#i've not been able to confirm when people started using it in this political context? it isn't in literally any of the other texts i use
lesamis · 11 months
mary shelley is really so extraordinary. "little england" & "little englandism" became an entire political discourse in the late 1800s (best as i can tell from c. 1870 onwards) & denoted those - often, not always, anti-imperial - thinkers who advocated for economic isolationism and wanted to limit the british empire's expansion, administration, and aggression, maintaining that england was best when contained to its own borders. the term is still in use - nowadays in brexit contexts - and was throughout the entire twentieth century.
it is also, in much the same sense in which it'd come to be used fifty years after the novel's publication, somehow in The Last Man - which shelley finished writing in 1826.
The plague was in London! Fools that we were not long ago to have foreseen this. We wept over the ruin of the boundless continents of the east, and the desolation of the western world; while we fancied that the little channel between our island and the rest of the earth was to preserve us alive among the dead. It were no mighty leap methinks from Calais to Dover. The eye easily discerns the sister land; they were united once; and the little path that runs between looks in a map but as a trodden footway through high grass. Yet this small interval was to save us: the sea was to rise a wall of adamant—without, disease and misery—within, a shelter from evil, a nook of the garden of paradise—a particle of celestial soil, which no evil could invade—truly we were wise in our generation, to imagine all these things! But we are awake now. The plague is in London; the air of England is tainted, and her sons and daughters strew the unwholesome earth. And now, the sea, late our defence, seems our prison bound; hemmed in by its gulphs, we shall die like the famished inhabitants of a besieged town. Other nations have a fellowship in death; but we, shut out from all neighbourhood, must bury our own dead, and little England become a wide, wide tomb.
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blackuigryphonvr · 4 years
#PokemonGo #Niantic #Wayfarer #NewPokeStop This is a totally new one that recently went through. I previously wouldn't submit these even tho the old Ingress rules were fine with Water Towers. But, they've been updating the system rules. The founder of the local Discord group suggested adamantly that I go for it, n since I'd had quite a bit of success last month, n he showed me the rules were updated, I went for it.
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This specific location was QUITE A LOT OF EFFORT! I generally shy away from some of the more dedicated hard work ones lately, because there's a gang of punks that just screw with me.... I also am starting to suspect they have beef w the head guy as well. He's very upstanding n likable as a person, very polite, Intelligent, authentic, principled, very fair, n kind. So, I have respect for the man. We're not buddies IRL but within the context of the game and inside his server, we're kool. But, that might be why some immature guys don't like him. People hate me for being nice also.
Anyways, I have a rapport w some of the players. But, outside of the game, we're not actually friends. It's just how the culture is here.
But, I'm very good at speculating n speculative analysis. Based on any given sets of patterns, I can extrapolate things like: cause, motive, profiling of individuals, triangulation, multiple alternative view points, origin, personality, and so on. I use: deduction, reductive logic, Ockham's razor, Socratic Method, inductive reasoning, and plausible concepts, as well as other methods for critical thinking skills.
When I speculate on a persistent pattern of events, especially pesky problems n setbacks, I look for the causes n common patterns. I try to find the most likely n simplistic answers, n look for proof or evidence to back it up... but, when I have missing pieces I have to work either backwards, or imaginatively... I try to scrutinize it n I generally tend to come to about 1-3 theories or hypothesis. Sometimes, it the stuff that's really odd, or crazy that I'm less likely to believe.... but, when something consistently repeats itself.... that's data. The more u have, the more u can build a case... n often times the odd stuff, the possible n plausible things that u think r nuts, start to become the more likely thing.... until BAM u have the evidence. Its one thing to find clues, n another to find a smoking gun.
So..... this is how I conclusively figured out who my list of suspects were, their motives, n results.... since I've pretty much confirmed who is who, n who did what.... I can also speculate that based on various evidence n data that I am leaning towards the idea that a group dislikes the head guy. That's unfortunate, because he's actually rather kind.
I am not sure whether they dislike me because I'm a woman, or I'm a unique person, or because I get along somewhat well w the head guy. But, I also actively encourage others.
(It just so happens that this NEW POKESTOP turned 1 of my other new PokeStops into a PokéGym! AND GUESS WHO WAS INSIDE IT? CONFIRMATION! SMOKING GUN! Ingress/Yellow Team CONFIRMED)
I also had suspected that a group that were screwing w us in our area were Ingress players.... Before, it was usually the Red team that was trouble makers, but they have mostly Mellowed out since September. But, since March I started to notice the Yellow team was acting strange..... this also started escalating in the summer, n various behaviors n things people said to me started to make me suspect something was up on the Yellow Team....
