#i'm still digging out her da verse but we can just plop a once hero in there amongst the others for now
daandova · 1 month
“ Where have you been? ” (from hypatia) - @satellitewar
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firelit eyes blink up to the inquisitor almost incredulously from her spot amongst the stone floor. where has she been ?? last she checked right here. in the armory. maybe it wasn't her usual haunts as of late , sure , but the last venture they'd taken resulted in some adjustments that had to be made to her crossbows. there've been plenty of times the hero had been down and out , hit a snag and was left fighting with nothing but a dagger or shortsword and suffice to say it was not a position she liked to be in. where normally she may hover around the battlements or library , she honestly couldn't tell you the amount of days that may have passed down here where little light seeps through.
" has something happened ?? " is her immediate response. fingers coated in oil , surrounded by pieces of metal and wood , there's signs that she may not have slept the last couple of nights ─── too hyperfocused on tweaking this gods forsaken semi-automatic trigger. " i'd thought i had some time to make some fixes. . . erm [ ... ] unless the table was called and i hadn't heard. "
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