#i've learned from my last rp blogs to take breaks an not be like 'i have to be here everyday'
Yo, I've been casually checking out the blog from time to time since a while. So long story slightly shortened I used to be a part of the Assemblage Gnome Guild during BFA and some part of Shadowlands. See, I got nabbed up when I was a complete noobie alt-tabbing in Stormwind while waiting on a fella to hop on to RP. Well, they were busy and when I tabbed back in i was being approached lmao. Despite vague warnings of this PCU I had no real clue and didn't bother to look up what was going on. I got booted for inactivity when irl got the best of me, with Perroy himself asking me "Do you even rp anymore" or shit along those lines. Told him I was on a break and sometime later i learned i was booted when I did not spot the Discord server on my list. So can I get caught up on wtf has been going on with the Assemblage and that other Dwarf Guild i cant remember the name of? I can post my whole ass story in a follow up, either here or on discord, but I am curious what has been going on with them during their existence, even when I was not there. I was around when the guild was on it's last legs, the head honcho having quit, replaced by another character. Said new GM literally had to use an alt for the next next event's npcs. (I say next twice cuz the first one they planned literally did not get enough people to attend [skull emoji].) Also I heard about something something Perroy and gnomes. So.. yeah. Don't spare me any details 'n stuff, I wanna know it all. Also as an ending note here is a fun fact: I got scolded several times for logging off before the member count thing that was happening by the leader at the time, Ryder. Thanks for reading my ramblings. I might even ramble more sometime.
Assemblage of Uld and League of Modimus were the real main Eastern Kingdoms foothold for the PCU after the Bloody Verdict was brought down in (you guessed it) a sex pest scandal. Despite that however Gnome and Dwarf RP has always been a niche that never truly gains the same number of players as other more popular niches (Humans, Military, Elves etc).
From our understanding there were too many long term Dwarf guilds persisting on Argent Dawn for the standard PCU policy of infiltration, dissimulation and assimilation of others for the PCU to maintain consistent numbers and activity.
Guild leaders from League of Modimus also ended up wanting to try out and make a Dracthyr guild as Dragonflight approached and their attempts understandably backfired when it was seen that they were not just some normal RPers but actually PCU gang members trying to take over yet another niche.
League of Modimus and Assemblage of Uld ultimately merged into Forgecog Fellowship, which lasted a few months before ultimately unable to keep interest, also went the way of the dinosaur.
Your insights however have been of interest to us, and again confirm the type of person Perroy and his officers have usually been. If you would like to share more we would be happy to publicize your experiences, anonymously of course if that is desired.
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oraclememehacker · 10 months
I think I said this the last time you did one of these, but your Futaba is PHENOMINAL
Everything you write with her feels straight out of the source material, she's extremely likable, and her constant memes and references are never to the point where they're annoying (Honestly they're more endearing than anything). All your different verses are extremely creative and make for fascinating reads and amazing interactions! Some of my favorite threads I've ever had on this account have been with your Futaba, whether it's something more serious like the one with the miracle drug, or something ridiculous like that stupid Plushie supervillain thread that still makes me laugh
And while I haven't seen much of either of them, your Sojiro and Wakaba seem very on point too! Wakaba is especially impressive since she didn't have a lot to work with, but you made her extremely compelling, and that has to be commended
TL;DR You're doing awesome with all of them! Keep up the good work!
How am I doing with my character?
Send in your constructive criticism, your tips, your unfiltered opinion! Words of love, words of critique, so long as it’s not blind hatred!
I usually reblog these as a means to just take a temperature so to speak: to make sure that I'm not straying too far from what people like about my blog and characterization of Futaba. You know, it can happen that you inadvertently change the characterization of someone over time just because of mind set changes and how you view the character. So I just make sure that I'm still doing well.
With that said, I really, really appreciate it! <33. I mean it, knowing that I make people think that I'm rping her like she is in canon is something that I always strive for. It's a challenge because I'm westerner trying to rp as an eastern character so it's always something I'm working on getting better with. I'm trying to incorporate more actual Japanese stuff as I learn more about the culture and such.
I'm glad you love the rps that we've done. They're some of my favorites as well. It's so funny when I think about the marketable plushie thing because it wasn't meant to be her actually transforming into a plushie, but merely her breaking the 4th wall a bit and showing a plushie of herself. With that said, what actually happened was way funnier than my original idea for it.
And I'm glad you like Sojiro and Wakaba as well. They are fun to rp with, and whilst I wish we got more stuff about Wakaba in canon, I guess that's my cue to come up with more stuff with her, since she's similar to Futaba, but I wanted to add my own twists to her. A workaholic who's not the best at socializing but is still loving and motherly, especially post strikers verse where she isn't addicted to her work as much.
