#i've gotten a fic idea from animation memes people made
plothooksinc · 10 months
fic writer meme: 2, 3, 9, 25?
2. Is there a trope you’ve yet to try your hand at, but really want to?
Ahh, nope? Nope, not really. If my brain goes "but what is this idea" I then go and write that idea, so inasmuch as I think in terms of tropes (I don't, usually, I look at my writing after the fact and go "oh this contains tropes A B and C" but I've never sat down to go "Imma write a trope") if I have a desire to write it I've already written it. That being said, that doesn't mean there are tropes I haven't done that I will not do in the future! They'll just kind of happen organically at some point I guess.
3. Is there a trope you wouldn’t touch with a ten foot pole?
Almost certainly! (Though I wonder if tropes is really the right word for the meme maker, honestly...) Um, I don't find any trope in itself awful gross and off limits, but I'd find more than a few either in my list of "I'm not interested in writing this" or "I am not capable of writing this", and anything even vaguely smut related goes into both categories. There are likely a whole bunch that are not smut related that I also wouldn't write, but I don't have the awareness to know what those might be off the top of my head. (this does not include romance, FYI, I'm quite happy to write that, but I generally only write very specific kinds of that, too, because I'm allergic to anything that gets syrupy).
9. Which fic has been the hardest to write?
Snowblind, without a doubt. "I've got a great idea! Let's take two people who hate each other and ditch them in the middle of the Japanese countryside in winter!" Did I know anything about Japanese countryside, winter, snow and blizzard survival? I'm Australian. Nope. Had I ever written chapters that were 99% description of bitter harsh conditions? Nope. Did I spend hours researching for nearly every paragraph I wrote of chapter 2? Yup. About the only thing I knew was that you could use animal grease to protect your extremities from the cold, and the rest was ferocious research the entire way through, lmao. (Me, a year ago: how...to...survive...an...avalanche...) That being said, Snowblind is also one I'm pretty proud of for the exact same reasons, I had to work for this one.
25. What do you look for in a beta?
Someone who has a good grasp of writing themselves and I know has very similar views to me on the source material. My first fic went un-betaed because I didn't know anyone in fanfiction land, until I hit about chapter 15-ish and developed enough of a rapport with one of my readers that we were talking offline and she agreed to help out. Legacy went unbeta-ed for the most part for the same reasons (new to TMNT fanfiction). I made an exception to the rule for Underdark because I'd gotten like.... 50 pages in before I started posting but I wasn't sure if the story worked, so I asked on LJ if anyone would be willing to help out and got two offers, so I took them both. Sometimes I need a beta before I have the courage to post, ahaha.
When I started writing NRFTW I knew exactly who to go to because we have incredibly similar opinions on TMNT and their characterisation and have known each other and RPed with each other for years, so I just popped on to discord out of the blue and said HEY PI and she said YES GIMME and so I have latched onto @shadowbends for all things TMNT related and she's an excellent writer no matter what she says (I still have a spray bottle, Pi) and has been invaluable on the way through. ♥ So. You know. Find a person you can work with as a partner and go for it.
Thank you for the questions!
Meme for Fic Writers here.
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canariie · 2 years
For the writer ask meme; 23, 25, 45, and 46! I'm pretty curious ^^
From the questions for fic writers:
23. What’s a trope, AU, or concept you’ve never written, but would like to?
Hmmmmm....I would like to write a version of "enemies to lovers" for Hitsuhina though I would probably twist it to "misunderstood people to lovers" haha (partly because I don't know if I could ever perceive them as true true enemies).
I also really want to write a slowburn!!! I think it takes a lot of skill and patience to restrain yourself from having two characters immediately get together (at least for me lol).
