#i'm sorry tumblr ate my reply with the other hcs post
randomnameless · 1 year
One of my main hcs is that Rhea is the only Nabatean we know who's directly Sothis' child, and there were a lot more of them who were born like Cethleann (full lizard). But because of their long life and social structure, pretty much everyone knows one another and is at least on friendly terms.
Turtle, Birdie and Cichol may be siblings but it doesn't really matter cuz Cethleann calls every nabatean who is close to her father's age uncle/auntie :')
The birth order goes: Cichol > Indech > Macuil > Pan > Rhea > Cethleann
General Pan stuff:
He's the Metal Dragon. His crest ability allows him to control metallic objects, kinda like telekinesis but only for metals. This is a lot more powerful in his dragon form, where he can liquidify his metallic scales and make pretty much anything he wants. His title is Glimmering Armour cuz he's very sturdy and shiny.
The Fire Dragon is his sister! But she's Luín now RIP. It was getting hit by her that made him force-transform. He knows a lot of fire magic because she's awesome.
Out of the surviving ones he's closest to Rhea cuz they were good friends pre-zanado. He's the one who taught her swordsmanship cuz he's considered one of the best. He also got to know Indech better during WoH cuz they're both holed up together lol. He visits the pond often to talk and hang out.
He and Macuil have a weird rivalry type relationship. They will badmouthing each other at every opportunity and will get into fights sometimes. Macuil is better at magic and Pan is better at physical/weapons arts. Pan/Macuil rivals to lovers 2000+ years slow burn
He didn't have a high opinion of Willhelm because he was Going Though It and willy's kinda stupid. He knew smth was going on with Seiros and Willy but he really didn't want to think about it so all he ever really said was 'your taste in men is horrible'.
The damaged crest stone caused the magic flow in his body to become unstable, that's why he force-transformed like that. In his travels after WoH he pretty much had to relearn magic and was able to get everything back under control so he's better now! But the damage can't be fully undone so now he can't go into regenerative sleep and his normal self-healing has gone down. He can still transform normally but has to stay in one form for at least a few days before turning back, otherwise he might damage his body/crest stone even more.
To answer your questions:
In his travels he was able to see how Adrestia kept falling into depravity and became disillusioned with humanity. By the time of the rebellion he doesn't have a sliver of hope in the nobles or their emperor.
He hadn't met Rhea since he left after the war. He had no clue where Cichol and Cethleann are. He doesn't want to involve other nabateans anyway because he fears for their safety. But he will put himself in danger because self-worth issues and he believes he can't be relic'd with the damaged crest stone. Imagine Rhea's surprise when she arrives at Charon for the peace treaty and sees who Faerghus' strategist is.
He liked humans and thought they were okay but kinda weird pre-zanado. That later changed to 'I may not like humanity much now but that doesn't mean I'm gonna punish children for the sins of their parents.' Fighting with Loog and Faerghus gang brought him hope. They showed him that people aren't so bad after all! But having a child with a human is a big no-no in his books.
He dotes on Cethleann and later Cyril a lot! He considers himself 'the cool uncle', doing stuff like teaching them swear words, making them treats, keeping an eye on them without being overbearing, etc. They think he's very cool.
Yes, he dyed his hair, and got very annoyed with others when they didn't do it properly.
- Lizard Pan anon
my dumb comments under the cut!
The birth order goes: Cichol > Indech > Macuil > Pan > Rhea > Cethleann
Boomer Seteth lol "Nabateans those days with their hair dye and spins and humans and whatnot"
The Fire Dragon is his sister! But she's Luín now RIP. It was getting hit by her that made him force-transform
I had a similar HC, that being "hit" by a Relic does weird shenanigans to a Nabatean, and if their crests are similar/compatible it hijacks their own magic, sometimes messing up with their transformations.
Out of the surviving ones he's closest to Rhea cuz they were good friends pre-zanado. He's the one who taught her swordsmanship cuz he's considered one of the best.
Is he the one who taught her how to spin with a sword? But I always loved the idea of Seiros the Warrior having been taught stuff by her brothers, magic comes from Macuil, brawling from Indech... Cichol tried to teach her how to use a spear, but she only went to D rank because he was boring, or something.
Or worse, Rhea, as Seiros the Warrior, tells Pan "look brother, I refine your technique, now I spin in midair, and this move is very cool and deadly!"
He also got to know Indech better during WoH cuz they're both holed up together lol. He visits the pond often to talk and hang out
"Look at those humans. They're too loud, and they do stupid things."
"I prefer to run away from Cichol, he started to have a rant about proper conduct when two humans started to hold hands. I couldn't stand it."
"Do we talk about Macuil?" "No."
He and Macuil have a weird rivalry type relationship. They will badmouthing each other at every opportunity and will get into fights sometimes.
Funny how we all hc Macuil as the idiot who will get into fights, but he is also the one who insults people freely (in the lolcalisation he disses on Sothis, but in the jp version, he disses on Seteth instead lol). "who needs stupid human weapons when one can use magic??" "maybe you're just jealous because you are weaker than a human!"
He didn't have a high opinion of Willhelm because he was Going Though It and willy's kinda stupid. He knew smth was going on with Seiros and Willy but he really didn't want to think about it so all he ever really said was 'your taste in men is horrible'.
"Pan, look, Willy swallowed a noodle through his nose, isn't he awesome?"
"Do you really want an answer?"
The damaged crest stone caused the magic flow in his body to become unstable, that's why he force-transformed like that. In his travels after WoH he pretty much had to relearn magic and was able to get everything back under control so he's better now! But the damage can't be fully undone so now he can't go into regenerative sleep and his normal self-healing has gone down
Oh, I had a kind of similar HC for Cichol - the trauma after losing his wife and Cethleann was so heavy and he spent 1k years angsting about Cethleann that his body became unstable, and that's why he cannot transform anymore - theoretically, he can since he managed to relearn magic (even if he sucks at it compared to his fam) - but the trauma from the WoH nerfs him unconsciously (instead of "real" damage like your Pan) and he cannot go in "lizard sleep mode" or heal as fast as a Nabatean should.
(macuil calls him a cripple and insults him because he's an ass)
btw, what's your hc about Seteth losing his powers and ability to transform?
became disillusioned with humanity. By the time of the rebellion he doesn't have a sliver of hope in the nobles or their emperor.
So it's more of a middle ground - he doesn't have hope in them but still doesn't want to kill the descendants of the Elites, hopefully some Faerghians (again? Or it's the first time in canon?) made him have faith in humans again!
Imagine Rhea's surprise when she arrives at Charon for the peace treaty and sees who Faerghus' strategist is.
"if you ever want to come to garreg Mach, there's a room for you"
And then Charon thought those words were meant for him, and didn't know what to say - but passed on those words to his descendants, and that's why Cassandra knew (besides of her other reasons for turning to Rhea in time of duress) that Garreg Mach would be a safe place to hide when the Kingdom called her a traitor lol
They showed him that people aren't so bad after all! But having a child with a human is a big no-no in his books!
"sister what have you done with your stupid human - sister?"
He dotes on Cethleann and later Cyril a lot! He considers himself 'the cool uncle', doing stuff like teaching them swear words, making them treats, keeping an eye on them without being overbearing, etc. They think he's very cool.
I Hcd Cyril as the one who tells Rhea Seteth is super cool and he wants to be like him later on, which makes her so confused, Cichol?? Cool?? Will Cethleann finally be able to join the Blue Lions for "training" if Uncle Pan looks after her? Will Cichol accept it? (as if they care about his opinion anyways!).
Also : Hair dye is a very srs business
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