And Sojiro is of course Sojiro. I love him to death, just like I love Dojima in 4. He has to deal with a lot taking care of Futaba, but he does the best he can, and whilst he isn't exactly open at first, he gets better and I think he ends up getting used to the idea of taking care of a bunch of misfits, and takes in more when he can.
Thanks for all the praise! You're great as well. I love all the ideas you come up with Phantom Spider and such. It's clear you have talent and passion towards all of this, and I love when we talk and I get to throw my ideas out. So I really appreciate all of that. Man, this wasn't meant to be such a huge reply, and I could've just replied with a gif but I didn't feel like that would be appropriate. anyways, here's the gif:
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starsdeath · 2 years
———  basics! ♡
(PEN)NAME:  boo / bo / spookington
PRONOUNS:  she /
TAKEN OR SINGLE:  single, so single, i only like fictional people
TIME ZONE:  mountain standard time aka midwestern america pretty much
———  three  facts! ♡
i have a close to 13 years old kitty named lyra, who i named after a fictional magical leopard with wings from one of my favorite books series that i had when i got her (which was about 13 years ago lol).
i am very slowly working on building my own d&d world as i love d&d / critical role / dimension 20, and I am also working on a couple novel ideas and a lot of poetry.
i have fantastically bad luck with computers a lot of the time lol.
———  experience ! ♡
i started rping technically in about 2009 with some of my friends, a lot of which was a combo between pen and paper, as well as using facebook messages to rp, and it was a lot of naruto / bleach / whatever anime we were all into at the time worlds that we rped in. i definitely had a very overpowered and mary sue-ish character, though i've tried to do a lot of work in making my characters less like that and more like, reasonably powerful / odd in relation to the world they're for and the lore i've built for them? if that makes sense.
i didn't rp for about four years and then picked it up again sometime in 2016 where i did tolkien rp (which was actually quite fun) and then i proceeded to go more into the video game direction for what universes and characters i wanted to rp in, and up until about last year, i only rped as my own original characters because i was way too scared to try my hand at canon characters. the most i did canon-wise was write characters that were canon adjacent, such as one of my current muses, though the blog is on hiatus rn, who is the good hunter / ashen one / chosen undead for the souls games, and that is the closest i got until friends got me into genshin and eventually this blog was born.
i did rp the most consistently during the 2018-2020 period probably, with ocs, but with life in general i tend to take a couple month long breaks periodically.
———  muse preference !  ♡
ladies and nonbinary folks are the muses i'm most comfortable with (and definitely part of why i headcanon so many canon characters as being nonbinary), though over the last year / year and a half, i really have been trying to write more men and get more comfortable writing men. so, even though i sort of default to nonbinary folk and ladies, i also do enjoy writing men, even if i still feel like i struggle with them a little bit sometimes.
———  FLUFF / ANGST / SMUT! ♡    
FLUFF:  i can not stress how much i love fluff. i love it so much, and it always brightens my day!
ANGST:  i enjoy it! i have learned that i do have to be careful to not write too much angst with nothing else, esp if there's a lot going on irl because it just isn't good for me, but as long as i can manage it well (which i'm pretty good at by now i like to think), then i actually really enjoy doing angst. especially if it's a thing that can help with character development. plus, i have a lot of sad thoughts about my muses so, it works lol.
SMUT: i'm pretty chill with it! i like smut, though i am very out of practice with it lmao, and it's not something i've done too often. i'd be open to doing it more, even though i do tend to gravitate towards fluff the most, if i can combine smut with fluff or angst, then i'm definitely groovy lol.
PLOT / MEMES:  i don’t mind either approach honestly, though i feel like i struggle with plotting sometimes so i tend to do memes more. however! i would like to do plotting more / get better at plotting. on the other hand though, i love memes so much, and i do like to hoard them sometimes, so yeah. i really like both though i tend to do more memes even though i am trying to definitely be better about plotting.
TAGGED: stole it from @txnichtgut
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tunetest-blog · 7 years
blog will not be active for a little bit  a few days to a week  due to personal reasons ( i may lurk now an again though & i also have discord available to those who want it to just hmu ! )
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astraeawrites · 7 years
Hey! After following you for a while, I've become very interested in getting into the rp community. However, I have absolutely no idea how. Could you possibly give me any tips on where to begin?
astraea’s tips, tricks, & advice for new rpers !!
I’m so glad that my blog has inspired you! I can definitely offer you a few tips and give you a general idea of how and where to begin. I hope all of this helps you out, and as always, feel free to reach out to me through IMs as well. I’ve done a lot of “RP mentoring” type of things where I’ve helped new roleplayers out and it’s always been a pleasure and a great experience. 
Since this list of tips is a little lengthy, I’ve placed it under a read more. But anyways, let’s begin!
