#i've gotta stop writing those fluff stories i cant even take it ugh
borusawa · 5 years
When I Was Promised Love, This Is Not What I Expected
❀ Pairings   BoruSara
❀ Rating T
❀ Beta-reader Is it too bad that I don’t know his tumblr? I truly love him if that compensates please forgive me Sean
❀ Word Count 1,933
❀ A/N It’s still the 25th in here so please don’t judge. This Soulmate AU has been sitting on my drive for so long I decided to show it to the world. I’m not very comfortable with my writing recently, hence why I’ve been barely posting but I’ll try to manage my time better so I can come back here and have my priorities straight. This is not a promise. Anyhow, I’m thankful for being part of this amazing fandom through which I met people I can’t picture my life without and I’m ready to celebrate one more BoruSara week! 
BoruSara Week Day 1
“Sarada, do you think we will ever find love?”
The vibe of the slumber party had suddenly changed when the girls started to talk about their frustrating love lives. Chocho’s words were a trigger and Sarada, even though having nothing to share about the subject in general, had made that same question to herself many times, never coming to a result.
“Maybe. We supposedly will,” she managed to answer sincerely.
During the long silent period that followed, all the girls got immersed in their own minds, including Sarada. She held back the urge to check once more the words written over her forearm in look for explanations that were impossible to reach. 
‘Will we ever find love?’ she wondered incessantly.
If they weren’t supposed to, what was the meaning of everything? She thought about her parents’ story, about how they met at a young age and the long way they went through before actually getting together. Their promised words were simple and clear: Sakura had his name on her arm and Sasuke had the sentence “what’s your name?” Meanwhile, Sarada didn’t possess the same luck, holding an unhelpful “hey” on her arm. Ever since she first learned what it meant she got frustrated; those words should be used to guide a person towards their soulmates and she couldn’t believe hers meant nothing.
‘Will I ever find love?’ she tried to settle but it was unlikely.
Every new person who greeted her with “hey” or anything in that area made her look if the golden words over her arm had turned into a black tattoo, a long-time habit that was becoming old as she progressively gave up. She had seen people finding their soulmates at events, parties, stores and even concerts she went, but her time never came and she was done waiting for it.
Maybe she would meet the love of her life but she was decided to stop looking for it. Let it happen. Maybe it would. Supposedly.
Her friends were gone in the morning and since her mom had left to work in the break of dawn Sarada was alone rather early for her liking. Although being used to it, for some reason, she felt the urge to be outside and enjoy the beautiful day that had just begun. With no purpose for staying at home, Sarada was soon at the streets, feeling the always delightful summer breeze and the warm sun rays against her skin. It felt good to be outside for once, in a way she couldn’t understand. Passing by an ice cream shop, she decided it could do no harm and went in.
Many flavors were listed on the menu and she took her time to decide; it needed to be different but tasteful and match her summer feeling. She got closer to the cashier and smiled.
“Hello! I want a pineapple ice cream.”
The attendant was a polite and slightly older man. “You’re a lucky girl! We don’t have much left, only enough for you.”
She smiled fondly, happy that they still had that flavor and that the morning was indeed so pretty. The girl had just taken her ice cream in hands when a blond boy entered, and seemed so bothered that his negative vibe made her chill. It was an instant dislike.
“Do you have pineapple ice cream?” He asked and the attendant looked at Sarada; she couldn’t do much but laugh at the situation.
“I’m sorry, that girl just took all we had left.” The man apologized.
The pair of blue eyes, that didn’t look at her once since the owner’s entrance, suddenly locked on her. He was simply pissed and Sarada would take a step back but she was no woman to run away.
"Hey! This ice-cream should mine!" He said, looking at the cone on her hands.
Sarada smirked and took a bite, laughing even more than before. "Too bad I already licked it then."
"This is not funny! My sister will be so mad at me! No other place has a pineapple flavor at all, this was my only chance." He complained in a quite aggressive tone. If Sarada didn’t like him before he said any words, she disliked him even more after.
"This is not my problem and you're being extremely unreasonable." She mimicked his tone.
He rolled his eyes. “What do you know?”
“Apparently I know how to talk to people better than you do.” 
“You say that but you’re doing the exact same thing I am.”
“Listen here. I don’t…”
It was then that they both felt a burn on their arms, right over the words Sarada stared so profusely the night before, one that made their hands go straight into it. She was scared to look but the boy in front of her did it and started to laugh right after, suddenly relaxed.
Boruto had deliberately denied telling anyone his soulmate's first words as he was the only one that could see it. He asked himself how could a person ever say such a thing in a first encounter but smiled when thinking about how unique they would be together and about what could his other half have on their arm. He never thought it could be it. The girl in front of him was pretty; even if he thought destiny was just joking when brought them together that way, he wanted to know more than her favorite ice cream flavor.
