#i've had a wendy headcanon post gathering dust in my notes for like two weeks but i made this instead of working on it
just-someone-online · 2 months
Juvia headcanons!
One of my favs!
Someone once asked Juvia who she would switch magics with if she could, just as a conversation starter, and to the surprise of everyone in earshot, she said Gajeel. When asked why, she embarrassedly said it was because after seeing someone eat iron for so long, you get a little curious about how it tastes.
Lucy thought Juvia was being a contrarian about liking Vidaldus' music, but no, she's just straight up a metalhead. Juvia invited her to a concert once, and Lucy watched in bemused disbelief as Juvia calmly hummed along to the music while everyone around them screamed and thrashed their heads.
Juvia doesn't know how to swim without turning into water. No one really had an issue with it until she was chained with magic sealing cuffs on a job and nearly drowned. After that, Erza put her through an intensive three day training session to stop it from happening again.
She still keeps up with Totomaru! She tried to convince him to join Fairy Tail when she convinced Gajeel, but he refused to step foot in any guild that had Natsu in it.
A lot of people have mistaken Wendy for her little sister, and Juvia has begun leaning into it on the rare occasion they go on a job together. It was a little embarrassing being doted on at first, but Wendy would be lying if she said she didn't enjoy it at least a little.
She and Mira have a massive shipping chart stored in the back of the guild. Carla walked in on them debating whether Lisanna had a thing for Natsu or Lucy and left before she could get dragged into that mess.
While she's no professional seamstress, Juvia is skilled enough with a needle that a lot of her guildmates go to her when their clothes are damaged. She normally doesn't charge, but Natsu comes to her so often that she's considering making an exception.
Juvia sometimes turns into water while she's napping. It's happened often enough that Mira puts a bucket near her when she begins dozing off.
Gajeel is the one who cut her hair when she first joined Fairy Tail. In fact, he's been helping her with her hair for a long time, much to the shock of everybody she's told about it.
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