#i'm very tired and mildly unwell due to a series of going-ons these past few weeks and the weather is AWFUL
cetaceans-pls Β· 2 years
✨, β›”, πŸ’–, πŸ¦…, πŸ‘€, βœ… & πŸ“š for the fanfic writer emoji ask please!
(I'm so sorry for the huge amount of qns πŸ™)
from this ask list
hey tate! no apologies needed, i genuinely quite enjoy answering these types of things. hope the end of the year is treating you kindly!
✨ Give you and your writing a compliment. Go on now. You know you deserve it.
πŸ˜‚ what an ask to start with! i really like my weird ass plots, even for short one-shots! i tell myself to make every effort to make sure no two fics are even vaguely alike, which is how i end up with stories about lobster best friends and beet farmers and lesbian haunted houses, which i'm quite pleased about
β›” Do you have a fic you started, but scrapped?
oh loads. i have 2 main google documents for my batman fics, and the carcasses of fics that never make it past the first 3 paragraphs litter them docs. as a general rule, no matter the length of the fic if it takes me more than 2 weeks to get to the end i don't make it (to the end) πŸ˜”
πŸ’– What made you start writing?
i've always just written A Lot. kept diaries like crazy when i was a kid, used to write lil fantasy stories about me and my classmates back when i was in school, was writing fanfiction in notebooks before i knew fanfiction was a thing at all. writing means i get to try thoughts out for size, in private or in public depending on what i fancy, and i love that for me πŸ₯²
πŸ¦… Do you outline fics or fly by the seat of your pants?
100% by the seat of my pants ✌️ i have a 90k monster from my FF.net days that had me making plot up literally chapter to chapter, and even nowadays i tend to be no thoughts head empty when i write. usually halfway through the fic i'll notice that there's a theme cropping up, that i then grab hold of so i can make sure the story sounds like it's focusing on the one thing!
πŸ‘€ Tell me about an up and coming wip please!
huehuehue it's an ABO brujay with LOTS of teeth and potentially even a lil bit of ANGST which is p outside my wheelhouse but watch me make it intensely horny but also rated T
βœ… What's something that appears in your fics over and over and over again, even if you don't mean to?
i'm willing to bet there are words/phrases that i use all the damn time that i don't notice myself.... aside from that, in batman fics specifically i'm constantly having little side original characters just manifest and taking over a paragraph for no discernible reason. all gothamites being some type of a cryptid is a joy
πŸ“š Would you ever want to turn writing into a career?
i think i'd quite like to try! at least as a side-gig, because i really enjoy what i'm doing right now, but conceptually i'd love to write a book that makes some wild-eyed child go a little crazy and then start writing letters to magic cats (me @myself). that said i know getting published is very hard, and i for sure need to work on writing longer-form stories, but it's a nice thing to occasionally, distantly think about.
december's a busy month for me for a whole host of reasons, so in case i miss my time to do so here's me wishing everyone happy holidays and a wonderful new year <3 see y'all in 2023, thanks for going through this year with me!
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