#i've been writing for Jack a lot lately so it was nice to include the others!
vault81 · 5 months
Hi, a little bit new but I love your fallout OC's! For the 60 questions, how about #3, #41, and #55?
Welcome!! and thank you sm! It makes me so happy when people end up loving my lil blorbos!!! (you didn't specify which oc so im gonna do all 3 if that's ok?)
(60 OC Questions Ask)
- [3] What emotion is the hardest for them to deal with?
Jack: For Jack I would say the emotion he has the hardest time with is anger, not just because he hates feeling angry and the way it affects him physically, feeling dizzy, tensing up, trembling etc. The thing he hates most is the way he deals with it (or doesn't) he's the kinda person to just bottle up those emotions until they go away themselves, not having a healthy way of venting them out. Which, sometimes, leads to him just exploding and lashing out at people he isn't angry at! Of course, he'll immediately feel bad for doing so and apologise (cue bear hug and tearful apologies) This being said though, Jack does not get angry easily! You really have to try to get him cross, the best you'll usually get is annoyed! I also think the older he gets, the better he'll get at dealing with this.
Eliza: In Eliza's case, I'd definitely say the one she has the biggest time dealing with is guilt, overwhelming guilt. She's worked hard at building up her spiky, flippant exterior, but underneath all that is someone who cares deeply for the world and the people around her! And because of this she's always being weighed down by guilt, the guilt of never feeling like she's done enough, that she's letting her friends and family down. But most of all, she feels guilt for the way she's left things with her father, before she could apologise for the way she treated him as a kid, and forgive him for abandoning her. And the guilt of abandoning Arthur Maxson, the person she swore she'd protect from the Brotherhood and that she'd always be there for.
Stephen: I'd say Stephen's hardest emotion to deal with is stress, he's carrying so much on his lil shoulders! Not only does he have to find his nephew Shaun, he's the General of the Minutemen, Knight of the Brotherhood of Steel, a Railroad Agent and (Part-Time) Detective! He has so many fires that are all demanding his attention, he's stretched thin all over the Commonwealth, not to mention the fact he's also dying and only has a limited amount of time to do all this. He's lucky he has Danse and all his friends to deal with this, but it does take a massive toll on his physical and mental well-being. Danse encourages, forces him to take breaks the first time he gets sick from all the stress.
- [41] What’s their usual morning routine?
Jack: he is very much a lazy morning person, you will not physically get this man out of bed before 10pm (if you even try he'll drag you into bed with him), would lounge in bed for as long as he can before he has to get up. He'll drag himself to the kitchen before having breakfast lunch and running out the house while brushing his teeth, because odd's are that he's definitely late for whatever he had going on that day!
Eliza: She is very much a morning person, like early morning person. Most days she'll be up by 4/5AM, it doesn't take her long to wake up either (she's an insomniac too, so chances are she probably hasn't slept) after a quick cold shower and skin care (mainly around the scar where her left eye used to be) she'll be fed, dressed and out the house to start the day!
Stephen: I'd say Stephen is also a morning person, but not by choice. As much as he would love to stay in bed cuddling Danse, he has an entire militia to run. He probably has the quickest morning routine compared to the others, very rehearsed to be as efficient as possible so he can be on his way quicker! Wakeup -> Shower -> Get Dressed -> Leave. He finds it easier to just skip breakfast all together (it also makes him feel nauseous in the morning) Danse probably ends up joining him during this routine so he actually gets ready properly.
- [55] How long does it take for them to make a new place feel like home, and what do they need for it?
Jack: I feel like for Jack, a place can feel like home pretty quickly, as much as he travels and is constantly moving he can really settle in and make a place his. He mainly does this by making a place smell like home! He probably doesn't look it, but he's big on scents! Likewise, he needs for himself and his home to smell nice, or he can't properly settle in. I feel like he'd stick to more basic scents though for his home, so it'd probably smell like Vanilla or Fresh Linens, anything that'll remind him of his time in the Vault.
Eliza: for Eliza it takes her a while to warm up to a space and make it feel like home, like Jack she's always travelling and on the move. So why bother decorating if she's just going to move out in a week or so? It'd probably take her a couple of months to finally really settle into a place long term, she does this with clutter! Eliza is a hoarder, if she feels like anything has some kind of value, be that monetary or sentimental, she'll keep it! This means over time, her home will just start filling with clutter. To her, it makes the place feel cosy and lived in.
