#i've been watching this show nonstop these couple of weeks i miss them!!! it needed to have 100 episodes
poterimagici · 10 months
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Derry Girls 1.06 / 3.07
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mywonuderful · 3 years
anon request: Hi! Can I request for a scenario where hyunjae texted his s/o whining about how he's frustrated from practice because he's not satisfied so you decided to visit him to cheer him up? Thank you! pairing: idol!hyunjae x non idol!reader genre: fluff warnings: n/a a/n: this was inspired by the latest Kingdom: Legendary War episode and for those who haven't watched it yet, I won't mention any spoilers but just be sure to show your support to The Boyz as the final round is coming up!
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oh please him and this pouty lips stoppp
"Why can't I get this move down?!" Hyunjae lets out a frustrated sigh, going back to the starting position before one of his members pressed play as he danced to the music. "What's wrong? You were dancing really well!" Changmin patted his back from behind but he didn't seem to take in his compliment as he clicked his tongue, turning to face the main dancer. "Could you go through this section again? I'm always a split second off from you guys." Changmin nodded as a few others joined where he went over the moves, giving them a thumbs up but Hyunjae still felt like something was off about his performance. As the rest of the members lingered around in the practice room, fooling around or cooling off, Hyunjae was dancing with his brows furrowed, sweat dripping down is forehead as he danced in repetition to only grumble every time.
"Hyung, forcing yourself to dance isn't going to do you any good. How about we just call it a day and head back home?" Eric suggested as the boys joined in agreement. "You guys can head out first. I'm going to practice a bit more before heading back." The boys left one by one before he was left alone in the dance room. He walked over to his bag to pick up his phone, checking to see how you were doing.
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He lets out disappointed sigh, missing your presence but it couldn't be helped since neither of your schedules match up recently as the only communication between the two of you would either be messaging or video calls. Especially when his team being on Kingdom: Legendary War made it even harder for the two of you to even just have a phone call. Frowning, he sets his phone down and went back to dancing. No matter how many times he went over the moves, he was just never happy with the performance he gave out, getting more frustrated at himself.
Your boss actually let everyone off work early today after a week of an hectic yet successful promotional event. You were overjoyed by the fact that you could finally leave work early on such a beautiful day as you bid all your co-workers goodbye before heading to the elevators when you bumped into one of your friends. "Signing off early today?" She asked as you turned on your phone, seeing the text from your boyfriend. "Yeah, she wanted us to enjoy the start of the summer weather. Plus, after such a busy week with pulling all-nighters and promotions, I think it's very much needed for us to have some recovery time." The two of you laughed "Right, congratulations of the successful event! Employees from my department and I heard how you guys were working nonstop for it. I can say that the results were definitely worth it." You thank her as the elevator doors opened, as it was almost filled. You gestured her to take the empty spot for you pressed the button again, waiting for the next available lift. Your lips dropped as you read his messages, feeling helpless in your shoes since you couldn't do anything when an idea popped up in your head.
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You sheepishly smiles as you entered the elevator, walking out your company building before heading over to a couple of restaurants, walking out for bags full of takeout.
After a long, repetitive and disappointing practice, Hyunjae headed back to the dorms, feeling restless and miserable about his lack progress as the performance day approaching closer and closer. He entered as his members asked for his suggestion on what he wanted to eat for dinner. "What do you want to eat tonight? We're going to order takeout." Younghoon waved his phone and asked his fellow member. The members were gathered in the living room, observing his actions before looking at each other, sensing that he wasn't at a happy mood. "Hyunjae, do you want us to order from your favorite chicken place?" Jacob kindly asked but he didn't bother answering as he went straight to his room, slamming the door behind before throwing his bag to go shower.
