#i'm still wanting to lurk about it but this is really funny. like undeniably. i wouldn't even consider dima to be a blorbo
moe-broey · 6 months
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.................... Guess who gave himself a shit ass haircut and got haunted by another shaggy haired blonde about it.
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casspurrjoybell-33 · 25 days
Blue's Rose - Chapter 28 - Part 3
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*Warning Adult Content*
Boys Will Come Out
Blue Cavanaugh & Kulap 'Kool' Somboon
Though the afternoon had been unpleasant and hurtful on a very personal level there were actual moments with his mother, if he took a step back from them, that they could actually be seen as quite humorous.
"Care to share?" Blue quizzed.
"I could use a good laugh."
Kulap considered it but all in all he figured a person would have really needed to be there to grasp any humor.
Repeating the words would only sound as bad as they were.
The nuance would be lost and then Blue really would worry about him.
Kulap chuckled again at himself.
Maybe Blue should worry, he thought after a moment's hesitation. He shook his head.
"Funny but not funny haha," he finally clarified.
"Was it a 'had to be there' kind of thing?" Blue asked.
Kulap grinned then a very genuine smile of appreciation.
Blue always understood him.
"Exactly," he replied.
"Can I answer your 'stupid question' now?" Blue suddenly piped up and Kulap had to think a few minutes before he realized what question Blue was referring to.
"Yes," Kulap answered quietly, figuring he already knew what Blue would say but knowing it would be wonderful to hear right now.
Nothing could have prepared him for Blue's full-bodied response though.
His sincerity and complete truth undeniable.
One moment Kulap's back was pressed back into Blue's chest and in the next he was being thrust forward onto the bed so that Blue could climb out from behind him.
Tumbled forward on his knees as he was, he was surprised when Blue bounded off of the bed, grabbed his wrist and pulled him along with him.
He stopped dead center of the large dressing mirror in the middle of the room.
Blue whipped him by his wrist so that he was in front of him, Kulap's chest once again at Blue's back, his head at his chest only this time they were not reclining but standing in front of the mirror staring at their reflection.
Blue released his wrist and settled his large hands on Kulap's collar bones, his hands squeezing him into silence as Blue saw he was going to speak.
"I'm answering so be quiet," he shushed Kulap, his tone serious, brooking no argument.
Kulap wanted to look away from his reflection.
His puffy red eyes and still wet cheeks were not attractive.
He looked pale and ugly and felt inside even worse, especially standing beside his Adonis.
Having Blue look at him like this and he was really looking at Kulap right now, Kulap wanted to look away and hide but Blue's firm grasp wasn't tolerating anything other than full cooperation so he stood there trying to act as normal as he could.
Though it seemed the two of them had left anything remotely normal-like a long time ago.
"I've told you before you are beautiful so just in case there is any doubt as to what I consider beautiful I need you to look in the mirror with me right now so I can show you."
When Kulap didn't lift his eyes fast enough, Blue removed one hand from Kulap's shoulder and placed it under Kulap's chin lifting it so that his eyes looked at what Blue was looking at and Blue only had eyes for Kulap.
"This is beauty. Not just your shell either which I have to say is as fine as they come," he said with a quirk of his lips and a wink down at Kulap through the reflected glass.
"But inside as well. Look at your eyes, babe," he cajoled when Kulap frowned back at him in confusion.
"Look," he urged again, bending them forward towards the mirror.
"I see sweetness, goodness, gentleness, intelligence, morals, honesty and yes," he added with am exaggerated eye roll.
"I even see the badass, cold, brainiac, mastermind, business tycoon that lurks in there as well and let me tell you every single inch of that dynamic man looking back at me is the most beautiful human being I have ever seen."
Kulap started grinning and just shook his head at Blue's reflection.
Typical Blue overstatement to make a point.
"I'm seeing doubt there," Blue said feigning hurt.
Kulap could only continue grinning.
What could he say?
"I'm affronted," Blue said his tone suddenly going soft and serious as he leaned down and placed his cheek beside Kulap's and rested it there.
His eyes boring into Kulap's through their reflection, willing him to see the truth and if nothing else to hear it.
"I traveled over nine thousand miles to find someone who left a profound imprint on my heart and what I found was you. So much more than my memories could ever hope for. I'm looking at you baby, inside and out and if what I am looking out now is not beautiful than I have no idea what is. Are you disgusting?" Blue suddenly asked into the quiet of the room, repeating Kulap's question back at him.
"Fuck no," Blue answered.
Kulap looked at himself then, really tried to see what Blue did.
His outer shell was handsome he assumed as it was always what he had been told but inside, where they say it mattered was, he?
As he stared a large yawn caught him off guard and Blue made a tsking sound before pulling him back towards the bed.
"Come on," he urged.
"Let's rest for a bit."
He pulled the comforter back and let Kulap slide into the bed before he followed in behind him, spooning him into the curve of his body.
"I need to go back to work," Kulap half-attempted to refuse, knowing he wanted to do anything but.
Blue apparently thought the same because he shushed him.
"For just a little bit," he coaxed, kissing his neck and snuggling closer.
"Hmm," Kulap murmured, enjoying the heat at his back and the strongly muscled arm around his waist.
For just a few minutes...
It was the buzzing of his cell-phone that finally penetrated Kulap's dreamless nap.
His eyes opened as he heard Blue whisper...
"Here," as he handed Kulap his phone that he had just snatched from inside Kulap's pocket.
Kulap glanced at the caller ID and then at the time and shot up out of the bed his mind frantically trying to figure out where the day had gone.
He was supposed to have returned to the office.
He had a meeting with his father and uncle's scheduled and he was already very late.
Blue sensing his urgency, slid from the bed and Kulap followed as he briskly spoke with his assistant assuring him, he was on his way. Kulap stopped in front of the mirror and winced.
He had bed head his eyes were still red and puffy.
He looked at Blue for help.
"Do I look like I've been drinking?" he asked.
Blue grinned slightly but didn't reply only urged him into the bathroom to wash his face and hand him a brush to sweep his hair back into its proper place.
Blue grinned slightly but didn't reply only urged him into the bathroom to wash his face and hand him a brush to sweep his hair back into its proper place.
"You need to chill cause you can't drive in a panic."
Kulap stopped then.
He couldn't go as so far as to chill as Blue directed but he did work on calming down and slowing his breathing.
He was only late.
It wasn't the end of the world.
Taking several deeper breaths, he finally felt some semblance of control and looked up at the big man that meant more to him than he would ever know.
"Thank you," he murmured softly, going up on his toes to hug him hard around his neck.
"No thanks is necessary," the rumbly voice replied, making Kulap smile.
Kulap knew with certainty that Blue was the beautiful one in their relationship.
He gave himself unconditionally.
He supported and he championed.
There was genuine depth to Blue Cavanaugh, a man his mother so casually and easily disparaged.
The truth of the matter was, the Somboon's weren't good enough for Blue. 
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