In one of my first long fics, which was a Bleach take on Cinderella with Toushiro as Cinderella and Momo as Prince Charming, it was a 'strangers to lover' situation. But since I was reinterpreting a fairy tale, I think I purposely moved things quickly? (tho I wrote the chapters too long as I said before lol)
25. What other websites or resources do you use most often when you write?
Ah, can't say that I really use any formal websites haha. But YouTube for listening to music and Google for finding synonyms for words I repeat too often lol
But! When I'm writing a new character I'm not familiar with, I try to read other writer's interpretations of them as well as re-read their moments in Bleach manga/watch clips of them on YouTube.
45. What’s something you’ve improved on since you started writing fic?
I answered this question here, but for a different response, I think I've learned how to detect what really makes a great story.
I am by no means an expert or a writing genius, however as I partake in other forms of media -- like reading other people's stories/ watching movies/ reading manga/ reading novels-- it's become more clear to me what makes a great story. Either having clear goals for characters, deliberate pacing, symbolism, believable language and motives, tight plots; this has all made me revisit older stories I Loved as a child and evaluate if I still enjoy them.
For example, in Card Captor Sakura (if it's not already obvious how much I enjoy this story through my multiple repeats of it or my profile picture haha), I think what was super compelling about the story was that yes it was about magic and magic girl adventures. But! At the heart of things it was about love and all its thematic nuances! Specifically with Syaoran, whose inital motives were in the self-interest were for getting stronger but then he is slowly broken down by Sakura's kindness and finds himself falling for her (in a very steady progression if you watch the anime!)
I think there are even scenes where there is no card captured in favour of Sakura helping her family/loved ones -- which I think strengthened the show over other magic girl ones.
46. Do you prefer writing on your phone or on a computer (or something else)? Do you think where you write affects the way you write?
I primarily write on my laptop. However, I do keep a little document on my phone of short snippets of ideas or prompts I want to explore for later-- partly because I don't have an idea more than a few words or key lines. However, when I scroll through it, I'm always surprised at what I write because sometimes I don't quite remember writing it haha (and also because it's usually such random sentence fragments)
Here's a snippet of the portion of the doc that had some concepts for i just called to say (and a bit of trepidation!)Not all of it makes it in or its in the wrong order so I'm not always married to what I write down here too. also not me cropping out the other parts of the screenshots because i have a feeling i'm going to write those fics eventually
Tumblr media
Lately, I've gotten into the habit of writing dialogue on my phone if it suddenly comes to me and I am immediately enamored with the pacing and tone of it (before I forget it or if I don't have the chance to go to my computer).
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thefloatingstone · 3 years
Felt like posting because of that anon. You're one of my favourite blogs on this website. You always post great content. A mix of funny stuff and cool informative tidbits. You are the pinnacle of what I look for in a blog. I'm so thankful you keep political and upsetting posts to a minimum. Many times I've come across interesting blogs but were immediately turned off because they posted about "this bad thing is happening and you should feel personally guilty about it" also when I first started following you I realised you wrote a ratchet and Clank fic years ago that I really liked "blood for oil" and I was like "oh shit! That c-puff!" Anyway I hope you have a great day and keep being you!
(just a heads up this ask was not posted after the last one, I just don't get to things in time)
Thank you so very very much ;A; 💖💖💖 aaaaaah That really makes me happy that my off the wall interests are like... actually interesting and not boring for people X'D because I am aware a lot of things I get focused on are these weird ass out-of-left-field things which probably make a lot of people go "how do you even KNOW about this???" (the answer is I have no idea. I pick up random trivia and media like a lint roller and forget where I learned anything from)
As for the upsetting political stuff and such, I try my best to fully read over a post when I see its on a serious subject (which is hard sometimes with ADHD and a wall of text), and then I try and see if there is any real purpose to showing the post to the people following me. If it's about something upsetting, does it offer solutions or resources, or is it simply the equivalent of banging on a gong to make sure people "know" about something. And if it's merely just information with no resources, is THIS specific post worth showing to others? Is it fulled of charged emotional language? Is it guilt tripping? What is the intention behind why the post was made? and finally, the easiest one for me, "Do I have the emotional reserves to engage with the subject matter enough to spread it and possibly start a conversation, or am I at this moment in time not able to engage with this?"