Stephen: for Stephen, I'd say he's more middle ground, doesn't take as long as Eliza but also isn't as quick as Jack, give him around a week or 2 before really settling in. And for a place to feel like a home to Stephen, it needs people! What's the point of having a home if it's empty? So he fills his home with friends and family! It ends up being a communal meeting place for his friends, always full of laughter and conversation. It adds a certain warmth to his home that Stephen just can't be settled in without! (It being in central Diamond City helps too)
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vegancas · 11 months
it was already like 4 days ago but i had such a fun time at atl/mayday parade!!
i lined up early to get a good spot cos i was expecting like a line, like for there to actually be a line, but when i got there i was only the 12th person??? tbf there were over a 100 people doing vip apparently so without a lot of them in our ga line there was obviously a lot fewer ppl, but still!
unfortunately it was warmer than i was expecting and i ended up getting a bit sun burnt :( mostly on my nose, brow, upper lip, and hands. nose was the worst! still a bit ouchy, or maybe hands were worst in that i got burned in the same areas as my dermatitis which is a bad combo! they're mostly okay now but my face still hurts a bit. but anyway! i didn't realise i'd got burned until after the show was over when we went into the bathroom so it was too late to do anything about it :/
but again, anyway! my sister and her friend joined me in line a couple hours after i got there so i hung out with some other ppl waiting. my sister said she doesn't like having to line up early but i like it! it's part of the experience to me! but maybe also because i don't have anyone to go to shows with besides her so i like getting to hang out with ppl??? it's nice to just get know ppl a little! and they're like my kinda ppl too i guess because we like similar music!! hard to find that in everyday life
it was a very orderly line though, like we didn't stay in a line, the people who got there first (at like 5am!) numbered everyone with a sharpie, which is like sure it's not official as my sister loved to point out, but it did make everything more chill. they number over 70 ppl before it got too much to keep track of, and then when it was close to doors everyone just lined up basically in order!? it was surprising but nice to see!
anyway, when we actually got into the show! we ended up second row behind some ppl who did vip and some who were ahead of us in line. i can't say it was the best spot but like that's closer than i've ever been to the front when seeing atl before so! i just wish the base of the barricade went a little further back? like it's so hard to jump up and down on an uneven surface!!!
mayday parade were soooooo good as always!! they played a lot of older stuff, like their classic best stuff, the stuff ppl know the words to and we can all sing together!! i wish their set had been longer!!! i mean i guess they were on for nearly 50 minutes? but still!!!
atl also were obviously great too!! we sung happy birthday to some guy? (idk? he was playing a keyboard or something?) 3 times lmao, and alex jack and the bday guy (plus someone in the crowd) all did shoeys (from their own shoes!! not like josh from ymas who used an audience member's lol). it was such a messy show, but like in a good way!! i DO want to see bands having fun together and chatting with us and that kinda thing, like alex was being so silly!!
i was also in the absolute perfect position that when jack threw up his first guitar pick, no one had no idea where it was going, including me, but it hit me right in the middle of the chest lmao. got to pick it up right off the floor cos no one knew it had hit me so no one was looking for it!! third time i've managed to get a pick like that, although first time actually getting hit by it lol
feel like there might have been more i wanted to write about but i can't remember now! oh well. it was a fun night anyway!! would add photos or something but i'm not on my phone so maybe some other time
oh but they played new religion!!! i was so excited when they played it!!!! actually they played two songs i didn't know, i guess their new one with avril lavigne that i haven't heard and some other one??? gonna have to look that up at some point i guess
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knifeonmars · 3 years
Comics that mattered to me in 2021
Every year when I sit down to do this I end up whinging about being exhausted with comics, and this year is no different. The churn of corporate superhero comics is deeply alienating, and after I made a concerted effort to read more prose this past year, I can't help noticing that a lot of the writing is, frankly, shit. Jonathan Hickman's Mr. Cerebral Scifi posturing looks a lot less impressive when you've been reading Herbert or LeGuin or Banks and realizing how shallow even the most acclaimed writing in superhero comics often is.
