#i'm tired of my friends in the community constantly having mental stress heaped on top of them
raystxntz · 2 years
(OOC: I've gone back and forth about making this post, to be completely honest. It's not my intention to stir the pot, it's not my intention to exacerbate the situation any more than it already has, and it's not my intention to make people go on a witch hunt against certain blogs or people should they know the identities behind the blogs. But I was also roleplaying with this person for such a long time that I feel the need to step out and make my opinions on what happened known, in the clearest and most concise way possible. Whoever you are, whether you see this post or not, words cannot describe how ASHAMED I am of you. And I'm a tolerant person by nature, so when I say that shit, I fucking mean it.
I respected your writing. I respected the work that you put into crafting your version of Egon, the commitment that you brought to your plots, and the way you were willing to interact with just about anyone. Which is why it appalls me that you would act like this, and why I am deeply, deeply hurt by it.
I understand being protective of your own interpretation of a character. I understand feeling burnt out on something that you're meant to enjoy. I understand all of those feelings. But at some point, you have to realize that this is a fictional character you are playing and that it is literally not that deep. It is not your place to try and gatekeep someone else's interpretation of a character. It is not your place to consistently bring that issue-an issue of your OWN MAKING-to someone who's been struggling through their own mental health issues for quite some time. Don't like something, don't interact with it. That is the bare minimum of interacting with fan content on the Internet, but apparently you couldn't even follow that rule. This person was simply doing what anyone else would do in the same situation--making the most out of a bad situation--and you chose to drag their name through the mud instead, willingly engaging with their blog when you had already proceeded to block them.
And for saying that you care about the community you had fostered, that you cared about your roleplay partners, you sure did have a funny way of showing it. You left people on read when they were trying to communicate with you about big plots. You even did it to ME a handful of times. You made the choice to have your character be so fucking unapproachable in his demeanor towards others that I and SEVERAL OTHERS actually felt fucking INTIMIDATED to DM you about anything. Look me dead in the fucking eyes and tell me that Harold Ramis would have approved a version of his character being so downright SPITEFUL towards those around him. You can't. Don't even fucking TRY to. And for constantly stressing the importance of communication with other rp blogs, YOU are the one who left people hanging more times than I can reasonably count. YOU are the one who came scarily close to GOD-MODDING other people's characters a handful of times.
I wanted to think of you as a friend. I was willing to give you the benefit of doubt so many fucking times. But seeing how you've served to alienate and hurt other people in this community through your actions? I cannot in good conscience condone that kind of behavior.
If you see this post at ANY point, FIX YOUR SHIT. This entire situation was on you to remedy. You and you alone. By dragging other people into this conflict, by dragging people through the mud to try and fix a problem, you've only made it worse for yourself. And I fucking hope that you take a good long look at your actions and fix them for the better after this entire spectacle.
If anyone knows who I'm referring to, or knows the identity behind them, DO NOT witch-hunt. Do not go to their blog, do not send them hateful anons, do not take any action whatsoever that's harmful in any way. I will not be conducting myself in that manner regardless of this post, and I ask others to do the same. I simply wanted to put my feelings down, and let the community at a large know that I do not condone whatever occurred. This is the only post I'll be making on the matter. Thank you.)
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