#i've brought this psd back from the grave
undeadunalive ยท 8 months
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Jonathan && London
As I've mentioned before, Jonathan tends to move every decade or so to avoid people noticing that he doesn't age at all. While he mainly moves between the UK, the US and France he does eventually end up back in London. It's the city where he grew up, studied in, worked in and later the city he saved so he always finds himself being drawn back to its familiarity. Even when he does move to other places, there are times when he misses London and some of the comforts it brought him so he'll go out in the middle of the night, usually on his way home from a shift, and will take a detour somewhere and just sit for a while. He likes to sit on a bench, a wall etc, near a train station and listen to the trains go by because it reminds him of being able to hear the trains a few streets away from where he grew up. He also enjoys walking in the rain as it reminds him of his many nights in London. He also makes a point of visiting his family's graves every decade on the anniversary of Mary's death, including Avery, the family caretaker's grave, and leaving red roses for each of them.
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buttcanine ยท 7 years
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Bloodborne Scenery: Hemwick Charnel Lane 2/2
331 notes ยท View notes