#i'm severely unwell tearing up at 2 am
blanketforcas · 1 year
god the sheer AFFECTION in BOTH their eyes when dean tells cas "don't ever change" i'm gonna throw up
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NXX Mystery Theater: Once Upon (Several) Midnights Dreary (Part 1)
I woke up from my after work nap to the most dreadful thing ever: for once, after 2 months since I started this blog, I found myself having writer's block. This, after 2 months of my writing diarrhea. It feels fucking horrible.
To the rescue comes my husband, who, I am totally amazed to find out, started rattling off story ideas that aren't random, because
as it turns out, HE HAS READ UP ON TEARS ON THEMIS LORE AFTER SEEING ME TOTALLY CONSUMED BY IT. My husband. READING UP ON OTOME BECAUSE HE THOUGHT THE LOVE INTERESTS ARE WELL WRITTEN CHARACTERS. And he knows what the four dudes are about, which is why, folks, we have this fucking story right here.
Dedicated to my husband, who rightfully knows that Artem wouldn't be of use in this kind of situation as is Marius, and that Luke and Vyn are the only ones along with Rosa who can fucking save the day.
Premise: A lead brings the NXX Investigations Team to a small coastal island. Several nights, each bringing with it its own mystery.
Day 1: Daytime Phase (Introduction)
"This is the first and last time I'll endure a two-hour boat ride," mumbled Artem, a hand covering his mouth. His other hand, white-knuckled, gripped the rails by the speedboat's prow.
Indeed, he didn't look good--he was sweating bullets and his complexion was sickly pale. Still, he tried his hardest to compose himself and hide the immense discomfort that threatened his stomach to once again empty its contents where there is nothing left to vomit out.
The speedboat was moored by the small pier jutting off the side of the island and already stationary, but the waves lapping at the side of the island made the small craft gently sway side to side at an angle that made Artem's stomach twist even more.
"I did tell everyone to lay off the caffeine." Vyn handed Artem a bottle of cold mineral water, which was downed in a matter of seconds. "Drinking several cups before a boat trip is just asking for it."
Vyn patiently waited for Artem to collect himself--he was the group's doctor, after all--and threw a glance at Luke and Marius who went ahead of them and are now wading in the shallow ocean water.
Luke and Marius were setting up the ramp so the rest of the passengers, Artem, Vyn and Rosa can use it to disembark the small craft and cross over to the pier.
"You two, hurry up will you?" Vyn called out to them. "Our lawyer here will have to vomit his guts out next the longer he stays on the boat!"
"Then tell him to jump off the boat and join us!" Marius hollered back from the shore. With a grunt, he hefted the heavy wooden plank over his shoulders.
Luke quickly caught the other end of the plank and helped guide it to the side of the speedboat's prow, with Marius placing his end of the plank on the pier's timber bridge.
"There!" Marius wiped the sweat off his brow with his sleeve. "You guys can get off now!"
Rosa hurriedly hoisted up as much baggage as her arms can hold (to make up for Artem's inability to hold anything even the contents of his stomach) before nimbly crossing the plank, hopping off onto the rickety wooden pier.
"Careful now," Vyn grunted under his breath as he half-dragged, half-carried the clearly unwell Artem along the narrow plank. "Wouldn't want you to fall into the water and compromise the mission before it even starts..."
"Ugh," Artem wanted to deliver a retort but was literally physically unable to do so.
"All right, I think that's everything." Marius had double-checked the luggage and supplies sitting by their feet, the group still on the pier. Then he craned his neck around, checking if there were any other people within earshot.
His voice falls into a whisper audible only among their group. "We're still clear. This is the only time I'm glad the welcoming party is late. Let's run down the basics, one more time."
"Again, only Marius and I will go by our real names." Vyn reminded the group. "We would prefer going incognito, but we both stand out too much and the moment it is found out that our identities are falsified, our investigation will be for naught."
"Now, you three, state your names once again just to make sure we do not accidentally forget and call you by another name."
"Lily," said Rosa.
"Louis," said Luke.
Artem cleared his throat, and said in a rather weak voice "Anthony."
"And our cover story?" Vyn asked to check if everyone is on the same page, one more time before they are picked up from the pier.
"Marius has rented the private resort area of this island to celebrate his upcoming graduation. He invited you, his teacher, and us three, his friends," Luke said. "Simple, really."
"Good," Vyn nodded. "Though once we get out of earshot of other people, we shall do what Luke--Louis--has suggested and use our codenames. Are we clear?"
"You don't have to speak out loud, man. Maybe just nod or something." Marius said wryly. "We don't want you throwing up all over yourself."
"Maybe if you were a better helmsman my condition could be avoided," muttered Artem, hand still over his mouth.
"I think that is our ride." Vyn noted the vehicle approaching them and, being the assigned teacher in their cover story, took it upon himself to play the role of the responsible guardian. He approached the Jeep-type automobile as it pulled over nearby.
The windshield by the driver's side rolled down. "Party of von Hagen?" called out the gruff-looking driver.
"Yes, that is us." Vyn held out his hand to the driver. "I am his professor. Dr. Vyn Richter."
"Pleasure," he caught Vyn's hand a gave it a brief shake. "Hop on in then," said the driver. "You are all just in time for lunch."
After a short fifteen minute drive to their lodgings conveniently located a short walking distance to the beach, the group were shown inside into a rather charming cottage-style building.