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❝ ※ *. : 。 →  TYPES OF ROLEPLAYS.
I believe that in order to get a good grasp of the concept of roleplaying, you need to learn about and understand the various ways you can do it. Generally speaking, there are three main ways to RP. Of course, within that, there are subcategories, but we’ll get there when we get there. Just know that you have a choice to pick where you feel most comfortable.
group roleplay. 
For a long time, roleplay groups (RPGs) were relatively simple. They were broken up into two simple categories: original character (OC) and biography roleplays. How, however, it has become a little bit more complex. Skeleton roleplays and appless roleplays have quickly taken over, and for a moment, multi-muse (mumu) roleplays were popular. Of course, this most likely sounds like a load of gibberish, so let me enlighten you a little. 
Roleplay groups (RPGs) ⸺ this is the umbrella term for roleplays that consist of a group of people. It acts like a network and generally speaking, the group will follow the same plot and there is a main account that represents them as a whole. if you are not in the group, then you cannot roleplay with any of the characters that are in it and vice versa; if you are in it, you cannot roleplay with people that aren’t. this is generally referred to as a closed group. 
Original character roleplays (OC RP) ⸺ this is a type of RPG in which the people who wish to be a part of it are responsible for creating their own characters. each person has written their own character, and therefore, the character belongs to them. some roleplays that are mixed with biography roleplays, however, may ask you if they can keep your character as a pre-written bio if you ever chose to leave. this isn’t really common anymore, though. 
Biography roleplays (bio RP) ⸺ this is a type of RPG in which the admins/creators of the roleplay are responsible for writing the characters’ biographies. not all roleplays, however, can claim ownership over the characters since some of them are fandom-based, and therefore, belong to the original content creator. 
Skeleton roleplays ⸺ this is a type of RPG in which the admins/creators of the roleplay have provided a basic outline of a character. usually, these types of roleplays do not assign faceclaims to the role; instead, they make suggestions, but inevitably, do leave the faceclaim decision up to the applicant. 
Appless roleplays ⸺ this is a type of RPG in which the application process is relatively simple. the application has a layout in which the information you input is the basic stuff. characters name, age, a secret or positives/negatives, and your out of character information. 
Multi-muse roleplays (mumu RP) ⸺ this is a type of RPG in which the number of characters you can have is very high. in a normal roleplay, your character limit is usually anywhere from one to three. in a mumu, however, you are able to have a larger amount of characters. this is also a little tricky because i have seen mumus done in different ways. one way that is common is mumus that are set up like rpgs. another way, which is the only way i have ever done a mumu, is by connecting with a group of friends you feel comfortable with. this is an easy way to test out new ships or characters without having all the pressure of a more “professional” rpg setting. 
Twitter roleplays ⸺ this is a type of RPG in which there is a main account on tumblr where you can apply, but the actual roleplay occurs on twitter. really, i’ve never been in one of these so i’m not sure how they go. i will leave a link at the end to a tutorial, though. 
Now, within all of this, there are different genres you can look into. Horror, action, mystery, urban, bandom, fandom, etc. Again, the choice is yours. One thing to consider, though, is how much time you have and how much you are willing to write. Generally speaking, appless roleplays, twitter roleplays, and some OC roleplays have less writing than the others. However, this is just a generalization and does not apply to every roleplay that falls into these categories. Also, remember that no person is better than the other just because they write more or less. 
independent/1x1 roleplay.
This style of roleplay is not for everyone. For some, it can be a little more intimidating than a group roleplay. To others, it can be even better than a group. It’s up to your personal preference, and within this category, you have the option of independent roleplaying, or 1x1 roleplaying. Let’s get to know both of the options. 
Independent roleplay (indie RP) ⸺ this is a style of roleplay in which you are essentially creating your own rules. this, as the name suggests, grants you more freedom. in this, you are not confined to a group; therefore, you can roleplay with whoever you want. the drawback? a lot of indie roleplayers are picky with who you write you. you may see a lot of words like “selective” and “mutuals only” being used and this is simply because they create their own rules and they determine who they want to roleplay with. generally speaking, many people do pick only one character to play and choose one fandom to stick with. however, as always, this is not always the case and many people also do have “primary” characters and verses that they write in/with and “secondaries.”
1x1 roleplay (1x1 RP) ⸺ this is a style of roleplay in which you are essentially creating your own rules. this, as the name suggests, usually means that one character is roleplaying with another and you have an established writing partner a plotline. 1x1s are meticulously plotted out with a fellow writer. since there are a lot of 1x1 roleplayers, it is relatively hard to get yourself established. because of this, i do recommend being very outgoing and friendly. 
