#i've caught it a few times now and it's always a delightful suprise
totem-but-shark · 1 month
it is the biggest compliment when i notice references to my art or descriptions of my character designs in fanfiction, to the authors who do this know i love seeing my illustrated work translated so beautifully into written word and i'm honoured to have contributed in some way towards your wonderful stories
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shesmore-shoebill · 14 days
i loveeee disaster/pining!amanda in amangela HOWEVER i pitch you this: disaster/pining!amanda in courtmanda. amanda who shouldnt be surprised that courtney’s very flirty/affectionate but somehow Always Is Suprised when the energy is directed back at her. courtney who sees a blushing/stammering amanda for the first time and is absolutely delighted (and maybe a little bit surprised) that They were the one who caused that reaction
AUGH COURTMANDA MY BELOVED. Excellent timing sending this to me right before we got fed with fantastic Courtmanda in the new FNAF video.
That said: OOOH disaster/pining Amanda in a Courtmanda context. HMM.
Okay, preface: I'm going to say a lot of things here. Again, this is all personal RPF characterization and is not supposed to actually be about the real people. Its about the RPF alternate universe versions I've decided on.
So from what I have in my head, disaster/pining Amanda doesn't look the same as it would for Amangela, because where Angela doesn't usually lean into the kissing/flirting bits with the same level of enthusiasm/isn't the type to initiate them, at least with Amanda, (hence why flirting back would be so jarring). Like you're saying Courtney (and Amanda tbh) is the kind of person to:
1- Flirt incessantly with people for the bit,
2- If challenged, would COMMIT to the bit with zero hesitation
3- Willing to kiss a friend, no worries.
So in my head, with their existing dynamic it seems less likely for Amanda to be completely caught off guard by just the fact of Courtney flirting/flirting back. (TBH I think its fun to have their dynamic already have an inherent flirtiness to it, that in Courtmanda universes can lead to Confusion or Hijinks. See this post). So to really SELL it I feel like there has to be an extra level to it that turns the existing dynamic on its head. Catches Amanda off guard or some extra flavor to the obliviousness. And I find it VERY fun to have the disaster part of this be Amanda committing harder to flirting if she's panicking about Courtney, because Courtney would commit BACK, and that kind of escalation always opens up fun in stories. AND, at the point where Amanda does get completely flustered/tongue-tied the payoff is that much more significant.
And there's a few fun ways this can go, trope-wise, I think. Courtney dials it up and Amanda was fine about it before (ignoring her feelings) but the ramp up in intensity flipped SOMETHING in her head she can't ignore angmore, and now Courtney is flirting and Amanda is panicking/flirting back with a definite edge of panic and Courtney can. Tell. For angst or more plot, the fact that the affection is already there can cause confusion! Misunderstanding! What's joke flirting and what's real? What's a bit and what isn't? Even if its not a bit for her, is it for them? etc. Plenty of fun ways to take the Courtmanda disaster dual flirting dynamic.
That said, the "already always flirty Courtmanda" is just a personal characterization thing on my part, and this is RPF, none of this is real, so we dont need to do that. If we don't commit to their existing dynamic already being flirty the imagery of a flustered Amanda and deeply pleased Courtney is still SO good. Amanda flirts with everyone and Courtney flirts back and Amanda goes. 😳. Courtney as a fun silly little guy and Amanda as a charismatic force laying on the charm with everyone but Courtney does something back and Amanda loses it a little. Flirts weird. Gets goofy. Little compliments get to her. Something something the rpf extension of Amanda constantly calling Courtney cool or complimenting her style in random places in videos. And Courtney continues to be affectionate because they just ARE affectionate and Amanda (also known affectionate person!) is losing her cool over it way more than she should be. Oh man. I do love this concept actually.
(For angst route- miscomm! misunderstanding! Amanda going "Oh Courtney is like this with everyone, it doesnt mean anything". Courtney taking Amanda's slightly strange reactions as 'oh she doesnt like me doing this/feel this way'. Ah shit I've just swapped the Amangela dynamic).
Anyway. Lots of fun potential here. Love the Courtmanda dynamic. Maybe a fun plot idea regarding S&B filming and Amanda seeing a new side of Courtney that shifts her world a little bit.... 👀 hmm.
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