Nor did indie comics have much for me this year. 2022 will be Peow Studios' last year in operation, and while they're still publishing at the moment and their work remains stellar, knowing that they'll be gone casts a pall over things. Al Gofa's decision to cape for Brandon Graham by including him in his failed Gamma Twinkles Kickstarter campaign, even in light of the accusations of predation by Graham, after public backlash and the loss of multiple collaborators from the project really took the wind out of my sails re: indie comics by reminding me how shitty the space can be.
The only comic which I read with any regularity in 2021 was, genuinely, Spawn, as preparation for my vanity podcast on the series, Regarding Spawn. I can't say that Spawn is good by any measure, indeed certain parts of it are complete shit, but as someone who has always struggled to find a community, it's nice to actually get to read along with someone and discuss a series for all its highs and lows. I guess the lesson is that comics and media in general are best when you share it with someone, so like, touch grass.
The Immortal Hulk
Probably Al Ewing's magnum opus at Marvel Comics, even if it is marred somewhat by its association with artist Joe Bennett and his unpleasant personal politics. While it was running there were few, if any comics like Immortal Hulk, certainly not from the mainstream superhero comics market. It was religious horror, it was action, it was sublime and funny and excellent. I'm glad that it got to have its run and, improbably for an Al Ewing comic, go uninterrupted by petty cash-ins and spinoffs (look at the current X-Men line to see what happens when that pointedly isn't the case). Immortal Hulk has unseated Planet Hulk as the best Hulk story, and it did so by being a completely different kind of story. We may not see its like again.
Home Time
The second part of Campbell Whyte's Home Time released this year, following a group of Australian middle schoolers trapped in a strange fantasy world during what was supposed to be their last summer together before high school. I'm no "YA adult", note my use of scare-quotes, but I really did love Home Time. It's hazy and weird, it evokes a kind of nostalgia which hit close to home for me, and I love the tricks and stylistic flourishes it displays in riffing on videogames.
Batman: Creature of the Night
Another title I've written about before, the last big project from the late, great artist John Paul Leon with collaborator Kurt Busiek, Creature of the Night is the companion piece to Busiek and Stuart Immonen's incredible Superman: Secret Identity, and yet it is totally distinct and its own beast. It's a story about mental illness and anger and grief, and it gets at the core of Batman in a way which is both more distinct and more honest than either fandom "BatDad" characterizations or self-serious "disturbed" takes on the character.
Jack Staff
It is a true pleasure to see a master at work in their craft, and Jack Staff is Paul Grist's clinic on the capabilities and potentials of both the comic book medium and the superhero genre. Grist pulls from reference points that a North American reader like myself has little familiarity with and in doing so constructs a superhero world which feels totally distinct from the one-millionth indie comics riff on Batman/Spider-Man/Superman/etc. The things he does with layouts, with lettering, with the page as a whole, must be seen to be believed. If you ever have the chance, do not miss Jack Staff.
Butcher Baker, The Righteous Maker
Neither Butcher Baker nor its creator Joe Casey are a problematic fave for me, and yet I guess they are. I don't love Butcher Baker unreservedly, but I can't help thinking about it in terms of my largely withered critical reading skills. I think that there is something profoundly ugly at the heart of superhero power fantasies, however much certain people online will argue that superheroes have always been politically "good" , and Joe Casey lays that bare in a totally unabashed, indulgent, but absolutely knowing way. Butcher Baker is a creep, a thug, and a libidinous bully, his enemies are over the top visions of American prejudices and fears, it's a weird book and I don't like every element of it, but I can't help thinking about it. Considering that so many superhero comics seem designed to slide smoothly off the brain as soon as possible, totally unprepared for or uninterested in critical reading, Butcher Baker is a welcome change.
Superman: Blue
It is with a heavy heart that I admit that Electric Blue Superman is Good, Actually, and these comics are damned solid. It'll sound like I'm damning it with faint praise, but this volume collecting the first set of stories from the brief Electric Blue era is just really solid superhero comics. I've slagged off series before for feeling like standard portions of superhero entertainment, but this isn't that. Superman: Blue has a lineup of great artists including Stuart Immonen in the early part of his career, and a rotating cast of writers telling charming, innovative stories using what I have to admit is a fun setup. There's no groan-inducing crossover high stakes here, nor the inflated self-importance of "nothing will ever be the same!" instead it's just solid, entertaining stories with fresh takes on characters new and old. Even as burnt out as I am on superhero stories, I must admit that you could do a lot worse.