"He doesn't look like he's in a good mood." You spoke through the phone call after hearing a faint thud from his door. You originally called Younghoon to tell him your plan when he accidently placed you on speaker as all the members heard. The members were delighted by what you had in mind and decided on surprising Hyunjae as Younghoon would pretend to call a restaurant to see if he wanted anything in particular but actually had you on speaker as you remained silent when the plan didn't exactly go to plan. "Yeah he has been quite stressed over the choreography and upcoming performance. I can't blame him though, it is one of the hardest ones yet so he probably wants to do his best." Changmin added as your heart ached from not being able to be by his side. You told the boys that you're on the way to the dorm and keep it a secret from you boyfriend. Stopping by a few more stores, the bags around your hands starts to get heavy as your knuckles becomes white from holding so many boxes. You called a member down as you walked into their apartment, being greeted by their smile that you haven't seen in a while.
"It's been like years since I last saw you!" Eric runs to you as you struggled to walk straight from the amount of bags. "It truly feels like years." You laughed at his comment as helped you carry some of the bags. He peeked through, a huge smile forming on his face when he saw all the food that you bought. "It's a good thing you stopped by today. Hyunjae hyung has been having a rough time with practice." Eric spoke as the two of you stepped into the elevator. "I don't think I've ever seen him this frustrated before. He was practicing alone the other day and I heard him yell at himself when I was passing by..." Your heart dropped from hearing Eric's words. You bitterly smiled at him as he reassured that your boyfriend is trying his best to take care of his health and all but your heart couldn't settle. You arrived at the door when Eric told you to remain outside as he would get Hyunjae to open the door. You stood outside, nervous yet anxious from seeing your boyfriend for the first time in a while. You thought about what you would say when you saw him and how he would react.
"Takeout is delivered!" Eric yelled as he entered, rapid footsteps were heard as the members ran towards him whispering "Where's Y/N?" as he whispered back his plan. "HYUNJAE COME OUT AND EAT." Younghoon yelled from the living room as you giggled, hearing his voice from outside. "I'm not hungry." You pressed your ear to the door as you hear your lover's mumbled voice "We ordered chicken and it should be here any moment now!" Eric yelled as that was your cue to ring the doorbell, feeling your whole body shake from nervousness. "Hyunjae! Opened the door, your fried chicken is here." Sangyeon called as there was a short period of silence before you hear his door click opened. "Can't you guys open it? Why do I have to open it?" He snapped as the boys looked at him with a shocked expression before Sangyeon cleared his throat, trying to go with the plan. "U-Um, our fingers are all dirty? Just opened the door, we ordered from your favorite restaurant." His eyes lit up for a second before he groaned stomping his way to the doorway as your heart started racing, seconds away from seeing your boyfriend.
You eyes widen as the door slowly opened but stopped right enough for him to stick only his hand. He opened his hand, waiting for you to hand him the chicken when you reaching your hands into his, intertwining fingers before he retrieved his hand swinging the door opened. "What the f-" "Special delivery for the one and only Lee Jaehyun." You smiled, raising the bags in front of your face to hide your flushed cheeks. He took the bags from your hands before placing them down, pulling you into his chest as he wrapped his arms tightly around you, almost taking your breathe away. "Oh my gosh, I missed you so much." He whispered as you blinked back the tears that were blurring your vision. You looked into the dorm, seeing the faces of the members as some where happily munching and others had their phones out, capturing the sweet moment.
