#i'm upset because they keep using will as their pointless angsty punching bag
stilestilinski · 2 years
i’m getting so tired of people thinking that everyone is mad at the writers simply because a silly little ship didn’t become canon. no, i’m fucking mad because they literally had will’s character arc revolve around mike and el’s relationship drama and that he was sidelined once again, with barely any plot relevance of his own. it’s the fact that in volume one, it seemed like mike and will’s friendship was finally going to start getting better again (”friends, best friends”), but instead, mike regressed right back to where he was and treated will like trash in volume two. it’s the fact that will’s narrative with his unrequited love was essentially pointless, except for how it helped further mike and el’s relationship, because even without his feelings for mike, a lot of us already knew will was gay. it’s how they took will’s moment in the van, his beautiful monologue about his feelings for mike, and then had mike’s monologue to el be eerily similar to what will said instead of having mike discover for himself what he should say to el on his own. it’s the fact that will has been suffering over and over again, and having nothing narratively come out of it. so no, i really don’t give a shit about byler and if it’s canon or not. i give a shit about will byers and how his character has been sidelined, treated like garbage, and only used to further the development of other characters and their relationships instead being treated like the main character he’s supposed to be, by being plot relevant and having character growth for himself, and only himself. that’s why i’m angry.
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