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The Storm
Summary: You work with Jack Crawford and Alana is your cousin, both of you live together for a long time. She gets caught up with a flat tire far away and asks you to let Will in, for he's expecting her. A storm is coming, and she keeps taking longer and longer to show up. Will the universe conspire in your favor?
Pairing: Will Graham x reader
Warnings: swearing, insinuation of smut, fluff.
Word count: 4.328
A/n: I'm starting to consider changing this tumblr for a Hannibal one, mostly Will Graham, so some requests from other fandoms would be nice haha hope you enjoy reading this as much as I enjoyed writing ♥️
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*not my gif
There wasn't a thing such as a boring day at the BAU. 
At least not when you're part of Jack Crawford's crew. There was always an interesting case to focus on, a disfigured body to study the reason of death, it was always a thrilling hunt for evidence. The best experience I've ever had so far in my career, and I could only thank my cousin Alana for putting me on the Guru's radar. I was a great crime scene investigator, albeit a little younger than people gave me credit for. I taught people not to underestimate me over the years, though. I got here by my own effort, being a tenacious, hard-working woman who wouldn't get a no for an answer. 
I got along well with my crewmates, Beverly Katz, Brian Zeller and Jimmy Price, though our relationship hardly extended for life outside work. Except for Beverly, we went out for a couple of beers sometimes, she was fun, witty and I really liked our conversations. Jack was the big boss, and that was it. I had a lot of respect for him, and I knew he didn't regret bringing me to his team, I could see it in his eyes in the first case I've got. I was very cunning when I shared my insights about the cases, sometimes I saw things no one else could, no one but…
Of course, I was far, far away from being a Will Graham. But ever since I was younger, I've had this sort of intuition that helped me to solve problems, I would solve riddles easily and when people asked me how I got to the answer, I wouldn't know the steps, I just knew deep in my bones I was right. That happened a lot when I was growing up and was even stronger now that I knew how to use it. It was some artifice of my inconscient, something I could always count on. It included everything in my life, math, logical thinking, riddles. My brain picked things I couldn't perceive clearly, bringing them to the clear waters of my conscience. 
Will Graham was a curious man. He intrigued me from the very first moment I saw him at the house of one of the last victims of The Minnesota Shrike, Garret Jacob Hobbs, now dead. He was practically hiding in a corner, his eyes closed behind the lens of his glasses, dark wavy hair, jawline for days. He seemed highly focused until Beverly started to talk to him, pulling him out of his daze. He could barely look at her, or at me, and although he looked socially awkward and troubled, he still managed to look like a daydream. I studied every inch of his face, lowering my gaze when he seemed to get uncomfortable, after smiling lightly. I was a bit shy myself. I lived with Alana and, when I got home that night, I absentmindedly asked her about that curious handsome man who seemed to be out of place, yet so connected to that scene. She started to talk about him, but stopped once she noticed my interest. Then, she told me he was a very unstable person, that she wouldn't even be alone in the room with him because of her professional curiosity. As time passed and he solved more and more cases, I could see how people looked at him like an attraction of the zoo. However, not me, and later, not Beverly. Brian didn't seem to like him very much, I could see. Envy, perhaps? Nevertheless, the more I saw Will, the more intrigued I got. He avoided eye contact like the plague, but as I was always friendly and tried my best to treat him like a normal person, not focusing only on work, dead bodies and serial killers, I saw more of those beautiful blue eyes. He knew I was Alana's cousin, and I sooner realized he had a fling for her. 
And boy, did that break my silly little heart. I wasn't surprised, though. Who could blame him? Alana was amazing. I never felt resentful for that, but as time passed, I started to detach from the idea of Will being somewhat more than a simple acquaintance. That afternoon, I was going home from work when I got a call from Alana.
"Speak fast, I'm driving." I said, keeping one hand on the wheel and the other holding my phone.
