#i've been subsisting on my children's leftovers this whole time
waitmyturtles · 2 years
A ton of life stuff has been happening lately, as well as the end of my partner’s COVID quarantine, so all of a sudden, I have my usual time alone again to watch dramas and catch up on, like, the internet, while managing lots of life change. It’s almost like I have a stress/anxiety hangover, which I’ve been nursing by re-re-re-re-rewatching Kinou Nani Tabeta and re-rewatching Cherry Magic....which is like, something I do when I need to occupy my brain without really engaging it. Fall ends up always being super crazy busy, it throws me!
But anyway, I wanted to jot down that I think I’m also coming down from the DELICIOUS high of the amazing Old Fashion Cupcake DVD epilogue to plow through my drama list, so I’m picking up Super Rich again while waiting for Banshaku no Ryuugi to get subbed and Kabe Koji’s episodes to come out (SO HARD TO WAIT A WEEK FOR EACH CUTE SHORT EPISOOOOODE). 
And I’m mulling over a #long-post about women eating alone in shows and why I love the concept so much in doramas. With Banshaku and Wakako Zake season 5 getting subbed, I want to do a nice, long meditation on why I think the depiction of women eating and drinking alone is so beautiful in drama art -- and how it’s been a huge source of importance and comfort to me from my early adult years to my barreling towards middle age now. Even though I’ve become a mom, the urge I have to sit at a bar by myself and just linger over a cocktail and a snack -- it’s unchanged, and I want to meditate on why I think I get that way and why these shows hit that nail for me so much. 
I also miss writing on Tumblr! I’m gonna finish Three Star Bar soon, so I’ll get a review up. Yes, I’m on multiple Machida shows, BUT -- I’m through the first two episodes of Super Rich now, and Akaso Eiji is FAB.U.LOUS. in it. He’s so good! I was a little thrown by how cheesy his role was in Hiru, but Super Rich is doing him a solid. So more reviews of old shows soon, womp!
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