#i'm working on a silm regency fic rn (not about them)
lithgaeril · 3 years
It crossed my mind this morning that, with a bit of shuffling, the first five sons of Feanor could fairly accurately match up with the Bennet sisters, and now that I’ve thought it, I can’t stop thinking about it. I mean like:
Maedhros: extremely beautiful, everyone is like “this is the most handsome elf”, good at conflict resolution & diplomacy, (especially before all the really bad shit went down), tries to find solutions that keep the peace, occasionally considered the good/reasonable exception of his chaotic and troublesome family (again, at least earlier on), his love interest is a literal ray of sunshine, his father would absolutely refuse to visit his love interest
Maglor: probably pretty well-liked despite being almost definitely very snarky, likely hated being king but would under no circumstances abdicate (which is a very Elizabeth move lbr), probably only confides in Maedhros out of all his brothers, works especially well if Daeron is Darcy because holy shit can I see that whole thing going down (I mean, situationally, Finrod would also work, which gives me the utterly hilarious image of Turgon as Caroline, even if that doesn’t make any fucking sense (esp bc he’d actually be Louisa, but I refuse to consider either Aredhel or Argon for Caroline), but also I feel like Finrod is the dead opposite of Darcy in terms of social traits)
Celegorm: this is where the shuffling starts, because Celegorm has to be Lydia. he’s loud and rambunctious and doesn’t give a fuck about propriety. he does what he wants, when he wants. he probably laughs at very inappropriate moments. but he’s also pretty personable and can get along with most people very easily. (the really funny part is, if Daeron is Darcy and we make Luthien his sister bc I usually go that route, Celegorm would also be Wickham... but tbh if I actually did write this, Wickham would obviously be Eol, however weird I might feel about an Eol/Celegorm crackship)
Caranthir: often quiet, fading into the background, except to remind his brothers how he’s superior to them, middle child syndrome, serious, not a big fan of socialization, lacks tact, yet is probably actually fairly knowledgeable about people after having spent so long watching them, hates parties, likes frowning and books
Curufin: probably the weakest link in the bunch in terms of one-to-one connections, but follows Celegorm into trouble all the fucking time (and stirs up some himself sometimes)
oh and just bc idk where else to put this, but: Thingol as Lady Catherine de Burgh
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