#i'm very fond of the character i made here so hopefully i'll post her soon!
remington-zero · 2 years
Dude, your OC Nero is so cool! Can you tell us more about him?
aw thanks!! i'm glad you like him!
he was an oc for an rp community (near-future setting with superpowers+dungeons and the characters were all gathered to do an apocalyptic dungeon crawl where if they fail to clear this particular set the whole world goes boom) and his superpower was to basically turn into a giant, 10' tall wolf (he was a tank role)
he's got a lot of social anxiety and a complex about being Monstrous, he lost control once when he was 16 and accidentally killed people while fighting some escaped dungeon creatures. he did get disowned for that and was homeless for a long time but with help now has his GED and a very tiny studio apartment. for now he has a day job (night stocker at the local supermarket) and a side job ("hunter", which is the term for people who clear dungeons). after the community plot ended and everyone got Extremely Famous he cut his hair and grew a beard and disappeared into northern minnesota to do logging work for a year because he could Not handle the media presence
his favourite food is grilled cheese and tomato soup/tamales, and lives mostly off of kraft dinners. he can't eat meat/mushrooms/similarly textured foods because he does remember what it's like to tear someone apart with your teeth.
his clothes are pretty exclusively hoodies and sweatpants + some band tees. his secret background story for the comm was that he was a hugeass nerd and enjoys both anime and ttrpgs...his formative anime is probably nge and i did throw in some taz refs while playing haha
what else...his music tastes are half metal, half anime+jpop
everyone got a Small Creature at the beginning of the community plotline so his is a very small manta ray named pancake! she is his Baby. he got her a hat shaped like a pat of butter.
wow it's been like 84 years since i last talked about an oc anywhere so this was like....kind of like getting back onto a bicycle except i also haven't ridden a bicycle in 84 years and my legs want to know if they're really supposed to move like this
thanks for asking!!
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