You can't pour from a cup that is empty, and I do actually try my best not to upset the people who have decided my blog is something they would like to follow. I do not want to traumatise people who decide to spend time on my blog, and although sometimes I do feel it's important to inform others, I also understand that people come to tumblr to GET AWAY from shit. Sometimes we just want to take a fucking break from he real world for 5 minutes and look at memes. And that is not only valid but is in actuality CRUCIAL to improving things on a larger scale.
We NEED rest and time off and relaxation. And honesty? I don't have any desire to turn my blog into a billboard for the latest headlines.
I'm here to talk about anime from the 80s nobody else has every heard of.
Anyway this ask has gotten away from me but THANK YOU SO MUCH ONCE AGAIN! For such a kind message TTOTT
AND ALSO FOR READING BLOOD FOR OIL dshfdshfhh I never ended up finishing that one so I'm really surprised it was one you liked 8'DDD thank you so much!!! 💖💖💖
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heartoferebor · 3 years
for the fic ask meme: 2, 13, 17
2: Do you focus on attention to detail when you read fics? Are you more or less attention to detail focused when you write fics?
Depends on which details we're talking about. I'm usually not really a stickler for exact numbers or years when reading fics and can overlook a lot. But other stuff I pay attention (mostly things I have a special interest in or that were part of my degree) - for example animal taxonomy (if you call a spider an insect I WILL close the tab no matter how good the fic).
When writing I usually try to pay attention to details such as timelines, years, etc., but to be honest, I'm just human and sometimes things just don't work out how you want them to. I do like detailed descriptions of situations etc though, something I very consciously rein in a lot when writing because it just bores people otherwise haha.
13: Do you prefer writing multi-chapter fics or single-part fics? Do you prefer reading multi-chapter fics or single-part fics?
The boring but honest answer is - both? I need a healthy mix.
I like having at least one multichapter fic in the works at most points in time because it forces me to write most days to keep to my self-set release schedule (usually once a month, e.g. the first Saturday of the months like Every Little Scar right now). But only writing multi-chapter stuff would quickly become overwhelming and some ideas don't NEED multichapter things. Sometimes I just wanna write a nice lil 3k PWP. Or 5k of torture p*rn. Or 3k of softness. You know? Not every meal needs to be a 5 course dinner. Sometimes cheese & crackers does it just as well.
Same goes for reading - I love getting stuck into a nice big longfic that I read over the course of weeks, but I also love nice, self-contained little one shots, especially when I have no energy for longer stuff. A couple of weeks ago I was so stressed and drained from my job that I couldn't read any fic longer than 20k, for example.
17: What has been the proudest moment for you so far since you started writing?
I once won a writing competition when I was younger, that was fun haha. In terms of fic, I always love it when I get 'I hadn't considered this pairing before but reading your fic for them made me ship it." THE BEST FEELING, HONESTLY.
There are also a number of very personal and very sweet comments that I've received on various fics - I treasure every single comment I ever get so much but there are some that have hit a lot deeper, like people telling me that reading my fic has helped them through a personal loss and helped them grieve and heal, for example. Like, dang. The power of words ❤
Also, and this is gonna sound so stupid, but I'm really proud of how my writing has evolved over the years? I started writing fic almost 20 years ago (if you don't count the 4 page sequel to The Neverending Story that I 'wrote' when I was like 7, lmao) and quickly got a point where I was fairly happy with my stuff in my native language. But then I emigrated and found a different life in a different country and I struggled super hard at the beginning to write in English, because English and German prose are veeeeeery different and my style in German didn't translate at all (also, I have no gift whatsoever for languages. I have a maths and science brain. English was my second worst subject at school lmao)! It's only been in the last...2 or 3 years, I think, that I feel like I've gotten somewhere good with my writing and it's kind of an awesome feeling. It's not perfect and never will be but hey, I can make words go and do things, and make people feel stuff, how cool is that.
Ask me about fic writing!
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