#i'm rlly proud of this reply tbh. i missed writing him
adoranoia · 1 year
for seven!! // 'what do you want most in the world right now?' the question was one that caused saeran to pause, chewing on his fingernail while he thinks. to voice his wants, his thoughts, is something that does not come easily to him; all the same, the answer springs to mind fairly quickly.
a smile blooms on tired features, tugging at his lips, and saeran says: " i want...a hug from my big brother. "
@rosenfaith // random asks, always accepting!
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saeyoung stands proudly, hands on his hips, as he questions the other, metaphorically prodding his cheek! ...actually, literally, too. ✉️‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎ " what do you want most in the world, right now? " saeran, beloved saeran, was recovering--that much was clear: he was getting better both mentally and physically over the days, weeks, months... but, there was one itty bitty problem that kept popping up like a recurring villain in a saturday morning cartoon. ✉️‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎
his twin has a bad case of repressed emotion-itis! thankfully, it wasn't terminal, but. they certainly had to do something about it! saeyoung smiles bright as he awaits the other's reply, a thoughtful pause hung in the air--but, after a moment, he can't help but nudge him a little. ✉️‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎
" ah, what's going on in that brain, huh? the presses need to know! think of me as an interviewer, okay? and you, a rising pop idol! " he teases. clearing his throat, he holds out an invisible microphone, for effect! " mister choi, mister choi...! " a light gasp, as if feverishly trying to get his attention, but suddenly. ✉️‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎
an interruption, causing his theatrics to screech to a halt, the invisible microphone is lowered, and saeyoung's expressions shifts to surprised, a blink, blink, blink! then, a soft laugh, his tone is a bit quieter now, gentler, " ...i believe i can do that, yes. c'mere, brother dearest. " ✉️‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎️
saeyoung quickly snuggles up to saeran, pressing their freckled cheeks toge -ther, swaying lightly as they hug. voice sing-song, " you-and-me-for-ever~! " ✉️‏‏‎ ‎‏‏‎ ‎️
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