Sarada looked at him one more time before seeing the black tattoo over her arm. She took a deep breath and thought about it for a second. It was impossible to avoid your soulmate, she knew it, even when apparently there was a mistake. She would never love anyone that screams at others for no reason.
"Well, that's unusual," the attendant of the ice cream shop broke the awkward silence that had settled with a smug expression. "I've never seen soulmates fighting when they traded their first words." 
As the couple didn’t show any reaction, the man started to get uncomfortable as well. It seemed like they didn't know what to do next; everyone always talked about what happened before, about the first words and that exact moment where they found their soulmate and knew they were for life. No one ever talked about how to deal with it. 
At his constant stare, Sarada felt completely different from anything she had in life. "I can't believe that you, out of all the nice people I've met, are my…"
“For all you know, I could be really nice.”
“Or you could be terrible.” She said matter-of-factly.
“To be fair you can also be really terrible. If that’s the case then we can be terrible together and scare little kids in public spaces.” A smug grin grew on his face; Sarada knew he was proud.
“Yeah, I’m thinking no… But thanks.” She held back her own smile.
Boruto chuckled and walked away, closer to the booths in the back of the shop, followed by a confused and kinda mad Sarada. “I’m Boruto by the way. You?”
With narrowed eyes, she slowly enounced her name. “Sarada.”
He turned away and sat, waiting for her to sit across. “I think we began in the wrong way.”
“Oh, you think?” Sarada wondered if that was the time to use her self defense skills and kick his snob ass to space, however, something about his smile of the way he moved his hair away from his face made her stay still and appreciate it.
"Sarada… Your name is Sarada right?” She tried to glare him but whenever she looked at his direction a blush spread itself all over her face. He was it. He was her long-awaited love. And he was a jerk.
“Don’t be mad at me,” Boruto said, smirking. “It’s none of our faults that fate wants us together.”
Sarada crossed her arms. “Does fate have a customer attendance service? I want to file a complaint.”
“We’ll have a long time in our lives for you to complain about it as much as you want.” He looked to the other side. "I'm sorry for screaming at you."
"It was extremely uncalled for."
"I’m not just a rude person, I swear. My sister is sick so she can't leave the house. It's kinda stressful but, since it's summer, I just wanted to sneak in some ice cream to her and I know pineapple is her favorite. I think I went too far." 
"You did. Nonetheless, if that was the case you're forgiven." 
Boruto lightly took her arm from over the table and checked the single word on it. His smile made her blush.
“I always wondered what my words to my soulmate would be and I cannot believe that it’s only 'hey'." Boruto grinned while he showed his extended left arm for her. "I wanted to know how you'd be like. Those are bold words, the kind of thing you listen once or twice in a lifetime, if ever." Sarada could read ‘too bad I already licked it then’ written in black over his arm and she immediately got red all over. It was not a great sentence, she should've shut her mouth. Seeing her reaction he retrieved his arm. "Well, it could be worse. You were just talking about ice cream. Which by the way we should probably take another one for you." He pointed at her long-forgotten pineapple-flavored ice-cream that splashed against the floor.
Sarada denied his offer but he asked for a coconut ice cream himself. She watched as Boruto called his sister saying he would be late and explaining the situation and overheard the screaming answer he got. Truth to be told, Sarada had never felt so vulnerable. He was just a random guy that all of a sudden had a lifetime promise by her side. As Boruto looked inside her eyes she felt like he could read her thoughts. She couldn’t understand why she wanted to stare deep in his blue eyes for the rest of her life. Maybe she wasn’t supposed to understand the way he had such an effect on her, even when rationally he was not on her good side. When he finished his ice cream they got up and walked towards the door in silence.
She fidgeted her dress, looked everywhere else but him. Words were trying to escape her throat as she walked nervously through the streets. In a deep breath, she let it go. “Do we really need to get together now? We barely know each other.”
He chuckled. “No. Destiny is not decided for us. It’s entirely our choice as to if we want to follow this path. We were only given an option. I understand if you want to walk away.” He casually said.
Sarada stopped on the spot and her sight suddenly couldn’t leave him. After all his positiveness towards the situation, she was afraid he was backing out on them or in what they could be because of how she placed her words. However, when he took both her hands, blue eyes captivating and blond hair slight hovering over her face she couldn’t help but think if that was how having a soulmate felt. It felt like coming home after the storm, relieving and warm, safe and comfortable. His smell intoxicated her nostrils while his hand carefully interlaced their fingers. Only then she noticed that the important part was not the first words like she grew to believe, it was what happened next.
“But if we have this chance, I'd like to try,” Boruto whispered.
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