#i've been having fun playing around with mask layers and colors and typogrpahy!!!
daenerys-targaryen · 2 years
how is it anyone's business what you decide to post? it's your blog, if anon or anyone else don't like, there's this magical thing called the unfollow button. fucking morons.
Yeah it's not the first time I've gotten asks like that (and won't be the last) and that's exactly what I say, "unfollow!" It really is that simple. It's the entitlement for me. Demanding someone to do something on their own blog bitch you better be joking. It's partially my fault because for the longest time this blog was primarily a taylor swift blog when I first started it, so I gained a lot of my followers that way but I'm also no longer 18 and have more interests than Taylor now. Also I made this blog my primary blog (aka multi fandom) in 2019/2020 so it's been years since I've been purely 100% taylor lol. To say that all my other edits 'fall to the wayside' aka flop is so funny. I have shrek gifsets that have 50k LMAO
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