#i'm sure there's an attraction to status and popularity and influence there too. but it's more substantial than that with Frida
llamasgotoheaven · 1 year
Cleo in Clone High is like if Regina George finally admitted she’s a lesbian and had a happy wlw relationship instead of bullying and manipulating others
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Photo from Henry Normal's FB - possibly the date Zig interviewed band... but around that time for sure.
29 January 1986
At Chesterfield Arts Centre we were interviewed by a local youth called Zig [Mark Webber] who wrote a fanzine called Cosmic Pig. Pulp were genuinely weird no two ways about it, but I'm not sure we've ever been weirder than that night. Magnus was off his head on something, possibly fly agaric mushrooms; I was barking at Manners’ dodgy mates, who were trying to nick things with the thousand-yard stare of a Miners’ Strike veteran; and the seemingly sound-limbed singer kept sitting down in a wheelchair. It freaked poor old Zig out, but in a good way, because he came to all the concerts after that. [Russell Senior, Freak Out the Squares, 2015]
Cosmic Pig fanzine, written by Mark Webber (Zig), 1986:
PULP the next "big thing"?
If there is some truth behind all this talk that there will be another big change in the perception of popular music in 1986. Then the only band who I think will do it is PULP - the most useful thing to come out of Sheffield since Stainless Steel.
RUSSELL - Russell Senior, MAGNUS - Magnus Doyle, PETER - Peter Mansell, CANDIDA - Candida Doyle
How did Pulp start?
RUSSELL Jarvis, the lead singer (and the only member of the band who has been there since the start), started it at school, about five years ago. The current line-up dates from when we were doing a surreal play in and around Sheffield about two years ago.
Who thought of the name?
RUSSELL - Jarvis, I think. If you look in the dictionary, it means a kind of fiction in the 30's, very trashy and with gaudy colours, but at the same time, it was quite deep. I think that's a lot like us, we're trashy and gaudy and unsofisticated.
What do you think of Chesterfield?
RUSSELL - We played our worst two gigs here. The last one was at Gotham, that was pretty terrible, and before that, Adam & Eves. People were trying to bodypop to us - it didn't work.
Is Jarvis really the leader, on and off stage?
MAGNUS - Well he's been in Pulp from the start so I suppose it does rotate around him, but I don't call him a leader.
PETER - I don't look at it like that.
Who are you influenced by?
MAGNUS - We are original.
RUSSELL - I think I can honestly say that Pulp as a band isn't influenced by anyone. The only band I think we all like is Sham 69.
CANDIDA - Oh no.
RUSSELL - Anyone who's heard us knows that we're nothing like them. I prefer classical music. Some of the others like punk, the Fall, Jarvis likes ballads and film themes.
At what point did you stop being a Sheffield band, in order to go national?
RUSSELL - Really, this past year has been full of touring and trying to lose that label.
What kind of person comes to see your concerts?
MAGNUS - I don't know, I rarely meet them.
RUSSELL - The people who don't come to see us are like the hip scene. We're not a hip band in Sheff. I guess we attract your average interesting youth on the street, not trendies.
What do you think of Sheffield, opportunity wise?
MAGNUS - It's alright.
PETER - There's plenty of places to play.
Would you rather be somewhere like London?
PETER - No, it's too big.
Are you content in being at your present status?
RUSSELL - Yes, but if 50 people come to see us, I'd rather there be 500 and if we sell 5 records, I'd rather sell 50 and I'd shun anyone who doesn't think that.
Did your last EP sell well?
RUSSELL - It did O.K. , considering that it didn't receive airplay. It got more-or-less banned everywhere because of its lyrics. The A-side got taken off Radio Hallam halfway through. If the next one isn't banned, we reckon it'll do well.
What will the next A-side be?
RUSSELL - Probably 'Mark Of The Devil' (or maybe the excellent 'Dogs Are Everywhere'.) It will be out in March / April.
Do you think that it will sell better?
RUSSELL - It can't help but do so, 'Little Girl' wasn't danceable, they played it in the disco's and people kept tripping up. It was too risque to play on the radio, but not shocking enough to get mothers writing in saying we're corrupting the youth of Britain. It was banned but not hyped.
Can you see yourselves getting to number one?
RUSSELL - Realistically, I don't think it's gonna happen.
If you were asked, would you appear on T.O.T.P.?
CANDIDA - I wouldn't, I don't like it.
Rest - Yeah, why not?
CANDIDA - I'd have to then!
Source: PulpWiki
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sasodei-is-real · 4 years
Rules: Tag the blogs you want to get to know better! Tagged by: @justanotherblonde
Name: Emi)
Gender: F
Height: 154cm heh😅
Sexuality: Sorry for my ignorance, I'm not sure if I chose the right term, but I think it's called pansexual?
I don't feel sexually attracted specifically to gender, or to a physical factor. I like the person himself. If I fall in love, I will be influenced by him sexually, too, regardless of his physical characteristics and body.