Well, I've pretty much confirmed ALL OF THIS recently! It IS INGRESS PLAYERS AND THEY HAVE POKÉMON GO ACCOUNTS ON THE YELLOW TEAM! I know EXACTLY who the TOP suspect is, n the cohorts.
So.... u can be sneaky n hide.... but like always, they let their guard down, n slip up.... but I'm always vigilant, or take notice of odd things even when I'm not trying....
So, I do know who u are!
Among some of the strangest stuff that happens to me are vehicles that follow me, or honk at me, or shine spotlights on me. As well as shout profanities at me.
Recently, random vehicles pull up to me n want me to get in their cars, especially women whom I don't know.
So, there's at least 3-5 different groups of peoples that have something against me. It's like layers of stuff to sort through...
Well, u like data? How's THIS data for ya?
If u THINK I'm predictable, know that I'm VERY capable adapting, altering my ways of doing things, n throwing u off. U, however, r not as bright as u thought... sure, I can be caught off guard... but, so can u.
I'm NOT A TOY for u to play with. I'm NOT A COMODITY. U can't make me do something I don't want to! U can't make me think anything I don't want to. U can't gaslight me n think it will work.
U can take a flying leap.
U can't stop me. I have more resolve than u. Hate, anger, jealousy, envy, n other negative motivations of bullies n haters cannot be prolonged... after a while, it will wear u out. U will give up.
I can read u even if I can't see u.
U will NEVER BE ME, n u will NEVER eclipse my record. I am THE GREATEST, n most accomplished at getting stuff on the map! I put in the effort! I put in the time! U will NEVER be able to beat that.
I do what I do for positive reasons. This was my dream! I saw it to fruition! I did it ALL ON FOOT! U r just car drivers.
All people in the community, even u, benefit from my hard work! I have the resolve to continue n persevere!
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kaylorwelcomecenter · 5 years
Hiii, I'm new member in kaylor's ship, and i've been wondering what is the information that I need to know about them? You know, the stuff that you say 'it is basic to know this and this' Your blog is incredible, thank youuuu for all your post ❤️
hello!! welcome aboard and thank you for this amazing question!
i hope i am interpreting it right.. these may be too high context and if so i’m so sorry!! here are my basic pieces of info that i have found easy to not know when starting out:
both taylor and karlie have a history of dating women before one another (for taylor we mostly know about dianna agron, for karlie we mostly know about toni garrn). RED and 1989 are thought to be mostly about her relationship with Dianna. You Are In Love and Wildest Dreams are thought to be about Karlie. reputation and Lover and thought to be mostly about Karlie.
karlie is incredibly famous in her own right; an american supermodel who has graced the cover of countless magazines (vogue 40+ times alone!), and has walked in top tier fashion shows, and has been the global face of major brands.
taylor and karlie were formally introduced on november 13th 2013 at the victoria’s secret fashion show by lily aldridge, but have met in passing before then at least twice
one anniversary date for them seems to be March 6th, 2015. this is a date enscribed in a locket that taylor has posted before. some speculate they may have gotten engaged in august 2016. since then, trump got elected and karlie’s beard’s brother got a job in the white house... and karlie has promoted an engagement and wedding with her beard but the consensus in the fandom was that it isn’t real... others believe they have fought and have broken up. fwiw i believe they are still together :)
karlie started ‘bearding’ for joshua kushner when she was 19 and has been with him since. taylor has had beards throughout her career. bearding is an industry term that describes being in a fake relationship for the sake of publicity or covering up one’s sexuality.
in the past, taylor used to stunt (be seen more) with her beard more than karlie. starting from rep, the situation flipped.
whenever taylor or karlie is photographed by the paparazzi, it’s 99 times out of 100 because they called them. being photographed in a ‘candid’ moment generates publicity, and can thus be used as a strategic tool of redirecting attention. when you see new photos of them with their guys, you have to look at it through a critical lens. does taylor’s beard have something to promote? does karlie’s beard’s brother have some bad political headline needing to be buried?
we colloquially refer to kaylor as a ship but i think the majority of the fandom would stop blogging about their possible relationship if taylor or karlie’s teams reached out to us via one of the big blogs and told us to stop. a lot of us kaylors stay kaylors specifically because we have come to the conclusion that their relationship is real. you can see as well some people who used to be kaylors that now believe they have broken up, and have thus stopped blogging about them
to this point, this is a personal decision but i do not like to go full kaylor in the comments of their instagram or twitter.. those are places where they interact with mixed company and i don’t want to like... bother their social circles? if that makes sense. i stick with tumblr specifically because normal people (lol) don’t use it.