"I thought you said you weren't hungry." you mocked Hyunjae's voice from earlier as he picked up another chicken leg, shyly smiling as he bit into it. You sat with the boys as they all thank you for the food that you bought. "You guys must've been too busy to even eat your meals so I decided to stop by with some food for you guys." smiling, you looked around as all the boys where eating their hearts away. You felt a little sad that they were so busy with the upcoming competition but you knew that it's what they loved to do. You glanced over at your boyfriend, as he rested his head on your shoulder, letting out a content sigh. "Wow, I think this is the happiest I've felt in a while. I have you guys, chicken and Y/N all in one room.... This must be pure happiness." he spoke out loud before everyone broke into laughter. After everyone was finished eating, they all went on to do their own activities as you and Hyunjae headed into his room. Once he opened the door, the scent of his cologne travelled to your nose as you let out a delighted sigh
"Wow, it's been a minute since I've been here." You looked around his room. Even though nothing has changed since your last visit, you felt yourself reminiscing that moment. You looked over at your boyfriend who as lying on his bed as he patted the spot next to him, telling you to join him. "It's been a minute since I saw my gorgeous girlfriend." He stated as your sat beside him, legs crossed as he plotted himself up with the support of his elbows. You surveyed your boyfriend as you noticed his eyebags were getting dark, his appearance looking tired, overworked and stressed as you felt your eyes watering. "Why are you crying my love?" His eyes widen as tears fell from you eyes. He sat up, hands on either side of your face as he brushed the tears with his thumbs, giving you a worried look. You shook your head before pulling him into a hug, him stroking your back. "I'm such a horrible girlfriend." You felt his movements come to a halt at your words as he broke the hug, you avoiding his eyes. "Why would you ever tell yourself that?" His voice full of love and concern only made you want to breakdown in front of him even more but you held back, wiping away the tears. "I couldn't by your side when times where difficult for you. I couldn't comfort you when you needed someone the most." You explained as he slightly frowned, hurt by your words.
"That's not true at all." He brushed the hairs at of your face as you looked up at him, eyes red and puffy. "You're the energy when I'm low and my light in my darkness. You may not know it but just the thought of you gave me the motivation, the encouragement and inspiration to strive and work harder" He smiled as you couldn't help but to do the same. "I know with both of our schedules it's hard to make time for each other but that doesn't stop me from thinking about you, missing you yet supporting you from afar because I know you do the same." He went on as you suddenly laughed, catching him off guard. "I came here today to comfort you... Why does it feel like the opposite." He laughed before he laid down on your crossed legs, hands playing with yours. "Didn't you tell me your boss wouldn't let you guys off work?" He asked as you caressed his face. "She let us off early today as a little celebration for the successful promotion and to enjoy the start of the summer weather." He narrowed his eyes at you, realizing that you were lying at him through text. "Congratulations on the event, it must've been stressful for you and your team to handle everything. I'm so proud of you." You cheeks tinted at his sudden praise as he hand touched your face, feeling the warmth of your blush. "I decided to surprise you since you were having a hard time." He hummed, closing his eyes.
"I would be lying if I said I wasn't having a hard time. All the members are doing so well during practice but I can't seem to follow up to them. It's like something was off or missing of me whenever I practice with them. I just want to do the best in my part so it'll be perfect for the team, you know?" He let out his thoughts as you nodded attentively. "Were you able to find what was missing?" You asked as he opened his eyes meeting yours as the direct contact made your heart skip a beat. "Hmm... I'm not sure but I guess it has been getting better compared to a few days ago. But today, it was just so frustrating. I was screaming and yelling at myself because I couldn't find out what was wrong." He pouted as you let out an "aw," sympathizing with him. "I'm so sorry, babe. If there's ever anything I can do for you, you know I'll always be there for you no matter what time of day it is right?" You ruffled his hair as he grinned, his eyes hinting that he had something up his sleeves. "I think I'm losing hair." He suddenly confessed as your jaw dropped, hands going through his hair as he laid on your legs, examining. "I think I pulled out a lot of hair from today's irritating practice." He whined as he rubbed his head, you cooing as you ran your fingers through his hair. "Could you massage my head for me?" he shyly asked, you giggling at his request "Anything for my mirae"
He let out a hum as you continued, seeing how relaxed he was. The faint music playing from his laptop along with his steady breath made you feel at home with your boyfriend who you could finally embrace. You fingers ran through the hair of his, as a smile would form on his face time to time, making your lips curve up into a grin.
"I think I finally found what I was missing." He broke the silence, eyes glancing up to yours as you stared into his big, bright orbits. "That's great. What was it?" You hummed in response, fingers still slowly working through his hair. "You."
cafuné (n): running your fingers through the hair of someone you love
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