#i'm seeing people who rb the whole 'feminist mc*t spaces' thing
anonymous-dentist · 11 months
I think what got on my nerves was the sheer amount of people I saw calling qjaiden getting in an accident. like, okay, maybe her seeing the door while looking for secrets was accidental. but her actively trying multiple ways to get both into the rooms and into the chests very much wasn't.
I'm all for the conflict it'll bring but you cannot call someone trying multiple times to get into a hidden room, and then into the chests it holds, an accident. the only reason she couldn't get the chests was because codebreakers were disabled, but she still absolutely tried. that's not an accident.
let her claim to be silly and do things that'll hurt people and let those actions be on purpose, even if she doesnt mean harm. she did that with the intention of snooping and only stopped when she couldn't get information, and shes so much more interesting that way than if shes just Silly and it was an accident.
Oh I saw the accident claims too, I'm just not bothering with them because they're fucking stupid. She deliberately went to make everything she needed for a codebreaker, she tried using said codebreaker multiple times on the door, she left to get a bike to glitch in, she used a chorus fruit to get in. She left the chests she thought were personal to him alone, but she absolutely tried getting into several, especially the ones she could 100% tell were Federation-related, like the keycards chest. She would've tried to get into more if she understood Portuguese well enough to tell which ones were also Federation-related.
Just calling a female character "silly" and chalking every Funky thing a female does up to an accident removes the character's agency in every way fucking possible. It isn't feminist to say that your fav female character didn't mean to do the Bad Thing she 100% meant to do, or that she didn't understand that she was doing something wrong, because that's just. Misogynist. It's hard to describe, but not allowing your female characters to have any agency at all is fucking misogynist and I'm tired of this fandom pretending that it's this paragon of feminism when it constantly undermines its own favorite female characters while trying to keep itself from being as outwardly misogynist as the DSMP fandom was, and is.
Let female characters do fucked up things! Let them do them on purpose! q!Jaiden isn't some clueless idiot wandering around the server accidentally walking into locked and hidden rooms and trying to break into chests, she's someone who broke into a secret location because she was, in her own words, snooping around. Purposefully ignoring her own literally outwardly-spoken motivations just to call her "silly" and pretend she's never done anything wrong is a disservice to her character and her player.
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