Each having handed their own keys, everyone stowed away their belongings in their own rooms located in the second floor of the building.
While almost everyone decided to take their lunch together downstairs, Artem chose to stay in his room for a bit to recover from his severe bout of seasickness, with much regret.
The group was told to convene in the communal dining area in the first floor, where they (sans Artem) took their seats around a large dining table. The staff has also given them the heads up that the owner of the property would be personally greeting them over lunch.
"This is a nice place," Rosa noted as her eyes took in the predominantly white decor liberally accented with latticework. "Exactly what I had in mind when I think of a vacation home."
"Rather simple and elegant, yes." Vyn hummed appreciatively. "Tell me, Lily, do you want this style for our future ho--"
"Vyn," Marius interjected. "For god's sake man. Stop shamelessly flirting with her."
"I was not flirting," Vyn grinned, his smile not entirely reaching his eyes. "I was merely confirming details with my...girlfriend." He then turned to Rosa, who kept silent as a deep blush bloomed across her face.
Luke was going to retort something when a couple of household staff entered the dining hall, the butler pushing a trolley with a maid closing following him.
After them, a well-dressed young blonde man in his twenties strode into the hall, a polite smile on his face.
"Nice to meet you, everyone," he said as he took his place by the head of the table, making a point to look at each of them before speaking further. "I'm not exactly the owner of this place, but I am the second son of the family. I am Laurent Leiseg, but you can call me Laurent."
"This is a nice place you got here, Laurent," Marius said, briefly standing up to offer his hand to the host. "Marius von Hagen."
"Yes, you are rather easy to identify," Laurent said with a jovial grin as he took Marius's hand and shook it firmly. "I am very, very honored that the PAX scion has graced us with his presence. Your group is our first ever guests as well, after we started opening part of this island as a resort."
The next hour was spent with pleasantries spent over good food.
"That...that really exceeded my expectations. I'm really full...say, Laurent, are there any recommended spots here where we can take a walk? Rosa inquired, polite smile on her face.
Rosa and her companions knew that it was already time to try and get out of their watch, so they could survey the area before it got too dark.
"The beach, of course. Also you can enjoy a bit of foliage even if you skirt the shoreline." Laurent stood up from his chair, giving everyone a polite nod. "I am afraid I have to go now--I still have work to do in our main estate."
On his way out, however, Laurent paused in his tracks to turn around and said "Oh right...before I forget, just keep to the shoreline when you take your walks." His face no longer has the jovial smile on it. "Do not ever wander inside the forest, at late hours especially."
Vyn made a show of being curious. "Oh? May I ask why we shouldn't go there?"
"Oh, just some groundless superstition," Laurent replied before resuming his way out of the building. "You know. Old wive's tales."
Day 1: Nighttime Phase (The Beginning)
NXX Group Chat
Marius: No sign of Artem yet?
Luke: None here.
Vyn: None as well in my vicinity.
Rosa: I'm really worried.
Marius: Shit. We totally messed up big time.
Vyn: I have spoken with Laurent. He is rather blasé about Artem's disappearance and has claimed that he probably took a walk somewhere out of boredom.
Luke: Did you even tell him that he is not the type to wander off like that? Also, he was too sick to even move by himself
Vyn: It would be pointless in doing so. I can only see any further questioning merely deflected. I would rather spend my time looking for our colleague.
Rosa: Same.
Vyn: Everyone. Please keep this in mind. After reading this specific message, reply with "okay" so I know you understand and have read this carefully; this is very important. Do not, I repeat, do not show that you are worried about Artem. Act as if you are enjoying your time here. We do not want to raise their suspicion. If you need to talk about Artem, or if you have discovered anything regarding Artem and his whereabouts, do so here in this chat. Keep your phones with you, and sufficiently charged at all times. Also, in the event that we suddenly lose our phone signal and cannot talk like this, meet me by our lodging's entrance. I will think of a way to communicate covertly. Are we clear?
Luke: Okay.
Rosa: Okay.
Marius: Damn Vyn, that is so fucking wordy but I have read each and every word--okay
Vyn: Good. Luke, have you checked if there are people in the perimeter around the forest?
Luke: Yes. I have yet to find a footpath that would allow us to sneak around undetected. If we don't want to be caught or raise their suspicion, there's no way we can sneak in there to continue our search.
Luke: The foliage is too thick too. If my suspicions are correct they may have laid out traps to detect if there's anyone trying to enter the forest.
Vyn: Then unfortunately we will need to wait until the sunrise before we can continue.
Marius: Shit, Vyn, why should we fucking wait? From right this moment til tomorrow sunrise anything could happen to Artem!
Vyn: Because of this one major detail. I suggest everyone sit down before I type this out.
Marius:...we're waiting Vyn
Vyn: Everyone now seated? Good.
Vyn: Our speedboat is missing. Someone or some people are clearly out waiting for us to slip.
Vyn set down his smartphone on his desk.
The writing desk is cluttered with unraveled candy wrappers taken from the large bag of candies he brought along for the trip. The hard candies were originally for his and Rosa's consumption, but now due to the dire situation they will need to be repurposed.
Carefully he grouped the wrappers according to flavor--he was doing so for the distinct color of each flavor--and with a pen started scribbling single words onto the underside of the wrappers. Once done, he re-wrapped the candies with the same papers.
Things are going south too fast for us to come up with contingency measures.
"I hope Artem is okay."
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