it is good to follow some people on instagram though because over time you start to notice hints (visual and literary) in their posts, stories, and likes! it’s cool.
our fandom was well aware of Scooter Braun as being a threat to taylor well before the fandom at large did. Scooter is both Joshua and Karlie’s manager! (eep! talk about conflict of interest!!) so when scooter bought taylor’s old music, from our perspective it’s so much more creepy and a total confirmation of how awful a person he is.
some blogs have connections to industry insiders or anonymous tips that they share with the fandom. i think it’s really interesting to look at but i think there’s reason to believe they are still together separate from sourced intel. i think it’s important to know that we aren’t here solely because we think we have an informant :)
there are so many clues in taylor’s music and we have been able to find stuff that matches up with our understanding of taylor and karlie’s relationship through songs on 1989, rep, and Lover. with each new album comes new confirmation of things we know!
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agl03 · 7 years
How much more do you think they can do with Daisy? I've noticed Chloe posting a lot recently when she'd usually be filming more than posting. Plus, her arc has started to diminish. It started to lessen after Daisy found her parents and got closure. I also feel like that Fitz's arc is starting to become more central and so he could easily be the new Daisy, a missing parent and all. Also, do you think Fitz and Daisy should have a scene where they bond over their issue with their fathers?
Hi Anon!
Its hard to gauge how much someone will be in an episode based on how much they are filming and what/when they are posting.  We know Chloe has been in some insanely long days the last few weeks that she documented for us.  And it might not be she’s filming a ton of scenes, rather a complex fight or stunt scene.   Those also require training and practice that will take a fair amount of time.  I’m a little fuzzy right now but if I remember right her fight scene with Robo Mace, Mack, and Coulson in Self Control took 2-3 days to film.  
Lil and Iain on the other hand don’t do as many action scenes and its even rarer for them to be in an actual full blown fight (their doubles often used to take a hit or a fall).  So they might not be needed on set as long if they are just doing dialogue.
They are also being SUPER secretive about what is going on.  I thought it was bad during the Framework and that was a wealth of information compared to what we’ve got now.   Chloe is able to post a lot, they aren’t concerned with hiding her costume or that she still has finale boo boos.  We’ve seen Natalia and Ming in costume too.  However we haven’t seen Clark, Henry, and Lil in costume in weeks and Jeff or Iain at all yet.  
There was indeed a shift last season as we went into the Mad Science and Tech realm of things.  Inhumans were now more established and their story shifted as well.  We saw a lot of the political side of things.  And Fitz was a very important factor in where they wanted to take the season.  From bringing out the LMD’s and Framework to being AIDA’s target in order to get herself her real girl body.  In that they opened the door for Fitz’s backstory and recovery to continue into Season 5, and it could or couldn’t be a major focus, but I doubt is the prevailing story.  In the end we are an action show.  
Daisy and Fitz have very different fathers.   Cal loved Daisy, and he went mad trying to protect her.  And he did some terrible things in order to get to her….killed, kidnapped, and made his Hyde serum just to name a few.  But he loved her and never stopped looking for her after she was taken from him.  Alistair left Fitz and we have no confirmation right now that Robocliffe was even telling the truth about the message.  Based on what Radcliffe said he’s a drunk and wasn’t bright enough to pick up on Fitz’s genius so right now its hard to see how he fits in with the Spacenappers who have the tech that can freeze people.  Alistair could be in the wind and never seen or heard from again….or he pops up when we least suspect it.  
One of AOS’s overall major overarching stories has always been Daisy’s origin.  We’ve watched her go from hacker, to agent, to Inhuman, and now she continues to grow as a leader.  Those that follow me know that is where I think we really see her arc going this season.   She’ll step up in a leadership role in a big way and she also…at some point needs to clear her and Shield’s name back on earth.  Whatever arc they have planned for Fitz or anyone else won’t top that.
Though Fitz will have a role and story arc he’s wrapped up in.  They are possibly in space or at the very least dealing with Spacenappers who have serious tech. We have The Superiors head out there still.   So he’ll be in the mix, we’re simply in wait and see mode of how.  Just like for everyone else…seriously ABC can we get one tiny hint?!  And while AOS doesn’t give us huge recovery arcs (its not that kind of show) we will have bits of Fitz recovering and Fitzsimmons moving forward (while I am desperately hoping for a story line where they are working together again).
These last few weeks of hiatus have been the worst for me personally.  We didn’t get a lot to go on at the end of the season, compared to season 3, and we don’t have the jolt from SDCC to sustain us.  I have no context for what we are seeing and they are doing a really good job of hiding what they are up too.   Good news is we are just over a month away from NYCC where we know AOS will have some sort of presence.  
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