#i'm so happy people are loving kel dors much and plo koon
exosorcery · 2 months
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HASSADURRA (N) - Lightning rod
KOMESSI - (PHR) - Very informal expression of sympathy, more or less "RIP, my dude."
Don't be too concerned about the dude, though. Kel' Dor survive lightning strikes. A lot.
In fact there is a whole clan on Dor'in with a name that essentially expresses "They Who Survive Lightning" - because many members of their clan (in particular) get struck and then live to tell about it.
It might be a force quirk, nobody's sure.
Many thanks to @plokoonsdisapprovingeyebrows for the Keldeorin'yaa Conlang Dictionary which you can access here:
keldeorinyaa conlang dictionary - Google Sheets
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dukeoftheblackstar · 8 months
got any plo koon fic recs? looking for some new stuff that's good. one shots and long fics welcome! I'll take anything i can get
Shamelessly promoting my own:
Dom!Plo ask by yours truly, submitted by the lovely @mild-disorganization
Some tired dad!Plo headcanons maybe?
And for some that I have read and adored:
Plo Koon Masterlist by @my-head-is-an-animal (Mixed)
Thigh Kink with Plo by @saradika (NSFW)
Not a fic, but hella spice by @saradika (SFW & NSFW)
Friendship - Plo Koon & Wolffe by @wild-karrde (SFW)
PloKit Art (their entire blog) by @uiro-mgmg1 (NSFW - mostly art)
SFW & NSFW Alphabets for Plo by @samspenandsword
My favorite ♥:
Sovereign (PloKit, idk if you're into it, but I am) by @tits-fisto (NSFW but very wholesome)
The Tiniest Councilor by Quiet_Shadow (SFW)
Name and Soul by @decepticonsensual (SFW)
Haven't read but is on queue when I have the mood and will power to actually read and not thirst for our Kel Dor Emperor ♥
of claws and tusks by my bestiecakes ♥ @saengak <- Apparently, it's hella angsty and I reserve the angst for weekend when I'm not out here thirsting for this King.
in deditionem by my bestiecakes ♥ @saengak <- I've seen them write ♥, it makes me squeeeeeeee ♥
Helium by @cynderiaopus who also made my current bomb AF pfp of Plo steepling ♥
Other materials and interesting read:
@exosorcery has very interesting comics and posts about Kel Dors in general. Here's one specific of Plo Koon:
A few faves from them:
@veny-many for their AUs and Plo Koon & Wolfpack Art (also includes others) <- Presenting you the bebbis ♥
My faves:
The entire post AU 66 where Plo lives is a quintessential to any post AU 66 imho because I'm heavily invested in this and I'm about to cry because I need to organize my bookmarks (and update this) so I can give you the proper start to fin link.
I'd post more from @veny-many and @exosorcery, but if you spend a good 10 minutes scrolling, you'll be there forever. Quality art content!
You may also want to check World building and ConLang Kel Dor study, apart from their OC x Plo Koon art. Big thanks for this neat document by @plokoonsdisapprovingeyebrows
[[ @plokoonsdisapprovingeyebrows I hope it's okay to share. If not, I can take it down ♥ ]]
So far just these at the top of my head. Thank you for the Plo-related ask :D! I enjoyed sifting through my bookmarks ♥
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Don't forget to give love and reblog, comment, follow these amazing people who do so much for the Plo Koon, Dorin, Kel Dor tags ♥
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exosorcery · 2 months
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DARI (vb) - To shout, to cry out.
Also see -
BOROBAI (n) - Urgent, emergency
Many thanks to @plokoonsdisapprovingeyebrows for the Keldeor'inyaa Conlang Spreadsheet. Read it!
keldeorinyaa conlang dictionary - Google Sheets
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exosorcery · 8 days
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RRUNOGI (Vb.) - To scold, tell off, threaten.
IVOOLI (N.) - Trouble - specifically, that which you had a hand in making.
Tistuura Paan... Remember her? She used to be the apprentice who guarded the front door of the Baran Do Temple when Tila Mung was Temple Mistress. Now SHE'S the temple mistress, runs a tight ship, and is very much a force to be reckoned with. It's not clear if crossing her on purpose is a sign of courage or stupidity. Typically initiates only cross her ONCE.
