#i'm sorry if this sounds mean i am so fucking tired HSJSB
bokutsumie · 3 years
Hey!! I just found your blog not to long ago and 😭👌💛 lovely stuff, might I say!! I was hoping I’d be able to ask for a Match-Up for BNHA, Haikyuu!!, and JJK? (If it’s too much, you can reduce! Don’t overwork yourself! 💛) I am a female and I personally go by She/Her pronouns, but honestly I’m so laid-back that I don’t care when people use he/him or they/them despite identifying as a female!
Uhh, appearance wise, I’m a 5’3” female, who’s friends say I’m “curvy” or has a “hour-glass” body figure! 😅 I have long ash-brown hair with a strange blonde streak in the back underneath (no clue where that came from bro it just showed up one day 😂) and with faded blue laced underneath my hair from a break-down hair-dye incident a year ago (oof yknow how it is 💅). I have pale skin and vague freckles on my shoulders. I have bright blue eyes!! Quick note, because of my “thiccness”, I do struggle with body-image and self-confidence, unfortunately-
I am a huge singer!! I have major stage-fright though, and so because of that I’ve only ever sung in choirs with a group where my voice is drowned out, or with my friends! I also really like to bake and cook (though I will say I’m better at baking than I am cooking-). I’m a huge artist, I spend a lot of time sketching in my sketchbooks and collecting aesthetic pins on my Pinterest! I also have a huge love for writing and writing/reading Fanfiction, and I love to organize! Music is a big part of my life as well, and honestly I couldn’t live without music! I have a wide variety of taste in music, so I pretty much listen to a little of everything! Personality wise, down to the one I’m described by my friends as the “mom” friend, and I’m a HUGE empathetic gal! I’m told I give amazing advice, especially when it comes to rougher topics cause I tend to understand insecurities more, or try to understand and listen? I’m definitely more of a listener than a speaker, as well as a follower than a leader unfortunately. 😅 I’m really shy and awkward at first, but if people take the time to break past my barriers, they find that I’m a goofball hopeless romantic that cares and feels WAY too much! I tend to become friends with Extroverts more so than Inteoverts since I have a really hard time starting and keeping a conversation afloat! I’m also really lazy, but get major boosts of confidence, motivation, and energy late at night! I’m also a night owl soooo...It’s really hard for me to fall asleep, so I usually listen to music or audios to help me sleep well. People also say I’m a Tom-boy, since I’m not into “girly” stuff? OH: my style of clothing is usually jeans, black leggings/sweatpants, oversized hoodies, or flannels, and yes ... I do tend to steal people’s clothing LOL-
My Zodiac is Aries (I know, I’m not a stereotypical Aries with anger issues and confidence 😬😅), and my MBTI is a ISFP-T! My favorite day song (yes, I have a cycle for day songs and night songs 😌 I prefer rock n roll in the day, soft songs at night) is “Riot” by Three Days Grace or “Teenagers” by My Chemical Romance! My favorite night time song is “Please Never Fall in Love Again” by Ollie MN or “Unforgettable” by Nat King Cole!
...sorry for all the information 😳😳😳 looking back now I realize how much I wrote...uh....just gonna put myself on Anonymous so I don’t look like a complete fool-
hi, im honestly really glad you like my blog, but this is probably the last time i'm going to specify this and from now on i'll be ignoring requests that don't follow my guidelines. as much as i'd love to do this especially because you put so much detail into it and i really appreciate it as a writer (etc.), i don't know what gender to pair you with! not trying to be rude, it's just a pain when i get a really good request with a bunch of extra details and stuff but it doesn't specify something that i need to be able to complete the request. i'm sorry :(. but it really was so sweet of you to include so many details! i just don't wanna make anyone uncomfy by matching them up with a character that doesn't fit their sexuality. this was a pending request and i finally just read through it but please don't be shy to submit another one when matchups are open again!
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