERY flawed and love that because it makes the show both compelling and hilarious, but I feel like they were more manipulative and kind of mean-spirited in last night's episode to a degree that they almost never are. (Again, they're always a bit manipulative - it's a matter of type and degree!) Like violating someone's headspace to make them think and do things they ordinarily wouldn't? I get that Sas is an instigator, but that's a WHOLE new level of wrong for him, and even though he was obviously contrite by the end, I really kind of cringed through most of the episode. And Hetty not even giving a thought to Trevor before desperately coming on to a vulnerable and mourning Thor purely in hopes of getting sucked up? Again, we all know Hetty is hilariously terrible in certain ways, but this felt like the Hetty at the VERY beginning of S1 who'd had literally no growth at all. Also, I LOVE Jay, but I hope they address how kind of pitifully dependent and suggestible he is?! Like he's SO easily influenced, constantly lonely to the point of desperation even though he has Sam and Mark and can still be in touch with his NYC friends when he wants to be, etc. It's not just last night's episode - this is the man who almost joined a cult last season after meeting people for like five minutes just because he was so desperate for companionship! I'm definitely an introverted homebody so maybe I can't relate as well to why Jay seems to need a lot of friends around and constant socializing but a 30-something man who can't handle ever being by himself and is THAT eager for acceptance?! I feel like if he and Sam broke up Jay would be one of these people who has a new "girlfriend" within three days - not because he doesn't love Sam, because obviously he does and is totally devoted to her, but because he has such a fear of being alone and needs constant company, approval etc. Like I said, I'm glad he has flaws, but I hope they address this! And suffice it to say this episode didn't paint Sam in a flattering light either lol. Manipulation aside, it really feels like she always has to have her own way. She's certainly a lot more accommodating to the ghosts than she is to her spouse! Anyway, I like my sitcom characters flawed, but last night's episode just felt a little 'ick, why am I rooting for these people' to me. I know most loved it and wish I did too!
I loved the concept of this episode, but I agree that the execution was a bit ick, once again highlighting Sam's tendency to resort to manipulation to get what she wants from Jay rather than just talking to him. Sass having dream manipulation powers is a very cool concept and maybe it was tough to figure out a way to do it in a way that wasn't weird (which I might be able to understand) but I would have felt less weird about it if the powers had been used as a way to have Jay meet the ghosts so that he didn't have to die or almost die in order to do so (with conversation beforehand of course.) I hope we have future episodes where they do this because the concept is a good one, at least to me, and Sass' power is cool. It just was introduced weirdly. I'll give you that one for sure.
I really felt so bad for Thor and this was not a shining moment for either Hetty or Alberta but I suppose I can't blame them for (in general) jumping on a chance to possibly get sucked off (although they could have waited, for crying out loud. Again, not the best move but I don't blame them for wanting to take the chance.)
And I felt so bad for Trevor too. I hope this makes it apparent that he and Hetty want different things where she's more intent on moving on and at least for the time being, he's comfortable where he is and that's fine. I think everyone except poor Thor had lessons to learn and I hope they did come away a little wiser (Although Thor's plan for Flower isn't the most selfless. Maybe it will be his turn to learn something later.)
As for Jay, as an introverted homebody myself, I don't really understand the depth of his loneliness either (Although I would love love love for him to build friendships with the ghosts, of course.) And honestly, they aren't doing with Mark what I thought they would. Can they at least use Sass' dream power (after making sure Jay is okay with it, of course) to help the man meet Pete? For crying out loud, it makes me nuts.
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