#i'm terribly sleepy rn i'm so sorry this is not more coherent ;~;
bedanyi · 4 months
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ok so hi !! i'm mili and i'm so sorry for how late this is but i'm a procrastinator firstt and a person second so !! here's her profile & u can find her everything else below and as always please like this to plot !! (or not, i will make a starter call later but yeah, super happy to be here and i can't wait to write with y'all !! )
she's a seoul native, born and bred; sent to massachusetts for boarding school by her parents before moving back with them after graduating;
she attended and successfully graduated cosmetology school and is now a stylist in a salon;
even though her parents are pretty well off, she only relies on them for food and having a place to sleep, but any personal expenses are her own and she's using her own paycheck for whatever money she wants to spend on herself;
is a very type-a person, has countless lists and plans her days to a t so if anything unexpected happens she is the first to panic;
her parents put her through a lot of extracurricular activities when she was pretty young, ballet piano and gymnastics being the only ones she had any inclination/interest towards but gave each up gradually as she grew older, though she still has an interest for piano currently as she uses it to write songs when her emotions are at an all time high;
she has a song writing diary insead of an actual journal but she's terribly afraid to show it to people because she has Trust Issues;
loved music ever since she was young but only became serious about wanting to become a singer recently after discussing it at length with her aunt;
her absolute best friend and confidant in life is her aunt, the woman knows danyi better than she knows herself and isn't afraid to knock her niece a peg or two when the girl needs it;
is a closeted lesbian, something she hasn't even told her aunt (yet) for fear of being judged;
what else what else hmm...tbh i don't remember what else i have on her but i know i want to develop her a lot and so i think i'll stop here so as not to divulge my secret plans (cue evil laugh)
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