"You're going home? Great. I invited Will so we could talk about a profile I'm building, but I got caught up here. I already spoke to him, he's almost there, can you let him in? He said he'll wait, and I'll be home in about fifty minutes, no more than that, hopefully." She said in a hurry, and I felt my cheeks burn a little. Will and me? Home alone? 
"I…" I hesitated, chewing my bottom lip nervously. "You won't be long, right? Heard on the radio there’s a storm for later."
"I won't, promise. Just let him in, he's already aware I'll take a little longer to be there. See you soon. Thanks, Y/n!" She hung up, not leaving me any time to answer. I put the phone down, still chewing on my bottom lip. I could feel excitement rising on my stomach, making me feel slightly nauseated, and noticed my hands starting to sweat.
Please. That was ridiculous. What was I, a teenager? I was a grown-up, well-succeeded woman, for God's sake. I rubbed my hands on my jeans, driving a little faster than I usually did almost unconsciously. I got home after twenty minutes, parking outside the pretty house. Will was already there, leaning against his car, so lost in his thoughts he barely noticed I'd arrived. I looked at my reflection at the mirror hurriedly, fixing my hair, pinching my cheeks to look less pale, brushing my eyebrows with my fingers to make them look neat. I wasn't even wearing any lipstick today. It had been a long day at work. 
I opened the car door, exiting the vehicle, the noise from shutting the door finally bringing him out of his daze, and he finally seemed to notice me. He smiled lightly, lowering his eyes. He had his glasses on, but as soon as he saw me, he took them off, hanging them on his shirt.
"Hey, Will. I hope I haven't kept you waiting too long. There was a little bit of traffic." I justified, walking to the porch and waiting for him to follow me. 
"Y/n. Not at all, I just got here. Alana explained what happened, thanks for coming to let me in. Hope I didn't ruin any appointment you may have had." He waited until I unlocked the door, and we finally were engulfed with the warm air of the heater.
"Nope, I was coming home, no appointments lost. Please, come in. I'm not sure you've ever been here before, but make yourself home." I hung my trench coat, sighing with the pleasure of being home. I loved the atmosphere of that place. "Can I get you anything? Water, soda, beer…"
"Thank you. I'm fine. And no, I haven't been here before." I held back the temptation of saying "good", biting my bottom lip as I watched him sit on the couch. I just stood there for a while, not sure of what to do next. 
He frowned a little, probably thinking why I was acting so weird, and that made me nervous, because it was just an easy step to realize my silly crush on him. Did he know? What if Alana said something? Said something? For fuck's sake, he was Will Graham, he could probably see that written across my stupid face! Shit, he knows. I'm making a fool of myself. Why do I even…
"Is everything okay?" His voice startled me a little, pulling me out of my neurotic breakdown, and I wondered how my facial expressions looked. Was I blinking only one eye like the stereotyped madness of cartoons? I certainly didn't look normal. I cleared my throat, laughing lightly.
"Yeah. Yeah, I guess I'm not really used to having people over anymore. I've been working a lot lately. People are dying like flies." I sat on the armchair in front of him, sighing. 
"What we do can be overwhelming sometimes. What we see every day. It just… stains you." He said, with a dark look on his serious eyes. 
I nodded. I felt that way sometimes, but I was used to it. I stopped feeling that sense of inadequacy on my chest years ago. 
"I guess you just begin to cope with it, though. Our brain adapts to that harsh reality. But it's always nice to vent somehow. What do you do in your free time?" I asked, wondering if I was getting too personal. Did I sound like I was probing to ask him out?  I felt my face getting warm. Damn it.
Either he didn't realize, or he was just too chivalrous to point, but he didn't mention anything.
"I fish." He said, simply. I nodded with a light smile.
"And you play with your doggies." I pointed, smiling wider. I loved dogs. He'd mentioned them before, so I just brought the subject up, trying to shift the attention from me to them. Will smiled back, his eyes with a subtle glow. He really loved them, and that was so sweet. "Fishing sounds nice. Unfortunately, I could never. I'm too restless. I'd probably startle all the fish and wouldn't catch anything."
He laughed, and that was the first time I ever heard that sound coming out of him. I felt like I was someone deaf that was able to hear the sound of Mozart's symphonies for the first time, and I just knew. There was never detachment from the idea of Will being more than an acquaintance. It was tackled down inside my brain somewhere, for the brain tends to adapt to harsh realities, but it was still there, just waiting for some incentive. 