Now, these styles of roleplays, in my opinion, are more difficult than RPGs. I have a hard time reaching out to RPers that I want to write with, especially if we aren’t in a group. Also, not to bash anything or give you an opinion before you can really form your own, but many fandom indie/1x1 people can be very cliquey. You’ll come to notice that there are a lot of call out posts involved with people bullying/being rude. Obviously, however, this can happen everywhere. 
❝ ※ *. : 。 →  GENERAL RULES.
The majority of roleplays and people have a general understanding and a general idea of roleplay etiquette. This includes, but is not limited to:  
No bullying is allowed. This is a quick way to get a call out post about you. Just be nice and don’t try to “troll” people. It really isn’t nice to get hate messages. 
Don’t steal. Seriously, don’t steal characters, roleplay ideas, or themes that do not belong to you. It’s a huge no-no. 
Don’t godmod. Over the years, this has developed a bit. Godmodding used to be described as writing a character who is oppressing another or controlling another person’s character. Now, assuming a person’s thoughts/actions/words is also considered godmodding. The best thing is to ask if the other person is comfortable with something or if it is within their character’s limits. 
Don’t lie. This is serious. Lying, especially about your age, is wrong. If you are lying and saying you are older than you really are, you can actually get into legal trouble. This is specific toward people who are underaged and write smut. As a general rule, do not write smut unless you are 18 or older, and do not write smut with another person unless they are 18 or older. 
Tag any triggers. Of course, you may forget or you may not be aware of what other people may consider a trigger, but do your best. And FYI, tag your triggers with the trigger first. For example: blood tw. See? Blood is put before the tw and this is primarily because blacklist will only pick up the first word of a tag. At least, that’s what people have been saying? Not sure, but still, do it just to be safe. 
Organization. I’m not saying this is necessary, but it is appreciated. Having a tag system is great because it can allow others to navigate your blog easily. Also, have a neat and clean theme that has legible text. 
Cut your posts. Cutting your posts means that only the 2 most recent replies are included in the post. This means the other person’s last reply and your reply. I’ll provide a link to a tutorial at the end. 
A lot of people forget these things, so I think it’s important to get them ingrained into your system before you start! 
First and foremost, this is for fun. If you find yourself getting stressed or anxious, stop, take a break, and focus on what really matters. Roleplaying is an outlet, and therefore, should be something that relaxes you. If you need to quit an RPG because life is too busy, do it. If you need to drop plots, do it. The group and your writing partners will understand, and if they don’t, well, they probably aren’t people you should be associating with, to begin with. 
Only take on what you can handle. Don’t be afraid to say no to plotting, especially with indies or 1x1s. If you have too much going on, politely decline and offer to plot when you have free time.
Aesthetic isn’t everything. I know people that don’t like those contained themes but use it because people will only RP with them if they have a contained theme with nice graphics. That logic is flawed because people shouldn’t want to roleplay with you because you have a nice aesthetic. They should roleplay with you because of a connection. 
Getting your application rejected isn’t the end of the world. If you get rejected, you can always ask why or what you can improve upon. Take the opportunity to improve your writing and general understanding of concepts. I’ve personally been rejected about four times from roleplays, two of which happened last year when I had about 5 years of experience on my hand. It really isn’t the end of the world and a lot of times, it’s just because the admins felt that another person had a better understanding of the character, not because your writing “sucks.”
If you feel insecure about your writing, that doesn’t mean you have to stop. Be observant and look at the way other people write and see if there’s something lacking in your own. Maybe your writing is clouded with purple prose or maybe your narratives aren’t descriptive enough. Always be observant and try to improve, don’t give up right away. 
❝ ※ *. : 。 →  HELPFUL LINKS.
This is just a short compliation of helpful links to get you started!
RP Terms (fuckyeahroleplayadvice)
Roleplaying 101 (rpstagram)
How to Twitter RP (kcliuchis)
Extremely Basic Roleplay Basics (rpedia)
Writing Problems I Noticed In My Own Writing (blackgirlmagicwrites)
How to Set Up Your Blog / Reply Using xKit (thcojamcs)
Writing Good Thread Replies (duorpt)
How to Roleplay on the Mobile Tumblr App (valofrph)
Cutting Posts (ronweasleywrites)
Tips for Writing RP Starters (forfriendshipbutter-blog)
Indie and 1x1 Roleplaying (sgomezofrpharchive)
Become More Confident in Your Writing (astraeawrites)
❝ ※ *. : 。 →  HELPFUL BLOGS.
This is a short compilation of highly imformative and helpful blogs. 
Again, feel free to IM me. I deeply enjoy helping out new roleplayers and I’ll even plot with you if you want to get into 1x1s and practice roleplaying against me before you dive head first into the RP community! I hope this helped you out in some way or another.
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