#i've never used tumblr blog notifications. i'm assuming it's push notifications and not email notifications
em-dashes · 2 years
📢 Attention to everyone on my APHELION taglist! 📢
Running and maintaining a taglist has been putting some kind of pressure on me, so I’ve decided to forgo it.
If you’re still interested in getting notifications about APHELION updates though, here’s what you can do!
> I’ll be posting future updates on my APHELION sideblog @project-aphelion. The sideblog will contain ONLY original content about APHELION.
> To get alerted whenever I update, simply turn on the notifications for that blog!
> This takes the pressure off of me to keep track of everyone who wants to be on the taglist, and allows you, the interested party, more control as to whether you want to be notified about updates.
> I will still be reblogging APHELION updates onto this blog, but just without a taglist.
Hope that works for everyone! If there are any concerns let me know :^)
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APHELION Taglist: @chayscribbles @stormharbors@v-snippets @kentwrites @gray-sometimes-writes @wildswrites @ljscrawls @peepos-prose @pimclementine @fictional-semantics @zielenbloesem @spacetimewraithwrites @jadeywrites @lumina-chronicles @strangerays  @ellierenae​
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