#i'm working on something related to the interdarshan events but i'm so busy this is all i made recently
remnri · 1 year
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scara as herta (hsr) lol
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daniellelocklyn · 1 year
Vahumana Wanderer x Amurta Fem! Reader
This idea is from wiki (Vahumana darshan) : A popular topic among Vahumana students is Time-Sensitive Commodities, or TSC. Their research and advice on this topic has helped fruit and vegetable sellers at the Grand Bazaar prevent waste and save Mora. They have worked alongside Amurta scholars to design products related to food preservation and overfishing.
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You were not a very brilliant student among others in darshan amurta. You were not interested in human biology and focused on plant biology, only a few took interest on your studies about fruits and vegetables. This made you upset sometimes, people always look down on your research just because they thought it's not as helpful as human body biology researches for the society. You wish one day you can prove how your study can also be helpful for the society, because well, we consume fruits and vegetables everyday, so why are their study are not appreciated as much. 
You managed to continue your reasearch about plantation, post harvest, and waste management on fruits and vegetables farming. One day, you were overly happy when your senior called you out for helping a Time-Sensitive Commodity (TSC) research along with darshan Vahumana students. These reasearch is going to solve problems for fruit and vegetable sellers at the Grand Bazaar event, to help them save more Mora and produce less waste. 
You were told to be working on the fruit and vegetable waste management along with a Vahumana student. He introduced himself as the Wanderer, you thought his name was the Hat Guy because the host introduced him as that during the Interdarshan Competition. During your first meeting, some of the Vahumana students warned you about Wanderer's bratty behaviour, honestly you didn't really care, all you care about is this project and how you will prove to the world that your studies all this time are important. 
You never really talked to the Wanderer unless it's about the project, it's true that sometimes he said mean things, but that doesn't bother you. During weekly project meeting, you were always charmed by how the Wanderer managed to explain well in each presentation and answer hard questions effortlessly. Working with him made you feel motivated. Because the Wanderer was very passionate about this project, you as his project partner starting to work harder, you spend most of your days in the Bazaar or in your lab doing reasearch and spend your evening reading tons of books and journals in the library. 
This morning you were busy collecting datas around the Bazaar, asking few seller about how they treated their wastes, you were too focused on writing until you, not realizing you hit someone's back. "I'm sorry Sir, I didn't watch my step" You immediately apologize. "Ah so here you are, I've been searching for you in this endless Bazaar" It's the Wanderer, what a coincidence. He drag you along to a small food stall at the Bazaar. "Eat" He said, you gave him a confused look. "Tch, you're so troublesome, just pick what you want to eat, I'll pay and no, you can't eat salad, you must eat carbohydrate" You still in confusion, like how did he know you were on a diet, in the end you pick a stir fry noodle. You ate together in the stall with the Wanderer quietly, since this is your first time spending time with him outside of the project. The first bite of the noodle made you realized you haven't really eat well lately, all those research and projects somehow never made you feel hungry, and mysteriously your partner knows this. "Listen, I know you were busy in your lab or in the library, but you still need to take care of yourself properly, it frustrated me really, this project will mean nothing if you get sick or something" You were shocked after he scolded you. You smiled and thanked him for his reminder and treating you food, "I'll repay you" You said. "Don't bother too, just take care of yourself"
 After that day, you and the Wanderer somehow starts to meet each other often outside the project, either it's just a stroll or study together in the library. As you observed, the Wanderer never really care about the other as much as he cares for you, this thought made you blushed sometimes, but you never really asked the reason to the Wanderer, probably you just don't know much yet about him, you thought, and of course why would someone as popular as him has a crush on an ordinary scholar like you. As you want this project to be a big success, you told yourself to have these thoughts about the Wanderer, and stay focus on the project instead. 
After a few months, the project finally comes to an end. You were very happy on the output, your research was finally helpful for the society, plus your studies has gained a lot of attention. The end of the project made your thoughts about the Wanderer came back, you'll missed the days you spend together with the Wanderer. As the project were considered a big success, a farewell party was held as a congratulatory event for both darshans. You can't seem to focus on the event, you were busy on your own thought while stealing glances at the Wanderer. Of course the Wanderer noticed these glances from you. At the end of the event, he take your wrist "You know, I think you have to stop stealing glances" You apologize for making him uncomfortable "You can look at me directly now... But only if you wanna be my girlfriend, sadly I don't take no as an answer" He planted a small kiss on your hands. You still can proceed what happened and start pinching your own cheeks "Am I drunk right now?" You blinked your eyes a few times, because dang the Wanderer just told you to be his girlfriend. He chuckles "Took you long enough to get it huh? All these months I've tried to give you a hint" Ah, so all that caring gestures were a hint for his feelings? How stupid are you, but you're still happy you finally dated the person who's been filling your mind. This project was such a blessing, you finally get the validation you deserve and you get a bonus, a boyfriend. 
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