"It's just a matter of training, getting used to it. I could teach you someday… if you want." He blinked a few times, as if he was surprised with his own boldness, smiling lightly. "And you? What do you do to vent?" He asked, seeming genuinely interested.
"Well, I read a lot. Maybe I could read by the riverside while I watch you fish." I said, shrugging with a subtle smile.
"It's a date, then?" Will inquired, making me mortified. Caught me by total surprise, and when I was about to say something, my phone rang.
"Excuse me." I answered the phone. It was Alana. "Hey. We're already here waiting for you."
Not that I wanted her to arrive any time sooner, but she didn't have to know that.
"You won't believe me; I've got a flat tire. There's a guy helping me out, I was lucky, I'm in the middle of nowhere. But I'll get there in about fifty more minutes, more or less. Can you put Will on the phone? I'll explain everything to him."
"Do you need one of us to pick you up? I'm sure he wouldn't mind, I wouldn't…"
"No, he's almost done. Thank you. Let me talk to Will, I'll be there soon. The storm is about to catch me, I wanna hurry."
I sighed, grimacing at him. 
"She wants to talk to you." I passed him the phone, studying his expressions while he talked to her. As I looked at the window, I could see the dark clouds gathering up, making the end of the afternoon murky. The storm was about to hit hard. I could see a few thin drops of rain starting to wet the glass.
"I can stay a little longer, no problem. I'm being well attended." He traded looks with me, biting his lip slightly. "Okay. I'll see you soon, Alana."
He gave me the phone, but Alana was already gone. I put it on the coffee table, getting up.
"I think I'll pour myself some wine. Do you want some?" I asked politely. "It's one of the fanciest ones; Hannibal gave us a bottle when we dined at his house a few days ago."
"Yes. Thank you." He waited for me to come back with the beverages, and I did my best not to spill anything, sitting on the couch beside him while I gave him the glass. "So you're acquainted with Dr. Lecter?"
"Oh yeah, he's an old friend of Alana's, sometimes he invites us to dinner. He cooks the best meals I've ever had in my entire life, so I don't exactly decline the invitations. And he's one of the most brilliant people I've ever met, so it's always interesting." I took a sip of the crimson liquid, moaning low in pleasure. Good wine. I preferred a good cup of hot oolong, but it was impossible not to appreciate the quality of that drink. 
A few glasses after and a lot of talks about dogs, fishing and other hobbies, he finally felt safe to bring back the topic. The rain had started really pouring, the now thicker drops hitting the windows loudly. Alana hadn't called again. It was nighttime now, the sky seeming to be darker than usual. I was low-key worried about her, but the conversation was too great to interrupt. She was a good driver. She would be just fine. 
"I've been seeing Hannibal Lecter in his office. Not exactly his patient, though. A courtesy of Jack Crawford to keep an eye on the coping of my brain functions." He sounded a bit bitter, drinking a few sips of his wine.
I could see he didn't like therapy. Must be hard with someone with a mind like his.
"You know, sometimes, Alana psychoanalyses me. Like, she doesn't even notice. It's cute, but sometimes it creeps me out." 
"She has a professional curiosity about me, but she's too polite and considerate to let it slip out. We've never even been alone in the same room together."
I held back a bitter comment, not wanting to talk shit about my cousin, but he saw it right through me. 
"Sorry, I didn't mean to put you in a complicated position."
"I know. You're sweet." The word slipped through my tongue before I could contain it. Will blinked a few times, seeming surprised, and I felt my cheeks burn, starting to stutter. "I meant… I'm sorry, did I make you uncomfortable?"
"No, no. It's just… no one's ever called me that before." It was my time to get surprised. He didn't seem to be complimented much, and that just made me flabbergasted. I couldn't be the only one who saw how fantastic Will was.
"... Ah. Well, some people are just shy. I'm shy as hell, don't even know how I had the nerve to say that, it's probably the wine starting to kick in. Hope I really didn't make you uncomfortable, though. Don't need to be polite, it's okay to tell me."
"Actually, I'm curious to know what else you think of me. I sense it's not the only word you have to define me." He sounded bolder, and his eyes were on mine, giving me shivers down my spine. 