Favorite animal: I have several. But my favorite, perhaps, is the bird. I love crows. They are the smartest and wisest creatures, I love to watch them. I can look at them for hours. Also, they appeal to me in their own way, they inspire nastolgiya and a very special aesthetics.
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I love jellyfish. I find their life very sad and at the same time symbolic. Jellyfish live a VERY long time. Recently, I learned that there is a species of jellyfish that live forever. The cells of these jellyfish regenerate, gather again and revive. But at the same time, jellyfish are completely brainless creatures. They live forever, but they live without any consciousness. They are always in this world. They watch everything that happens, without understanding the meaning of the existing one. They are simply eternal and transparent, like their imperceptible life, beings who do not need this eternity. Simply because they themselves do not understand what it is. Wisdom can be found in this foolishness. As from love to hate, one step, and from simplicity to wisdom
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Average hours of sleep: I have different states. More recently, I had insomnia and I slept for 3 hours if I was lucky. At this time, I was very nervous. I think the problems with sleep started precisely because of irritation. I thought a lot and then did not want to accept some of the things that were happening around me, and instead of grammatically resolving it, I turned it all into an attack. I could fall asleep, but I constantly woke up with disturbing thoughts. I just made myself stupid and stubborn, not wanting to cope with problems.
I was a sleepless, aggressive cucumber with bags under my eyes 😂🙈
But now, I can sleep for 8 or even 9 hours. If I read something, or listen to monotone speech and the weather is good (cloudy), I can fall asleep during the day. If you leave the choice to me, I think I can sleep for 12 hours or more.
But the only thing that does not change depending on my state is awakening at night. It started in childhood. About ten years old, I began to wake up at a specific period of time. From three to four in the morning. Most often I fall asleep again after four. But it somethimes happens that I can't sleep again. I don’t know why it’s, but half of my life, I wake up every night (there are exceptions) at exactly three in the morning, and after four I fall asleep.
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Dogs or cats: This is a difficult question for me. I love both dogs and cats. They are lovely animals. I think that I cannot choose, because there is a conflict ala "I am one, but I want to be like another." I'm more like a dog. I am very much attached to people and would say that I am even dependent on them. I would like to become a little bit like a cat. Have some kind of self-sufficiency.A balance would be ideal. Be in harmony with people and have self-respect. Then , I gess my answer is...hibride?😂No, both together. As a duo
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Current time: 8:54
Dream job: Well, I would not say that I have a dream job. Now I am studying at the university to be an artist painter. As far as I can remember, I have been drawing all my life and I was closely connected with this. My compositions are my life and love. As long as I can draw, I can know that there is always something I can rely on. Sometimes, art is feelings in satire, sometimes a combination of ethics and aesthetics, sometimes a clue, and sometimes just an impulse. It happens that I use art as a therapy for problems. Sometimes I think it is selfish and I feel guilty, because art is so much more than something that you use for your own purposes.But then, I remember that in any relationship, there will be a moment when you become a cushion of safety for each other. I understand that in our relationship with art, which has a huge range of emotions and is based on love, we cannot talk about selfish benefits. This is not a benefit, this is salvation in each other.
Therefore, work for me is a secondary issue. I hope that the paintings will be sold, I will find my audience. I'm sure it will happen sooner or later. But in the meantime, I'm ready for any job. Well, I need to live on something and plus oil paints are expensive. Funds are needed for art supplies. Any job will be my favorite as long as it can provide my opportunity to do my life's work.
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When I made this blog: Recently, probably a month ago.
Why I made this blog: Because I think sasodei is criminally underestimated. And it's not about being popular. But it is very popular indeed, especially in Japan, it is considered a canon.
The point is seeing the otnogeny of these liuhs. Each time I spawn how cleverly Kishimoto works. All of his manga is about symbolism and philosophy. Sasori and Deidara's relationship, and the development of that relationship, itself symbolizes the important thought of the real world. They where created for interaction with each other.I am very distant that sometimes people do not see the whole depth of their relationship.
And secondly, many do not even see how reverently and caringly and in a special way they treat each other. Do not see their affection for one another . It's a pity, because their relationship is one of the most beautiful and incredibly deep, reaching its peak through the passage of personal and internal barriers.
I want to show all the symbolism, philosophy and beauty of their relationship. They are worth it.
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Sometimes I think that such a deep relationship should not be spoken out loud, because it is too sensitive and special. There is too much philosophy in them, which can be depreciated if you talk about it directly. But I'll think about that later.
After all, besides their philosophy, I want to show their attitude towards each other as loving people.Their relationship and philosophy are very tightly linked. One thing helps the other to develop. And the cause of development is attachment to each other. So, I think we'll talk about th philosophy when the time is up.
Btw, the artist of this beautiful sasodei worck: https://twitter.com/ta_tachico/status/1304789117897568257?s=19
Reason for URL:  Well, that's just a fact)
Sasodey is real. Both his philosophy, which can be interpreted in real life, and it's canon realationship.
Tagging: I don't even know who to tag. Anyone who sees this post on my little blog among the huge tumblr and wants to answer). I will read with pleasure❤💛
@justanotherblonde thanks for tagging me!💗
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