HALA and MIN'AA (Sun and Moon) are twin siblings with very bright futures as Bar'an Do. Min'aa is very likely to be the next Storm Caster. Hala is verrry force perceptive (among other things) and telekinetic, and will have a place in high-level Planetary Security/Screening someday. Their parents want them to be acquainted with life among the KOLMI SEFF ("dead-horns" - the derogatory expression for the non-Force prodigy Kel' Dors among the initiates at the Temple). So, they go to school with the Dor'shan City Kids - they don't do schooling with the Sages.
They are supremely talented and used to EVERYTHING going their way ALL of the time - at home and at school. They expect to be at the head of every social pecking order, and enforce their tyranny with punches, shoves, tripping, cheating and setting up trouble at every turn. Naturally, using the Force is prohibited in school; however Hala has perfected the art of masking LITTLE ZAPS so they are unseen by the Force radars there. Everyone knows it. Nothing has been done about it.
However - Hala has met her match in the person of Ceecee. She knows this classmate has an elusive, incredibly strong force signature, but can't quite put her finger on what she is. (She's definitely NOT human). On Dor'in, ALL force sensitives MUST declare themselves and carry the proper wielding permits - but SHE has no file (Yep, she checked). She constantly tries to provoke Ceecee into 'revealing herself' in front of the school - but Ceecee's not biting. However, when she does retaliate, it seems SHE can mask from the school force sensors too. FOR REAL?? Hala does not like the thought of being bested. She LOVES the thought of having Ceecee in thrall to her every whim lest she be exposed and proscribed from the planet though.
This is setting up to be the showdown of school history!
Or was, till the not-so-bright Hala took things a liiiiitle too far.
Now Mistress Paan's involved. It will NOT be pretty if this happens again.
The KELDEORIN'YAA WORD OF THE DAY is brought to you by @exosorcery - and @plokoonsdisapprovingeyebrows :)
If you haven't read their KELDEORIN'YAA CONLANG DICTIONARY yet, read it here!
keldeorinyaa conlang dictionary - Google Sheets
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exosorcery · 12 days
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BAL (N) - Thunder, atmospheric booming sound. Very common name.
BALANN (N) - Thundercloud, stormcloud (thunder not necessary, just the look of a storm).
Uh oh. This could mean one of two things. It's thundering out and you're gonna get heckin' wet on the way home from school (if a concerned citizen doesn't drag you in because of a >snap!< cyclone)... OR, the Baran'Do Initiate from PreCalc is pissed off at you and ever Great Mother Dor'in feels it. In which case you should hide in a bathroom stall and pratice DeadBrain till they leave.
Oh, sorry - you don't know how to do that? In that case, KOMESSI :(
Haven't read The Keldorin'yaa Conlang Dictionary yet? Well. You simply MUST, my dear - ! The link is here:
keldeorinyaa conlang dictionary - Google Sheets
Happy Victoria Day Weekend to all of my Canadian Kel'Dorks. Hugs!!
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exosorcery · 1 month
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HASSANTEGAR - Lightning bat; pigeon - sized flying animal resembling a downy Azhdarchid pterosaur that frequently swarms in huge numbers as storms approach.
These little guys are tiny and eyeless; the entire top of their head is a single smooth-domed sensory horn that functions much as the melon of a porpoise does - sensing things like sonar pulses, electromagnetic charges, kinetic orienting info (like our inner ear chambers do) and barometric fluctuations. On a world where the force thrives, they too are force attuned like many of the Kel' Dor. A plus for them - and maybe one of the reasons evolving eyeless happened to them. (After all, the eyes can deceive). Nobody's sure.
Their vivid coloration is a puzzle. They cannot see it, and fortunately for them the only large flying predator on Dor'in is also blind. It is thought they were an invasive species from the Gand world in ages past.
Many thanks to @plokoonsdisapprovingeyebrows for the terrific Keldeorin'yaa Conlang Dictionary. It's a gem. If you haven't read it, do so now!
keldeorinyaa conlang dictionary - Google Sheets
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