"Well… I think you're too exceptional to be defined with a few words. You're… Kind, brilliant… I see how seeing what you see, doing what you do, how it wrecks you sometimes, and you just keep doing it because you're saving lives. That's so selfless, Will. That's…" I was going to say more, but at that very moment, a loud thunder just made the house practically tremble, and I let out a real inelegant weep, coming closer to Will and holding his arm firmly, my fingers grabbing on the fabric of his shirt. He could've thought it was an artifice to get closer to him, but he could see how frightened I was, trembling like a cornered wild little beast. I hated thunders, fireworks, anything loud. Feeling ridiculous, I released his shirt, apologizing with embarrassment.
"It's okay. It's just noise. I'm here." He put some of my hair that had fallen to my face behind my ear with such a tenderness that I felt my stomach twitch, realizing suddenly how close we were. He was looking at me as if it was the first time he was actually seeing me. 
The phone rang again. Alana! I grabbed it from the coffee table, turning to face Will. He wasn't avoiding eye contact anymore, his pupils were dilated. My breathing was accelerated, and I knew it had little to do with the thunder.
"Lana, is everything okay?" I asked with genuine concern. "Are you close?"
"Ah, Y/n. I'm so sorry. I don't think I'll make it in time, I'm driving slow, the roads are slippery because of the storm and it's pretty foggy. I'll stop at a motel and spend the night, or at least wait for the storm to pass. I'm so furious with myself!"
"It's okay cuz, do what's safer for you. I'm sure Will will understand. I'll pass him the phone." I gave him the phone and he talked to Alana for a few minutes, but I wasn't listening. She'd ruined the moment unintentionally, and now he was probably going home. When would I have an opportunity like that again? 
"Okay. Don't worry. I'll see you tomorrow. Bye, Alana. Take care." He gave me the phone and I put it on the coffee table again. Before any of us could say anything, another thunder cracked the sky, and this time, Will held me so I wouldn't be afraid. The lights went out, and he held me against his chest protectively, making me smell his aftershave and some perfume. He smelled so good. For a moment, I just stood there in his arms, feeling his warmth, his breath, the steady beats of his heart. 
I moved away just a little to see his face, very close to mine, but it was so dark I could only see shadows. A lightning lit up the room and, just for a little moment, I could see his gorgeous eyes staring at me. After a soft touch of his thumb on my lips, he finally kissed me, so gentle, like I could break as fine china with any rougher move. I touched his neck with both my hands, playing with his hair, feeling how soft they were. He pulled me closer, his hands on my waist, and the kiss started to get deeper, voracious, as if we were hungry for each other. Maybe the wine was helping to raise the lust; all I know is that I've wanted that to happen for a long time. Will's kiss was everything I imagined it would be, but entirely different at the same time. All I could say was that he was great at it. His hands traveled through my body, and I grabbed his hair, pulling it slightly. That made a low growl echo through his chest, and I started to feel my body fervent as a bonfire.
I couldn't say much because I was breathless and I didn't want to stop what we were doing, so a single word left my lips as I kept my forehead on his.
Will bit his lip, kissing me again, and that was all the answer I needed.
Morning. Thin sunrays illuminated my bedroom floor through the curtains, waking me up. The storm was gone. I haven't had a nice night of sleep like that in ages. I looked at the other side of my bed and there was Will, sleeping heavily. It wasn't a dream, after all. Last night really happened. I smiled, staring at the roof with disbelief in my eyes.
I stared at him for a few seconds, unsure of what to do. Should I just let him sleep? He looked so heavenly, his hair was messy, his breathing steady, he seemed so less troubled than he usually was. I touched his hair lightly, caressing it with tenderness, and he started to move. I could see his neck, and a few hickies we marked on his albescent skin. That made me blush a little bit, and I laughed silently. 
He opened his eyes while I still touched his hair, but I didn't stop, and he didn't seem to want me to. We stared at each other in silence for a few moments, and he smiled, a different smile than the usual ones he gave me.
"Hi." He said, pulling me closer by my waist, stroking the skin under the sheets. I pecked him on the lips, then kissing his forehead, his cheek, his jawline. 
