#i've seen her in that too plus yoga hosers and planetarium which...
pynkhues · 1 year
Thanks for answering my question. I agree with all your points. I have only seen one film with Lilly in it and I DEF see your perspective I do feel, though that she was good in scenes with Timothy it’s like you said how well actors work with others. Like succession for example. I felt like all around that cast is so solid and pretty much. Everybody has a chemistry with everyone.  I’m also impressed on how actors can really portray complex characters and how well you can feel how the  character is feeling even with so little dialogue . Which I feel like it’s kind of hard to do . in my opinion Christina and Manny in gg did that so well. Like such good face actors! there’s so many other examples and other shows, but that’s just a few that comes to mind. Thanks again !
You're very welcome, anon! Yeah, the Succession cast is pretty stellar across the board, but it does have it's weaker performers tbh (I thought Dasha Nekrasova was pretty bad even before I realised she was the same Dasha from Red Scare and I think Nicholas Braun plays gormless and vapid well, but I do sometimes wonder what a different actor might've done with Greg).
Christina Hendricks I do think is a wonderful actress, even though her choice in projects is often hit or miss, and I think Manny can be really great too and has more range than he seems to get cast on the basis of.
I actually think Manny is a really responsive actor, and one who rises to meet his scene partners which means when he's good he's really good, which he was opposite not just Christina, but Matthew Lillard and James Lesure too, who are also really great actors. It does mean though that I think when he's not getting a lot from a scene partner, or he's working with a weaker actor, he can fall a little flat sometimes. It's also why I can personally find him a bit hit or miss in scenes where he's on his own, but yes, when he's great, I think he's great.
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