"Hey there. Good morning. I'm starving, are you having breakfast with me?"
"Actually, I gotta go home. Feed the dogs." He said, stroking my nude shoulder with his finger.
"Of course. Your dogs. I won't keep you then, poor babies must be so hungry." I kissed his cheek and was about to get up when he pulled me again, gently kissing my lips. I smiled, probably looking like an idiot. A joyful idiot. "I'll let you get dressed. I'll be in the kitchen."
I dressed up in my long and black robe, smiling at him before I left the room, going to the kitchen, where I started to make some french toasts. After a few minutes, I heard the front door open, and an exhausted Alana came in, her hair frizzy and her coat looking still a bit wet.
"Oh, Lana! Go change, you'll get a cold!" I stopped what I was doing, going to her and helping to take off her coat.
"That storm was a nightmare. I swear I won't ignore the warnings ever again. I'm so sorry, I had no idea it would get this bad, yesterday was one of those days where everything just goes wrong. Hope Will arrived well at home, did he seem disappointed or annoyed before he left? I was so inconvenient…"
I didn't even have time to answer, because Will opened my bedroom door, coming out while buttoning his shirt, suddenly realizing Alana was there.
"Oh." Alana said, looking so flabbergasted I almost laughed at her. Will rose his eyebrows at the sight of her, seeming a bit unsure of what to do or say. I wasn't planning for her to find out like this, it was a bit early, I wasn't expecting her to arrive so soon. "Hi, Will."
"Alana. Hi." He avoided looking at her, staring at me, and his eyes immediately softened. I smiled, he smiled back, and that was it, Alana was forgotten.
"Off you go to feed your children." I joked, biting my bottom lip. "I guess I'll see you later, then."
"Definitely." He simply said, kissing my forehead while caressing my hair, certainly a little embarrassed to kiss me in front of Alana. "See you later, Y/n. Bye, Alana."
"Bye, Will." I waved with a soft smile, and he grabbed his jacket, leaving the house.
My smile grew larger and I left my head fall back, squeaking low in commemoration. What a night! What a morning! I never thought I would thank a storm so much, let alone a bloody thunder.
Before Alana could say anything, I realized Will had left his glasses at the coffee table, and I picked it up in a hurry, bursting through the front door and calling him before he left, waving in front of the car.
"You forgot your glasses!" I said, and he opened the car windows, raising his hand to pick them.
I leaned against the car window, putting the glasses on him, and kissing his lips fiercely. He moaned in surprise, holding my face to deepen the kiss. After a moment, I pulled away, appreciating the view of his lips so reddish. 
"Go back inside, it's cold." He said with a cheeky smile, and before I could say he actually made me hotter, he took off with the car.
I went back inside, where Alana was waiting for me with her arms crossed. 
"What the hell did you do to Will Graham?" She asked, sounding severe, but a smile was trying to escape her lips "I mean, besides trying to suck his soul with your mouth a few moments ago."
"Oh, shut up!" I laughed, blushing violently. "You made that happen, you know? Thank you. Was that a set up or did the universe actually conspire in my favor?"
"I wish I'd planned this. That would mean I would've had a plan b and I wouldn't have stayed at that disgusting mote… Y/n, you're full of hickies, I can't believe you!"
"You're starting to sound like my mom, Lana. I'm gonna wear a turtleneck, don't worry, I don't want Beverly all over me like a bloodhound and Brian and Jimmy's witty comments today. In fact, keep it to yourself, okay? Will's discreet. I won't even tell Beverly, if she finds out, the whole bureau will know, hell, maybe even Freddie Lounds."
"I told you to let it go, Y/n. Will's very unstable right now. I… I only want what's best for you." She said with concern in her bright blue eyes. I sighed, walking to her and kissing her cheek with affection.
"You're a good cousin. But I'm a big girl. I can take care of myself, okay? Unless this isn't only about me, unless it concerns something else." I raised an eyebrow while staring at her, more confident that I've ever been. "Is there something you wanna tell me?"
She hesitated, clenching her jaw, but never spoke. 
I smiled, tapping her cheek very lightly in approval.
"I gotta get ready to work. Wanna grab lunch with me later?" I asked in a casual tone, a cynical smile on my face. She shrugged. "See you later then, cuz."
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